Is that you, Diogenes?
Aw, I liked them both :-)
You got no purpose but you got feelings. Be happy, help others be happy.
Choose to be happy!
Well that got intense towards the end.
You don’t have to go places if you’re not ready. Start small. Shit on something in your home, maybe start with your desk? Baby steps.
Die if you break a leg or get an infection.
Well, bones heal if there are some love from your close community members for a time.
"Here’s to our lives being meaningless, and how beautiful it is
Because freedom doesn’t have a purpose"
- Harmony Parking Lot Song
have done. do recommend.
Most people who feel like they are supposed to do something is not because they feel obligated by society. It’s because they are unhappy and the things you are supposed ti be doing seems to lead to happiness. Some time they are some time they aren’t.
But go find a truly happy person and they won’t be talking about what they are “supposed” to be doing. The problem is that when people are not happy the obvious though is changing something in life to find happiness in it.
Idk dude the happiest people I know all have purpose and an underlying sense of their place in life. It’s not one that’s necessarily given by society
I don’t know a lot of happy people, a lot of them uses fake masks to cover all the shit. Not my close family or friends at least…
Every person I’ve known that has lived to 90+ have remained active and working in some capacity. Once they’re no longer able to do that, they die soon after.
Having a purpose is a good thing.
Okay first off birds are assholes. There is not a bird on this planet who is not a complete and total asshole. So if this is a missive telling people to live your life like a bird then I’m here to say don’t. Don’t live like a bird because birds are absolutely assholes, please don’t be an asshole too.
This post brings me amounts of peace.
If you’re at that point you could look into disability. There’s plenty of mental disorders to pick from.
Spending your time making money for some company in order to buy things that have been shoved in your face as needs while also spending money on the commodification of actual needs is more of a mental disorder than trying to live small.