Thanks for sourcing it! I found it a long time ago and it definitely was not on Instagram when I found it.
Figured it represented the black dog of death, but it really does feel like this fucker is chasing me through time as my rent bill.
Month after month. Day after day. Every day, I run and run. But one day I won’t be fast enough, and it will catch me. And then I will be homeless (again).
God how I hate that I don’t know if that’s a diffuse model or by an actual artist. And we’re just at the start of this!
Graphite on paper :)
Thanks for sourcing it! I found it a long time ago and it definitely was not on Instagram when I found it.
Figured it represented the black dog of death, but it really does feel like this fucker is chasing me through time as my rent bill.
Month after month. Day after day. Every day, I run and run. But one day I won’t be fast enough, and it will catch me. And then I will be homeless (again).
Nice. Insta is blocking me though :/
Turing Test
Oof dat ui on mobile