I just think it’s pretty cool that Felix, who has never really mentioned anything Linux before, chose to go with a Linux distro for the PC he put together.
Link to video : https://youtu.be/tsu0Rw3Nqi8?t=1554
I just think it’s pretty cool that Felix, who has never really mentioned anything Linux before, chose to go with a Linux distro for the PC he put together.
Link to video : https://youtu.be/tsu0Rw3Nqi8?t=1554
If he was a Nazi I don’t think he’d be living in Japan. Furthermore, calling people Nazis when they’re not Nazis really devalues the term. Be more intentional with your words.
LO fucking L…
Do you not know who the Nazi’s allies were?
If you think that has any relevance today then you’re kidding yourself. Had the Axis won the war then Germany and Japan would be at eachothers’ throats by now. Any alliance Nazi Germany had was one of convenience. They didn’t honour their agreements. See: Russia.
If you’re looking for Nazis, look to America.
or japan. weird but true, ethno-nationalists adore that country. the suggestion that X cant be a nazi because he lives in Y makes no sense
I think we all know Japan has been neutered and/or spayed since WW2 but I don’t think anyone sees it as an anti Nazi nation.
Hitler’s original plan was to escape to Japan once the war was lost.
Modern Japan is more centered on Western Ball gobbling and animated tentacle porn but I don’t see it being anti Nazi per se.
Ah yes, Japan, a country famous for its hostility towards nazis 🙄
Your spine must be in pretty bad shape, what with it having to support a head comprised entirely of bone.
Do you actually think that two imperialist ethnostates would coexist for any meaningful amount of time? Do you truly think that Nazis actually saw the Japanese as “honourary Aryans”? Political jabbering to maintain good relations. A racist is a racist is a racist and Nazis hated anyone lacking blonde hair and blue eyes.
PewDiePie has a massive platform, and therefore has a greater responsibility to be intentional with his words.
While true, I haven’t heard him dropping Nbombs for like 5 years at least.
This really isn’t the defence you seem to think it is.
Here’s my opinion: You say the N word, even as a joke, that’s on you. And it’ll stick to you like shit on a stick. But it’s on me to give people the benefit of the doubt and think charitably of others. I’m not gonna write a person off because they said a slur. I believe people can change and want to see that change in the world. If I didn’t then there wouldn’t be any incentive for others to change. Fighting bigotry is about building bridges, not tearing them down.
Yeah okay, I agree with all that, but once someone has established a pattern of harmful behavior, it becomes dangerous and naive to assume that they’ve changed without any sort of evidence.
We don’t get to just assume Felix is a changed man just because he has the self-control not to drop hard-Rs on stream anymore, but he has to actually disavow those past actions as something more than just a “heated gamer moment.”
He has to disavow the members of his fanbase who do believe that sort of thing is okay and that he’s their guy because he’d say and do stuff like that.
He has to actually do something to show people he’s better.
Go ahead and build another bridge next to the five that Pewdiepie burned. You are making such an effort to defend this creep that it damages your credibility. Probly not the best hill to die on, but you made the choice, not me. I’d wish you luck, but that would be a lie.
If I might ask, what do you think is the correct way to fight bigotry?
A couple ways. First, I personally try to live as an example of the change I want to see.
Additionally, something beautiful about TTRPGs that I’ve noticed is how they foster a counter culture to the apathy-driven discourse seen on social media.
Those who can’t imagine two men or women being together don’t stand much of a chance to contribute creatively when people are more concerned with whether snake people have “snitties”
I can appreciate that. And I do the same, though likely in a different way. Being open and nonjudgmental encourages others to be so, opening the path to change. Peace and understanding, all that hippy stuff.
But in the case of snitties, I must take a hardline stance. Snake people are reptiles and so have no need for snitties. Their many young consume eachother and only the strongest survive.