We’re the Ribbon System, a therian plural system currently consisting of seven headmates.

Finn (fae/she) Tabitha (ey/it/them) Phoebe (it/its) Cass (xe/xem) Vire (vi/vim) Reese (he/him) Rachel (she/they)

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: February 17th, 2025


  • We were feeling really riled up for a month or two before finally snapping and walking out. Before that, it was a ton of false and broken promises, no signs of appreciation from higher-ups, lots and lots of other co-workers leaving for better work and management not filling their roles leading to more work for the rest.

    The straw that broke the camel’s back was someone nearly hitting our car in the parking lot and then blocking the space where we can pull in. We could deal with all that other bullshit but when it’s a matter of our physical safety, I drew a firm line and just clocked out and went home. Got a call later that “my services were no longer needed” and that was that.

    We were out of work for a month but took the time to search and landed at a place that was paying more than the raise we had asked for (and denied) from the last. It was a struggle for our mental health and wouldn’t recommend it but sometimes you have to look after yourself in drastic measures. I don’t regret it.

    - Vire (vi/vim)

  • Not at all appropriation, if you feel it’s a better descriptor then go for it!

    On top of that, it’s really good cover to have more straight people do that so it’s not as big of a tell when people in queer relationships say it out of necessity. Similar to how having more cis people display pronouns makes it less likely for trans people to get singled out due to it being more common. - Finn (fae/she)