I’m shocked that I haven’t seen one protest yet. Is the media suppressing them? If there aren’t any, why?

  • agent_nycto@lemmy.world
    1 hour ago

    Ok so everyone wants one, right? Feels like it’ll be dramatic and big and change and fix everything, even if it gets violent.

    But there’s problems with that, not only in execution but also results.

    One problem is the US is massive. It would take almost as much planning as a moon landing to effectively organize a protest that large, even if you only do the continental 48 states. Some of those states alone are as large as some European countries, some are larger, so the size alone gets in the way of things.

    Then you have the problem with getting all the people protesting to agree to a cohesive protest. Where to protest, what to protest specifically about, and to have a solid list of demands. Trying to get that amount of people to agree on anything alone would be huge. Like my mother says, it’s like herding cats.

    And then there’s the matter of getting that info out there. Occupy wall Street and BLM did have a comprehensive list of demands but the media pretended they didn’t. Almost all media is owned by like, six corporations, so even getting the instructions for that protest would be incredibly hard. And lest people forget, those media companies are final, so most of the media in other countries hearing about this will have just as much information surpression and do already. So it would be incredibly hard to get a comprehensive plan, demands, and instructions out el to everyone.

    Also don’t forget that we have the technological spying that didn’t exist before. Cameras are everywhere. Not only in your phone, but on almost every street. People even put those Ring doorbells on their homes and that company sells it’s video footage to the police, and doesn’t turn off, so any protest could be monitored and nipped in the bud. We have whole agencies devoted to surpressing protests and entire handbooks in infiltrating them.

    Then there’s logistics and provisions. Most Americans can’t afford to travel, much less take a week or two off of work, or a month, to protest long term. We can barely afford to keep ourselves fed with what we’re getting paid, and if we were protesting in one specific location, most of us couldn’t take the time to get there much less afford to. We have to feed the majority of almost an entire continent in one location for an extended period of time.

    And if it was one specific location, the hospitals, hotels, grocery stores and restaurants would be so overwhelmed that they couldn’t handle everyone.

    Speaking of hospitals, if, as in when, the police and military attacked the protest, most people could never afford the medical treatment to be able to get patched up, much less their lives saved.

    And speaking of the police and military, we have the most militarized police force on the planet. Our police don’t have just batons, they have live rounds of ammunition and full on tanks. And they are more than willing to use them on civilians, especially in protesters. Look up Blair Mountain and the Kent State shooting. Not only could this crush a protest, but people would have to be ok with the idea they would very likely die.

    And our prison system, being for profit, would salivate at the idea of getting more slave labor en masse, and the current administration is more than happy to detain people over trivial things. So everyone would have to be ok with life imprisonment if they didn’t get shot.

    On top of that, not everyone is on board. About a third to a half of the country is in favor of what’s happening and have a cult around Trump and Musk. A lot of people voted for this and are in favor of it, because they really, really hate the liberals, Democrats, gays, minorities, etc. There’s a whole media pipeline for this that they listen to, especially young people who normally are the type to protest this stuff. So there would be resistance from civilians on top of not everyone being in favor of the protest.

    Then there’s the problem of what that protest would actually accomplish. Even if you pulled it off, because of the supply issues, it would be short lived. Maybe a week or two, being surpressed by the military and police, and demonized in the media. The oligarchs would simply wait it out. It wouldn’t enact long term change, even if everyone could agree with what they want changed in the first place. So it might not be effective even if it was pulled off.

    And the primary opposition party, which should be doing anything, has adapted a strategy of self preservation. Concede to the fascists for now, bide your time, then come election season tell everyone that you are the better and only choice (because winner takes all so they are the only alternative) and hope for a blue wave in four years. Can’t make any changes if you’re not in power, so do what you can to keep it now and believe that if things get bad enough now people will come crawling back. So very little actual support for a protest would come from on top.

    And then, if we look at history, a lot of rebellions needed other countries to support them in order to be successful. Most of them had outside influence from other major powers. The other major powers right now are either in favor of the government, turning fascist themselves, or if they did intervene would risk starting a war with the US which has the biggest military in the history of humanity. So not a lot of help would come from the outside, if any.

    So while we also would like a massive protest, there are huge issues in the way of effectively pulling it off.

    So what’s been happening has been local efforts. You might not hear about town hall protests or stuff in individual state capitals in other countries, but those smaller fires are burning. There’s been economic protests, like the backlash against Tesla and the no buying day, which apparently was started to get people to dip their toes into a national protest. There’s been a lot of smaller community organizing, which hopefully adds up. I think and hope there will be more individual direct action, perhaps more Luigi strategies on specific individuals, as things get worse. Maybe more guerilla tactics, French resistance style efforts, are what is going to happen rather than a massive protest.

    Tldr: We ARE doing stuff here. We hate this more than anyone. The change will have to come in less exciting ways than a big, national rebellion, so sorry you’re not getting as much of a spectacle, we’d like that, too, but there’s a lot of prep work that would need to be done to pull it off that needs to happen first. We aren’t sitting by and letting this happen, and we are working towards fixing things.

  • kingthrillgore@lemmy.ml
    48 minutes ago

    I dunno about you bro but there’s a protest every other day in Denver. We’re getting there.

