I know sex toys are generally a personal thing. But they’re also expensive and fun. How would you feel if a guy you’re hooking up with owned a vibrator and wanted to use it on you?
I know sex toys are generally a personal thing. But they’re also expensive and fun. How would you feel if a guy you’re hooking up with owned a vibrator and wanted to use it on you?
I don’t think it really matters because the person who thinks it’s okay to use sex toys on multiple random partners probably isn’t the type to be extra diligent about cleaning them. There’s no way to guarantee to the partner that they’ve done any cleaning on it at all and they should understand that.
I mean you kind of have to accept that a sex partner used the very same body parts with other people, and if anything, those are even harder to sterilize. So your assumption that a person who doesn’t share with you an irrational greater concern about toys is untrustworthy seems problematic.
You can… boil it in front of them.
Or you could just not use it at all. Do you typically start your romantic encounters with a boiling pot of water and a second-hand sex toy? What exactly is the upside for the woman in this scenario?
You’re right. I forgot completely what I learned in sex-ed:
Whatever you say, bud. I’m sure the ladies are just as thrilled when you try to convince then that it’s totally okay to reuse a condom used on someone else because you washed it off in the sink.
Depends on the woman, but some enjoy it for personal reasons. Like, I have multiple friends I’ve watched take the same dildo (at different events) connected to a F machine and they love just getting drilled by it in front of their friends. And we all know the owner of the machine/dildo properly cleans and sanitizes it between events.
My entire friend group is kinky and poly, so I understand I’m not exactly a normal responder.
E: I think it’s important to note that these are non-poros dildos, so there’s no worries about fluid bonding. Also, condoms are helpful in preventing that as well.