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A great video about how fandom really doesn’t know how to handle asexual characters in media and likes to sexualise them regardless. There is nothing wrong with this in the sense of exploring identity etc in fan fiction inherently as long as they don’t pretend that it’s ever going to happen in canon or shout down asexuals who would like some characters that are canonically like them for once.

  • Zero22xx
    1 month ago

    I’ve definitely noticed that most fans in any fandom can’t seem to accept or comprehend the fact that not every character needs to be married off and have 2.5 kids and a white picket fence.

    I’ve butted heads over this many times regarding Batman and Catwoman. Sure, they have their always doomed to fail flings with each other occasionally but over all, they’re both prime candidates for the kind of characters that are forever alone and it suits them. Even Catwoman, for as much as she uses sex appeal, doesn’t strike me as exactly promiscuous and seems to be too much in love with herself and her own solitude / independence for that. Maybe they’re not 100% gold star ace or whatever but they both fit the aro side to a tee, at least.

    And whenever people are complaining about DC never letting Bruce and Selina do what every other fucking character does, I’m there thankful that DC are staying the course.