Context (for those who don’t know): Israel and Palestine

  • Haus
    2159 months ago

    It worked so well when they did the same thing for themselves and Ireland.

          269 months ago

          They weren’t countries. They became countries when the colonizers (and I’m using that term as accurately as possible) lumped together into managed regions and then told them they were countries with their own governments and flags. It was all “We’re going to conquer these people and these people and these people, then put Governor Fitzroy, nephew to the Prince, in charge of all of it with a big army to back him up.” Then they wrote laws and made flags and all the happy crappy stuff they do. Then they lost WWII (because pretty much everyone except for the US lost WWII), and said “you’re on your own.”

          They turned former colonies into artificial countries with governments that all but guaranteed factionalism.

          There was always war, and there always will be war. But the specific type of war we’re seeing in former colonies is because of the post-colonial situation.

    • dreadgoat
      659 months ago

      It always works out fine for them. I don’t know why anybody says imperialism or colonialism are bad or destructive, seems to me that Britain and France and Spain and Portugal and the Dutch are all doing fine. Really weird how maps of their empires seem to overlap a lot with parts of the world that currently or recently experienced a lot of, idk let’s call it “troubles?” They must be dumb or smth

        339 months ago

        Well, since those former colonies can’t quite work it out on their own, maybe they should just be brought back into their respective empires again? 🤔

    • Decoy321
      9 months ago

      They even had a nice little name for it, The Troubles Fun Times!

    1159 months ago

    Britain has planted the seeds of hatred and bloodshed in the middle east and is now acting as if it has no responsibility towards resolving the conflict.

    It is hard to watch the British media coverage of this war acting all outraged and surprised by the violence while being proud of their historical imperial inheritance .

      299 months ago

      Britain and France are responsible for such an enormous fuck up in Asia, Africa and the middle east, past and present, it’s probably impossible to put it in numbers. The US gets bashed a lot (deservedly), but I think those two were planting something way more devastating for generations to come

    9 months ago

    One group was actually living there and the other group moved in and literally ripped people from their homes.

    • CyclohexaneM
      229 months ago

      Palestine is not a religious entity, and have been in favor of religious coexistence since the very beginning. It is the Zionist state that is exclusive of other religions by design.

        459 months ago

        All the yelling of “Allahu akbar” while celebrating the death and destruction in Israel, would seem to be in conflict with your statement.

        • CyclohexaneM
          59 months ago

          Israel is by its own definition the Zionist state founded on religious exclusivism. An ethnocentric state in a land inhabited by other religions and ethnicities. It should absolutely be taken down.

          religious war

          Israel is not Judaism.

            49 months ago

            An ethnocentric state in a land inhabited by other religions and ethnicities.

            • In land bordering the lands of lther religions and ethnicities.

            What exactly justifies the takedown of Israel? That its religion is different or what? Thats none of ghe other countries business.

            • CyclohexaneM
              29 months ago

              as I already said above, it is because it is an ethnoreligious state that excludes people of other ethnicities (Arabs, Africans, etc) and other religions (Muslims, Christians, etc). It has engaged in massacre and forced expulsion of those people, so it must be taken down and the genocide must cease.

                49 months ago

                ethnoreligious state that excludes people of other ethnicities (Arabs, Africans, etc) and other religions (Muslims, Christians, etc)

                So what? Thats their business what rules they want to have inside their country. Thats nl reason to attack them.

                forced expulsion of those people, so it must be taken down and the genocide must cease.

                Forced expulsion is dtill inside their own country. So you take them down with a genocide yourself? Fight fire with fire?

                • Bob
                  39 months ago

                  So what? Thats their business what rules they want to have inside their country.

                  Come on…

                • CyclohexaneM
                  19 months ago

                  No it is not their business to genocide ethnic and religious minorities lmao. Would you say the same about the Nazis too? was the US justified in genociding native americans also? ridiculous.

                  Forced expulsion is dtill inside their own country

                  yes it is. I hope you dont mean that this makes it better. I may be failing to understand this genocide sympathizer logic.

                  So you take them down with a genocide yourself?

                  No. The only one committing genocide at the moment and in this conflict is Israel itself.

