Nebraska governor Jim Pillen, a Republican not noted as a women’s rights supporter, yesterday issued an executive order “defining” males and females and the attributes thereof. The anti-transgender political grandstanding offers fusty explanations of the sexes–men are “bigger, stronger and faster” on average–in pursuit of Rowling-esque calls for sexual segregation (and even echoing her ostensibly feminist rationales) and not a lot else.

The order declares that, in matters of the state, the “biological differences between the sexes are enduring” and that the “sex” of a person will be defined by the gender designated at birth. In addition to specifically noting how boy, girl, man, and woman will be defined, the order also includes biological descriptions. …

“It is common sense that men do not belong in women’s only spaces,” Pillen said in the news release. “As Governor, it is my duty to protect our kids and women’s athletics, which means providing single-sex spaces for women’s sports, bathrooms, and changing rooms.”

The reaction, at least from Democrats, is to point out that if it were enforced, the likely outcome would be Nebraska losing federal funding for womens’ shelters.

“Today Governor Pillen, famous women’s rights supporter, signed this offensive and ridiculous proclamation establishing a “Women’s Bill of Rights.” He should try saying this stuff to my face then we would see who’s got what biological advantage,” wrote State Senator Megan Hunt on Twitter.

  • Veraticus
    30210 months ago

    All we need to do is find a woman bigger, faster, and stronger than him, and then he’s officially a woman by his own legislation.

      710 months ago

      What’s with the Ben Shapiro jokes here? I know who he is and I’ve read some of his (often comically) idiotic takes on world events, but care to explain it as it relates to this topic?

        2210 months ago

        properly answering that would require spending entirely too much time talking about Ben Shapiro, this will have to do

        1610 months ago

        He’s a right wing pundit who claims to only care about “facts” and “logic” to make himself seem more intelligent and credible to his base. Of course, none of his views hold up to much scrutiny, showing that he doesn’t actually care about facts and logic, meaning that really he’s just another bigot.

        That would be pathetic enough, except that he’s kind of the king of self-burns. Like, shit the CIA couldn’t get out of most people. You should look up ‘ben shapiro WAP’. It’s fucking hilarious that he felt the need to commentate on the song in the first place, but the things he said solidified him as a meme. “Wet ass p-word” is a classic quote, and the fact that he admitted to his wife telling him that being that wet isn’t normal is hysterical.

          610 months ago

          One of the most amusing things about him is how he routinely “destroys” people with debate superiority and yet he does what he does now because he completely failed as a hollywood nepo baby screenwriter or some shit… so now he just complains all the time about inequality for white men and wokeness like a leaky helium balloon, telling women to stay in their lane and making bad related predictions, like saying the Barbie movie will burn out after a week or so from irrelevance, only to see it top a billion in sales. Dude can’t help punching himself in the nuts on the regular.

    7810 months ago

    The order declares that, in matters of the state, the “biological differences between the sexes are enduring” and that the “sex” of a person will be defined by the gender designated at birth.

    That makes zero fucking sense

      4010 months ago

      This means that insecure men in Nebraska can now go in to the dive bar they get drunk at starting at 1030 AM, and hit on any woman in the place without fear of her secretly having a penis.

      Not that there are any women in that bar, that they’d ever have a chance at taking one home, or, that this executive order actually means any of that. But the idiots who support this kind of thing will think it does.

      • StandingCat
        2210 months ago

        God i hate living here, because this is exactly how the rest of the idiots here think. But it’s too expensive to move right now.

          1310 months ago

          My wife didn’t want to move to Minnesota, so we bought a house here, and aren’t likely to leave now. Had I not met her when I did I likely would have left a few years ago.

    7010 months ago

    I wonder if you can legally change genders with this. If you’re a woman who’s bigger, stronger, and faster than the average male in Nebraska, then you satisfy this biological condition set forth in law.

    6710 months ago

    The nazis are back, Russia’s trying its best to cause WW3, our rights are dropping like flies, oligarchs have become cartoonishly overt in fucking the rest of us cuz they know we’ll just bend over and take it, and we’re literally cooking our planet with cow farts and dinosaur juice to the point that its ability to support life is rapidly approaching a hard stop.

    …and the thing we’re putting our energy into is the dangly bits in our pants.

    6210 months ago

    So if a body builder woman beats him up in one-on-one combat, he’ll have to be redefined as a women? Where’s the Celebrity Death Match reboot?

    10 months ago

    Out of all of the problems we have, this joker decided this made up one was actually worth his energy and effort. What a fucking stupid time to be alive.

      1610 months ago

      I honestly think that’s semantics. If the preamble doesn’t matter, then why is it there? Why have it if it doesn’t mean anything? Just because one is called a preamble and one a definition doesn’t mean that people won’t use either as the “real” definition. Maybe you could have argued that several years ago, but you certainly can’t now.

      1010 months ago

      IANAL but isn’t there an issue with “if any data is collected it must define someone as a man or a woman” doesn’t allow there to be an “unknown.” Therefore you could potentially skew things like crime or Healthcare statistics by counting all unknowns as one gender or the other.

      Secondly, the definition “shall identify each individual… as male or female at birth” also provides a problem as one presumably can now kick back a whole bunch of stuff with the message “yes but this data doesn’t contain their sex at birth, please provide birth certificates for all 128,323 members of this list”

      910 months ago

      We all knew where this was going and making fun of the preamble is way more fun than going “well shit there’s another state ruining lives.”

      • Obinice
        510 months ago

        I’m not from there and didn’t know where it was going, and this user’s explanation is very important, I’m glad they shared it <3

    • Doc Blaze
      310 months ago

      is it bad that I thought of the Kanye West song first instead of the original

    • Carlos Solís
      210 months ago

      I thought you were gonna talk about Grant Kirkhope’s magnum opus, the DK Rap. You know, because of the “He’s bigger, and faster, and stronger too, he’s the first member of the DK Crew! Huh!”

    3610 months ago

    yeah cuz im such a big scary guy in my striped thigh highs, weighing in at 120 pounds

    i can run away in a flash though :3

  • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
    3410 months ago

    Apparently, from what I’m reading, this will also potentially cause women’s shelters to lose federal funding. They aren’t legally allowed to discriminate against trans-women, which means they’ll be disqualified for getting funding.

    • cyberfae
      3010 months ago

      For them, this might be considered a feature rather than a bug.