Why did I spend so much effort hornyposting?
It’s a good post
I agree with the other person, it is a very good post and the effort was worth it. I even downloaded it uwu
U can be used as a source material for creating plutonium-239
I can? 😳
With nuclear transmutation, you could fuse and fiss yourself into any heavier element. Enough energy, and you could turn lead into gold. It’s incredibly expensive, so nobody would do it for anything that exists on earth already
People already treasure you, so there would for sure be no need to turn you into gold
me frfr
I really need to see a fast breeder reaction rn
Watch out for the gamma rays, they have high penetrating power 😩
Seems like a Strong interaction to us.
I’m very weak, I can only beta decay
I was thinking the same thing throughout the whole SED youtube
Destin would be proud of me
SE I guess