Avatar. Good Lord what bad acting and visual dynamics will do for a movie.
I’m gonna give the opposite answer than you want. I feel like most movies recently are like that but some I had to get into the right mood to enjoy them. The first time I watched the new top gun I thought it was garbage propaganda then I gotta into jet sims and think it’s an awesome movie. Same with mad max fury road, thought it was trash until I watched 1-3 then 4-5.
Eternal Sunshine if a Spotless Mind has such good reviews and people speak fondly of it online. I hated it, just thought both characters were insufferable, and there was nothing remotely romantic about it. Felt like I was trapped in the bad relationship with them.
If The Sopranos was boring, what you’d get is The Godfather. It’s boring. And it insists upon itself.
3 hrs of nausea-inducing quick cuts
BladeRunner - is like they wrote the screenplay based on the excellent source novel, then cut most of the ideas out, leaving only things that make no sense. Rick Deckard is a terrible detective, and only wins the final confrontation because Roy Batty… just gives up? I recently decided that my teenage self might have been wrong and rewatched it… nah, still terrible.
The Princess Bride
… Sorry. It’s just not good.
Whoa there. This was a hard one not to down vote, well done.
damn, coming out swinging with these fighting words
How about one that will actually piss people off: The Shawshank Redemption
This movie is fine. I don’t understand why it tops so many peoples lists for greatest movie though.
Nostalgia, mostly I’d guess. It was on all the time on TNT for years and I think we watched it so much that it became ingrained in us that it was great.
Tom Hanks at his finest.
Pulp Fiction 🤷♀️
The Talented Mr. Ripley. Awful, truly awful!
Poor Things. I turned it off after~30 minutes.
Poor things gave me a headache, genuinely pissed that Emma stone won the oscar
I guess I can convince myself by rewatching if it actually is good, but:
Cabin in the Woods.
Tap for spoiler
I understand they were going for meta-horror, but it was so in your face, so mediocre, so shallow.
Scream series is far better meta horror imo.
I also found cabin in the woods to be meh. Like it wasn’t bad but didn’t live up to the hype.
any of the new MCU movies post-endgame. they were so generic, and it was clear some of the movies ran out of money on cgi or animation.
Airplane. Dodgeball.
I am prepared for your animosity.
With you on airplane. I can’t stand Leslie Neilson.
Surely you can’t be serious?
Dont call me Shirley!
Honest question because I’m curious. Why can’t you stand him?
His “comedy” isn’t funny.
Fair point, was curious if there was a reason beyond what I suspected. I love his comedy, but my opinion of course. Totally okay for you to have your own preference and recognise you don’t find that style funny at all.
My mom was huge fan. I’m 50 now and still can’t stand his acting after watching him a lot as a kid. You can add Chevy Chase to that list too.
I have to agree, his delivery really doesn’t work for me. It feels like he’s elbowing me in the ribs with every gag.
That said, it’s not enough to spoil Airplane for me. Airplane is a masterpiece.
blade runner 2049. It’s a crap story with crap acting and direction. The visuals are just bad. I have no idea why it’s so liked.
I liked nublade but og is just a really shitty detective movie. Groundbreaking and fundamental for concept art industry and sci fi but as a movie meh.
Mad Max: Fury Road. I thought that was dumbest, most caveman pleasing trash that has ever received that much acclaim. Truly, the entire movie is designed to make a caveman go, “OOhhhH!.. WwAaHh!.. FFIIRE!.. DwWoOah!.. HaHhh!.. OOhhhH! LaDy!!..HhaHh!.. MAD!!..WoOoHhh!”
I thought that when it was my first mad max film. Going back to the first one I thought it was amazing.
I enjoyed it. Great cinematography and practical effects. My wife? Not so much. She broke it down as… “oh look! They drove away! Then the drove back! The end! That was the whole movie!”
Wasn’t there some water at one point? apart from that, fair summary.
deleted by creator
Lol, I know you deleted this comment (fair), but it still showed up in my inbox. But I get it. Everyone loves that film, so I’m in a very fringe minority here. It’s weird, too, because I love the post-apocalyptic genre, but I don’t know, man. I just really disliked Fury Road.
Conversely, I really enjoyed The Northman in the same way everyone else does Fury Road. I thought it was a really fun, over-the-top Viking rampage revenge film, with cool cinematography. But everyone hated it.
I was going for feigned outrage for humor, but I ended up deciding I didn’t think it was worded well enough