    The question is how Dumbfuck will respond. There’s an unverified rumor the Insurrection Act may be invoked on April 20th owing to an executive order signed on January 20th. If it gets to that point, we will find out how far our military is willing to stretch its service to the Constitution.

    Don’t be afraid. Don’t look away.

  • hungryphrog
    5 hours ago

    There are. And from what I know, apparently the media avoids reporting about them.

  • RaptorBenn@lemmy.zip
    7 hours ago

    Same reasons people didnt act in germany all those years ago. First apathy and that will transition into fear of reprisal.

  • Nangijala@feddit.dk
    8 hours ago

    There have been protests in every single state for awhile now. At least that is what I have heard through the grapevine. I’m Danish so I haven’t seen the protests with my own two eyes, but I have seen pictures, read posts and talked to Americans who are out protesting. From what I have been told, it is unheard of that there are protests for the same cause in all 50 states at the same time. It is historic, but I’m not surprised that the greatest president who ever lived wouldn’t want that information to slip out in the media. It would hurt his fee-fees bigly.

    • BreadAndThread@lemmy.world
      3 hours ago

      Next Saturday is a massive country wide protest at 500 Tesla dealerships and charging stations all across the country. I’m hoping that’s too hard for the media to hide.

    • Triasha@lemmy.world
      3 hours ago

      Yeah all 50 states is crazy. New York and Cali have enough people to get a protest going at the drop of a pin.

      Texas has Austin, you get protests there. East coast cities, Chicago, you can get protests.

      But there are dozens of states that just don’t have that kind of energy or population density, but they do now.

  • ActionBasto@lemmy.world
    7 hours ago

    one reason is literally fear, the side that they’re fighting against literally has all the guns and the psychopaths.

  • TheHalifaxJones@lemm.eeB
    9 hours ago

    To be the most effective we have to be protesting in front of houses of people who actually influence change. I’ve been too far too many protests and it feels like they mean nothing. Only way to make change is to stop taking it to the streets. And taking it to houses of billionaires and politicians who actually are in control of change.

  • friendlysoviet@lemmy.world
    12 hours ago

    Low density and car based infrastructure neuters protests. I usually work from home but I had jury duty a few weeks ago in the courthouse in my downtown area. There were several protests daily the entire time I was there.

  • ElleOhh@lemm.ee
    14 hours ago

    Estimates show 65-75% of households live paycheck to paycheck. We financially can’t miss a day of work, let alone long stretches. Or we are allowed so little time off that it has to be saved for sick/emergency days (if you get any at all!).

    That’s setting aside things like long hours, multiple jobs, unaffordable daycare, lack of medical care on top of hard hitting inflation without any wage changes.

    It’s by design. It’s like intentionally under feeding slaves so they don’t have the energy to run away.

    • smeenz@lemmy.nz
      12 hours ago

      Hang on, that doesn’t sound like the American dream I’ve been told about !

      • Jamablaya@lemmy.world
        11 hours ago

        The American dream was the freedom to pursue your goals, not those rewards being handed to you. Common misconception. You had a bunch of kids before financially ready or didn’t go to the right school, picked up a felony young, whatver you did, that was on you, by the old timers logic. Literal royalty just wasn’t preventing you anymore.

        • TronBronson@lemmy.world
          4 hours ago

          Oh I thought the American dream was having crony capitalism destroy your small business and send you to work at the Walmart that replaced you. Only to have to rely on government benefits because its the only job in 50 miles and it pays $7.50 an hour.

          Thats the rural american dream baby. Sprinkle some opioids on it. It’s glorious.

  • rational_lib@lemmy.world
    10 hours ago

    Because protests don’t do shit. There were mass protests over police brutality in 2020. Didn’t do shit and the right wing media reaction arguably helped kill off police reform legislation that was in progress before the protests.

    The reason protests from the left don’t do shit is because the most popular media is controlled by Maga. The top social media network for news, the top podcast, and the top cable TV news are all outright maga propaganda. A narrative can arise without them, but they will determine what happens to it. So last time, the protests arose due to George Floyd, but the right wing media turned it into a narrative about lawless riots, using exaggeration and fake images.

    See also Palestine protests.

    Basically, the left is fucked in the US until something changes in the media so there’s no point in trying.

    • Wren@lemmy.world
      10 hours ago

      Sadly, this is the correct answer. Protests really only look effective on paper, (or social media) however, gathering in protest is only ever going to work if those they protesting against, actually care to listen with an open mind.

      There is no way the current administration has any plans to listen to anyone that disagrees with their attempts to personally own America.

      • MortUS@lemmy.world
        10 hours ago

        I think the nice thing about a protest is that it’s a show of power, strength, and unity. It sends a message to those on the outside that there is a number of people who believe in a common goal. And really, the message is one all Americans can pretty much agree on and that’s trickle down isn’t trickling and corporate profits are soaring.

        The longer the protests, the worse taxes become from tariffs, the more cuts they make to social services, the more people could snowball this into a movement.

        The power of protests are People.

      • sevenOfKnives
        10 hours ago

        protests represent the threat of violence. the threat went away and the rulers stopped listening.