If you want to stop this kind of thing from happening, it means speaking up when folks around you express hate for other subgroups, whether that is sexual, racial, or religious.
To be clear, for anyone who might misinterpret this: Sam Nordquist is the name of the victim. Goodwin is one of the alleged torturers/murderers. Thanks @Gladaed@feddit.org for letting me know it wasn’t so clear.
Goodwin was sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2015 for 1st degree criminal sexual act and 1st degree sexual abuse, according to state prison records. He was released in 2023.
He went to prison for having sex with a 7-year-old boy and a 9-year-old girl, according to the state sex offender’s registry.
It’s always the ones you expect the most.
It is however, worth noting that three of these people appear to be cisgender women. I guess they’re okay with a guy who rapes kids, but trans people living their own lives not bothering anyone is a bridge too far.
Who has bets on that these people think LGBTQ+ are the real child predators even though they are legitimate child predators themselves? It’s always always always always projection.
Why the fuck does this say “for having sex with” and not “raped”? Who the fuck wrote that? What the fuck?
It’s since been updated, although I’m not sure the changes are any better. More clinical, I guess.
Goodwin was sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2015 for 1st degree criminal sexual act and 1st degree sexual abuse, according to state prison records. He was released in 2023.
The victims were a 7-year-old boy and a 9-year-old girl, according to the state sex offender’s registry.
In absolutely no way defending these peices of shit… But news agencies can’t just say “rapists” if they haven’t been charged/convicted without risk of getting sued.
It’s stupid, but it’s, usually just them protecting themselves from legal action.
Did you read the article or even the quote? The sentence where it says that begins by saying that’s the reason this fucking garbage went to prison.
Yes I did in fact, did you? Please explain where it says they were convicted of rape?
I’m not defending them. What they did was rape, but unless they’re convicted, specifically of rape, you won’t find articles saying that.
If someone… goes to prison for sex with someone underage… that is by definition… STATUTORY RAPE
I’m not defending them, but could you walk through your though process here?
Obviously /s … what are these questions
I see your point, not a big enough distinction for me but I know what you mean.
deleted by creator
It says he was convicted of sexual assault. Depending on the state’s laws, that could be different from rape. Even if we colloquially would call it rape, that may not be the legal definition. So any news reporters would potentially be opening themselves to libel lawsuits if they use the word “rape” instead of “sexual assault”. Because again, he wasn’t explicitly convicted of rape.
Hell, that’s what got Trump off of a rape charge, because the state he was sued in had a very narrow legal definition of the word “rape”. The definition required penis-in-vagina sex. He “only” (ugh) groped and fingered the victim, so the state’s narrow definition didn’t consider it to be rape. Even if we would colloquially call it rape, that’s not what the state’s legal system determined it to be.
In Trump’s case, the judge later had to clarify that using the word “rape” is socially acceptable for what he did, because it would be what most people would consider rape, even if it’s not what the state has on the books. But the judge only did that because Trump is a public figure who was threatening to sue any news orgs that called it rape. This random rapist wouldn’t get that same kind of clarification from a judge, because their story wouldn’t be likely to hit national news for weeks.
“He went to prison for sexually assaulting…”
It’s not hard.
Goodwin was sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2015 for 1st degree criminal sexual act and 1st degree sexual abuse, according to state prison records… The victims were a 7-year-old boy and a 9-year-old girl, according to the state sex offender’s registry.
I’d argue that the article went a step farther and listed the exact crimes he was found guilty of. Your version leaves some ambiguity in regards to the nature of the sexual assault, (first degree, second degree, aggravated or not, misdemeanor vs felony, etc) whereas “first degree sexual abuse” and “first degree criminal sexual act” are terms that anyone can google and find the legal definition for. The article was even more specific than your example, and yet you’re still complaining that they didn’t say he sexually assaulted someone?
I thought we were criticizing the first wording chosen by the journalist, not the corrected version.
You rape two kids that age, and I’m ok with a firing squad immediately behind the courthouse. That would have probably saved this person’s life. I think hard core child rapist who went to prison for 8 years was the major catalyst here.
