Soppressata. A cured Italian meat with a tangier taste than pepperoni. It’s delicious!
A drizzle of honey is pretty damn good on pepperoni pizza
Hot honey
Basil. Feta. Kalamata olives.
Italian sausage. No, I know everyone likes it, but that’s still not capturing its full glory: it is the best topping, but most people are like ‘yeah it’s alright but it’s no pepperoni’. No, it’s better than pepperoni, and therefore underrated.
I hate pepperoni, team sausage & mushrooms, all the way. The worst is pepperoni that curls into a bowl shape and holds grease, ick.
Artichokes are so good on pizza
Pineapple. Deal with it.
Pepperoni pineapple all day. It’s the best. Fight me.
Hell yeah! With extra red chili flakes. Sweet and spicy. I’m down to fight tho, let’s go
No, my friend. For it is true.
I do pineapple and bacon instead of the pineapple and ham combo and I think it is far superior.
And for even more exciting flair, I think Korean fried chicken sauce is good on pizza too, with the earthy and spicy gochujang, garlic, and sesame. I’ll add it to any pizza, plain, pepperoni, or pineapple bacon.
I can’t 😭
Anchovies. Salty oily goodness
I used to get it on my pizza at work knowing none of my coworkers would steal it.
None of the pizza places near me even have it as a topping 😭
Not a topping but mustard as a dipping sauce for my pizza crust. I’m not a crust person. But dipping dry crunchy crust into mustard almost feels like eating a pretzel.
Tastes great with pepperoni too.
Olives, Feta
Added some spinach, diced tomatoes, maybe some onions, Greek pizza baby! Amazing pizza.
Rucola, also known as arugula or rocket.
mmm the best pizza in my town is from a Greek restaurant, and my favorite is with gyro and feta. lawd have mercy…
Oregano. For some reason, my local pizza place takes extra money for putting oregano on the pizza. No problem, I have my own supply of oregano for my pizza.
Power move
sliced reconstituted in wine dried figs with sautéed onion.
that is kinda genius
Chopped hazelnuts. I add them if I ever have home cooked pizza
Cashew, chicken, cranberry and Camembert is a good combo.
dang i gotta try this four c’s pizza
Gyro meat. It’s like sausage but better. Fantastic with Canadian bacon and salami.
Also, salami.