i have a kobo which i adore. It’s a great little device. Pretty simple to sideload if that’s your thing. Just plug in, drag and drop to the root folder of the kobo, then eject drive and unplug. it auto imports them and stuff. The draw back though, kobo plus doesn’t have as many books as kindle unlimited, if that’s your thing. but all in all, kobos are great.
As for transferring books from kindle to kobo, i don’t believe you can anymore. amazon closed that process down, and now I believe you can’t do it. Which sucks balls.
i love it. Before i was on AT AP’s, i was sleeping literally 30-60 minutes a night. i did that shit for 10+ years. But now I am on olanzapine, I sleep 10+ hours a night. Another drawback is the insatiable hunger. Holy shit, I can eat like there’s no tomorrow.