Remember, pride is not a month. It’s all the time!

  • tb_
    10 months ago

    I approve the message but it looks a little like a strike through and I cannot unsee

  • Gormadt
    2310 months ago

    Trans rights are human rights

    Someday the fight will be over and we will have won, but it’s not this day. And until that day comes we will need to fight tooth and nail to make sure that trans people can live their lives without fear of persecution for who they are.

    I’m bi and proud of it.

    Us queer folk need to stick together and fight for our rights

    1310 months ago

    It’s really fucking hard. I seriously need to get help, but where would I even look? Last time I opened up to a psychologist caused some of the worst self-loathing I ever experienced, and got me close to ending it all. All I can do is to keep hiding.

    • Gormadt
      10 months ago

      Opening up is honestly the hardest part

      When I opened up to my doctor recently about other things related to my mental health I was on the verge of tears and literaly cried in my car before I left (They just wouldn’t fall in their office)

      The best advice I can offer is to keep trying and to keep opening up

      Thing do get better if you keep trying, it might suck for awhile but it will get better

        • krimsonbun
          210 months ago

          the replies of the transphobe seem to have been put in someone else’s replies, weird.

          • Gormadt
            210 months ago

            I’ve noticed that happens sometimes when a comment gets removed by mods, though it usually displays properly in a browser.

            I try to be a supportive positive person online, especially to those who seem to be having a hard time. So I was really confused by the reply when I checked out my comment from earlier. And also that the comment reply didn’t hit my inbox.

            After double checking in my browser rather than my app, yeah the other comment the poster left was supposed to be attached to someone else’s reply that has been (thankfully) removed.

        • Gormadt
          10 months ago

          Because science is cool yo

          And being yourself rather than who other people tell you you should be is super cool 😎

  • Smorty [she/her]
    1310 months ago

    I need a pulliver such as this one. Way too big and fluffy, even around the neck. Crazy.

  • @violetraven
    910 months ago

    But it’s hard 😥
    I like other people though. I’m proud of them. Myself I’m always thinking like I could or should have done something different in the

    • krimsonbun
      910 months ago

      🏳️‍⚧️ stfu ≧◡≦ 🏳️‍⚧️