Stuff like a pretty case with slots for optical drives, a laptop with a shitton of ports and all-day battery life or anything else that seems to go against the trends.

This thread is for complaining about how you can’t find it and (maybe) finding it thanks to someone else.

  • dandelion
    1 个月前

    Remember when MP3 players were a thing? Well I still listen to mp3 files, but I can’t put them on my smartphone because manufacturers artificially reduce storage size on phones to force people to use cloud services, and the available mp3 players that accept microSD cards are remarkably bad in many ways. It makes me pessimistic about tech in general, there is no sense of humanism or building progress, that in the future the products will be easier or better. Based on current trends, it seems like in the future the tech will just be more exploitative and consumers are just captive at this point.

      1 个月前

      I have an iPod that I use for music and I love it. I could put Rockbox on it so I don’t need iTunes, but I do really love the stock firmware.

      Anyway, point is, my 2nd gen iPod mini has 128gb of microSD storage and is the best portable DAP I’ve ever owned.