This one took me a while. Nice one.
:.|:;My projector actually came with a perverse little known DVI connector. The packaging just said DVI. But when I got home I couldn’t use my DVI cable. The socket on the projector was too long. Going back to the store I argued a long time with the clerk until he sold me an adaptor with his employee discount.
The socket was supposed to be used to connect something via USB to the projector. But to what end I could never find out. It was basically useless. Especially since they could just as easily have used a normal DVI socket and a USB socket. But nooo, they had to be special.
Son of a bitch…
I… don’t get it. Can someone spoiler the explanation?
Edit: oh shit I got it.
“Yeah, sure. A normal DVI-Cable wouldn’t fit in there. Some users might just break the cable and wonder why there is no signal!”
~Me (stupid), forgetting which community this is
damn it. take your upvote you bastard.
Evil, just evil
holy mackerel!
What would it be deployed as a standard if it had such a glaring issue? Surely there’s a better explanation.
We are all at a loss to understand how this happened.
I see what you did there…hahahahahhaha