Caring about oneself is very important, for how can you truly strive for achieving anything if you don’t care about yourself.
The world is a beautiful place with a lot going wrong with it, and we can work to make it a beautiful place for everyone if we do what our ancestors have done for generations: care about ourselves with the self-awareness to realize that caring about others improves all of our lives.
Clearly you’re a half-giant
Not the part of me that boys are interested in :(
Ah you’re full giant in those parts I see
Oh god no…
Your wit?
Nah I just meant that I have small peepee
Guys afraid/insecure likely, guys not interested unlikely. True regardless of gender.
You don’t know how little I care about myself
Caring about oneself is very important, for how can you truly strive for achieving anything if you don’t care about yourself.
The world is a beautiful place with a lot going wrong with it, and we can work to make it a beautiful place for everyone if we do what our ancestors have done for generations: care about ourselves with the self-awareness to realize that caring about others improves all of our lives.
That type of smallness is something you probably want to work on for your own sake.