    569 months ago

    Also Britain: Oh good, the UN voted in favor of splitting up the land except the entire Arab League voting against the plan? Ok, sounds good, bye guys, have fun!

    • Neato
      409 months ago

      It’s like an HOA: The council is deciding how to divide up your backyard between your neighbors. The lawn owner is the only dissenting vote and then the neighborhood wonders why they are being so hostile.

      • Bipta
        129 months ago

        Except in this case it costs you not just your backyard but basically your entire life.

      29 months ago

      Also Britain: our troops and colonial administrators are getting killed and attacked by both groups of locals, bye guys, I’m noping out of here!

    409 months ago

    Alternate caption: “Zionists smuggling in settlers before the British mandate ended to have enough votes to create a State of Israel as a safe haven for Holocaust refugees, then getting populated mostly by Jews fleeing Arab countries out of fear of retaliation for having created the State of Israel a day early and having pushed most Palestinians out by force”

      • I'm back on my BS 🤪
        209 months ago

        Interesting info and I’m not arguing against your point, but that source doesn’t address their point at all. The cited source covers recent demographics. The previous user is referring to events that occurred in 1947ish. The time periods are not close enough to be relevant to each other, especially considering the massive changes that occurred throughout that period in the area.

        That’s kind of like if someone said that the Caribbean was entirely populated by natives when the Europeans showed up in 1492, and someone responded with demographics from the 1570s after the Spanish had established settlements in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Trinidad, and conquered the Aztecs to dismiss the initial point. The demographics are going to be vastly different. It kind of sheds doubt onto your rebuttal since there seems to be a logical disconnect.

        Does anyone have any sources on the demographics right before the British invited Jewish people to move to the Levant?

        19 months ago

        Ashkenazim have European surnames because Europeans literally forced them unto Jews. Austro-Hungary, Russian Empire - both had policies for giving Jews “local” surnames (for taxation purposes). It’s how you get Jews with German surnames in eastern and central Europe (i.e.the ones you have listed), and how you get Jews with Ukrainian and Russian-ish surnames in the appropriate areas (see Abramovich, Litvak)

        • And they did so in Europe. Which means that people with this family names were Jews coming from Europe to Israel and not from Arabic countries like the comment above claimed.

  • Franzia
    289 months ago

    Borders are violence.

      249 months ago

      Lol at all of the wannabe thirteen year old edgleords on lemmy who are so confident that they understand this extremely complicated and protracted conflict such that they can reduce it to a single generic cause but can’t even be bothered to look up which of the two world wars is the correct one to reference for their edgy meme.

      • Yeah sure. There is absolutely no pattern of former colonizers creating structures that lead to tensions and violence as they leave. Destabilizing entire regions would never be in the interest of receding former global powers or in the interest of current global powers. They all want all the humans in the world to love each other and live in peace and harmony.

        79 months ago

        It’s not that complicated, the land in question has been owned by a conquering empire for the better part of two millenia. After WWII and emipres falling out of favor, splitting it up was decided. The locals didn’t like the jews getting a country and attacked, they lost. They mobilized for round two, and Israel hit first and won again. Since then Israel started giving back land it seized to the respective countries, in exchange for not attacking again. The region has been at an uneasy truce for 50ish years other than Palestine launching terrorist attacks every few years.

  • YTG123
    189 months ago

    This war really makes you hate Britain (and possibly France) for causing unrest in the first place

          19 months ago

          Not for the Jews. Zionism and Islamic anti-Semitism and the violence from these movements predates the British trying to find a solution. However mishandled it was. They are two ideologies fundamentally opposed to one another, and they are incapable of coexistence in their current forms.

    • Jose
      49 months ago

      Every should know about the Sykes–Picot Agreement, it’s one of those treaties/laws that have long lasting consequences in the current world (same with ww2 agreements).

  • JoYo
    59 months ago

    It was still a better plan than the ottoman empire had before Britain took it from them.

    • CyclohexaneM
      139 months ago

      Yeah, genocide turned out to be much better alternative right?

      Either way, the Ottoman empire was on its way out, and the Arabs sought to establish a United state. So whatever the ottomans were doing is irrelevant.

  • Joliflower
    29 months ago

    France and England seeing their current new citizens and wondering if it was worth it to fight.