Or a series of anvils dropped on your head Bugs Bunny style.
In seriousness, the sentancing for sexual abuse and child sexual abuse are far too lenient. These should be life without parole. I don’t have a problem with rehabilitation on many charges, but child sexual abuse should be up there with murder one.
Please add that Goodwin is one of the suspects and not the victim. Passerbys might misinterpret this.
Done, thanks for making clear to me that it wasn’t clear that I was talking about the victim or the aggressor.
Yeah, both the article and summary at the top do not makes this clear enough. You read it expecting a reason for the victim being victimized and it goes right into child sexual assault. But it’s easy to assume they’re talking about the victim.
In articulate, that’s one of the scare points, it’s always something “protect the children” no matter if thats relevant. In this case it is NOT as a motive. It’s important to be very clear they are saying one of the murderers is a repeat sexual offender
Careful with Goodwin here. With a resume like that he’s bound to be employed by Musk before summer solstice, better ease up!
Not racist enough.
It’s always the ones you expect most.
People in countries with elected anti-trans governments.
Killers about to get a presidential pardon
State murder law applies, so it won’t do the killers much good
Reading this comment made me actually open the article to see where it happened.
Homicide is usually a state crime.
Trans lives matter. F these heartless, and sadistic pieces of shit.
… This is my hometown. I remember Sage and Goodwin. Monsters.
I’m ashamed.
I am over in Rochester, and I just cried. I used to live in Clifton Springs for a few months and it is terrifying how “red” it gets one or two towns over from the more blue.
I’m in Erie county and it’s super red once you get outside of Buffalo. I wouldn’t be totally shocked if something like this happened here. The rhetoric used by the nazis in charge is hoping for this kind of violence.
Did they always look like criminals?
Troopers made the arrests Thursday at Patty’s Lodge Motel in Canandaigua in Ontario County Thursday. […] [The victim] was last known to be staying at the motel. […] The five people moved the body from the motel to cover up the murder.
So, all five suspects were arrested at this motel, the victim was last known to be staying at the motel, and the murder apparently happened at the motel.
What were the motel staff doing during that month?!
What were the motel staff doing during that month?!
Their jobs? You work at a motel you mind your own business
I bet all five of the people charged are US citizens.
I don’t know, I’ve been assured by plenty of members of the government that’s supposed to represent me that these sorts of dangerous people must be immigrants. Or drag queens. Or those evil, conniving socialists who want to take all our guns away and force our children to have sex changes or something. I’m not sure, it’s hard to keep up to date with all the crazy bullshit.
Turns out the real dangerous, evil, conniving, child groomers were the Republicans we met along the way.
Just by looki g at the pictures, they are so american their parents are very close related
I’m sure JK Rowling and Riley Gaines will applaud the killers. This is the intention. This is what they want. I feel sick reading this article. “Trans people are so privileged in society, we need to protect everyone from them” meanwhile we suffer rape assault and murder rates far higher than for cisgender populations. The trans community lives with a constant fear of violence. This story isn’t even unique. It is heartbreaking, sickening and tragic. But it’s happened many times before.
Fuck every single person who spreads transphobia. Fuck every terf. This is the desired outcome they have. They know this is the case, they know that their actions will lead to trans death. They don’t care.
MFW I get arrested mid-way through applying my Dr. Zaius cosplay makeup…
Lol, holy shit. On point!
this is absolutely horrifying
Look at that collection of Monster Energy drinkers.
I cannot believe the second person is in their thirties with the way they look. And why were all these 30+yos involving a 19yo in this? Sounds like grooming to me
Archived link in case anyone else is getting a pop up about an ad blocker: https://archive.is/ZuVwv
In addition to catching a criminal did someone also get a reward for catching sasquatch?
Bunch of scumbags
I did meet some Sasquatch hunters out there while working slightly west of there one summer.
It was a family affair and impossible to tell whether they really believed what they were saying. They also believed in all kinds of conspiracies about the government doing secret tests on people on local government property, and were pretty sexist and racist as well.
Very very few people are like this all in one, and the state troopers were really annoyed with them and told us to call them if they showed up again, but dang.