well you wouldn’t want to be caught doing / saying / thinking the wrong thing would you?
I’ve actually internalized all of the correct thoughts so doing/saying/thinking the wrong thing is literally impossible for me. That you would insinuate the possibility of the alternative is frankly suspicious. I’m putting your name on my list.
social politeness has gone too far \s
tbh I have daily interactions with real humans in the flesh that make me think more people should be concerned about their actions and words than they are, lol
though the habituation of state and corporate surveillance is disturbing and should be combated fr
Forget state and corporate surveillance. You are being watched by a hivebeast with a thousand eyes. It’s the people around you. So conforming that they are barely individuals. The hivebeast is not kind, or even very smart, but it is powerful and it demands your compliance.
I live in America, people here operate in the opposite fashion of a hive - in a hive the organism is the collective, and the individual is just a part of the whole. In the U.S. many people refuse to take minimal actions to benefit others and even themselves out of the perception that it is collectivist.
I dunno if prefer is the right word. It’s more like, people don’t know that an alternative way of thinking exists, so they don’t even know if they dislike conformity. There definitely are people who naturally prefer conformity and will do so even if the option to be independent is available, but I don’t think that’s the majority.
It’s the majority. The 99%. It’s Lemmy.
I think you’re grossly overestimating how groupthink this platform really is. Just the act of going to a federated platform is a huge leap outside of the “normal” sphere, we are all weirdos at a baseline. Sure, the folks at .world are a lot closer to the sheep on X or Facebook then they’d admit, but there’s lots of queer spaces on here that have been independent from the mainstream for awhile. I can assure you, many of them are very uncomfortable with the idea of being told what to do.
More people should eat mushrooms
There are a few varieties I have in mind that I’d like to see served at a White House dinner.
What the fuck is wrong with y’all?
Capitalism mostly
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