“Our’research has determined that we can fill up to 90% of the visual field with advertisements before inducing seizures!”
Corporations all genuinely want to be that guy so fucking bad, just because they think that if they do become him, they might actually starry to finally feel something… anything. Or they think if they become that guy their father might say "I love you " for the first time or some other sad “this is why I’m a serial killer” shit.
Dropped Hulu so very long ago.
Does it delete random pieces of your data if you give it a wrong answer?
Why would anyone put up with the attack that is advertising? If it requires you to watch ads, it’s not worth it. You wouldn’t sit through a free movie if it meant a stranger showing up every few minutes and offering to let you rim them, (it’s not that no one wants what their offering, it’s that they don’t care whether you’re interested or not. They’re still going to show you their asshole) why would you allow a similar violation of your mind?
a free movie
That’s the point. The movie isn’t free. You pay for the admission by rimming that guy. If you don’t want to do that, go to a different cinema and pay with money.
Similar violation? How in the actual fuck is watching a few ads in anyway whatsoever even close to what you described?
Why would anyone put up with the attack that is advertising?
It’s quite simple because not think the exact way you do and have the same priorities.
you’re right. at least, depending on the person, there’s a chance rimming could be enjoyable. not so with ads that quiz you.
It’s pretty close tbh
Ads are annoying I give you that.
Please drink the verification can
Hulu does this thing sometimes where you can choose which ad you want if two videos. Usually there is a timer to pick a default for you. I don’t see a timer on the screen, but I’m still wondering if Lexus is using that feature for this ad. Did it not progress until you selected something?
Ooh, I know the answer!
What happens if you answer wrong?
You get sent to ad prison for re-education.
you do reset if you failed after that, you have to rewatch the film from start
They’re really doing everything in their power to destroy their own business model, aren’t they?
They are owned by the cable company, so who knows.
I’m always a bit dumbfounded how many people are apparently fine with this sort of thing. I wish this was obviously a death sentence or pr nightmare for the service but in practice it must not be for a lot of people, enough to make it worth attempting.
I love when instagram goes: “have you heard about …?” Presumably asking this as they just showed me an ad about it that i completely ignored and i just go “no i haven’t”.
The only use of showing me ads is them getting paid and wasting my time. I don’t pay attention to them because i either don’t need/want it, just bought it or can’t afford it.
It’s been a long time since i bought something as a result of watching an ad.
The effect of ads is usually not directly linked to a specific product.
If, for example, you need a new box of laundry detergent, you’ll go to the supermarket. There you might find brand A, which you’ve never heard of, or brand B, which had an ad you’ve seen or heard somewhere. Studies have shown you’ll be more likely to buy brand B, because you’ll find it more trustworthy, which is because you’ve heard about it somewhere.
So, a lot of ads aren’t solely about a specific product, but also about making their brand perform better in the long run. Therefore, even if an ad is just making noise on the background, it may still have an effect on you. And, since it’s a subliminal process, it’s extremely difficult to make a concious decision to not buy products you’ve seen or heard ads of.
Yeah, that’s all true, but I’ve still got 500 things I need to spend money on before buying a Lexus. Ads for luxury cars are wasted on us poors.
And, since it’s a subliminal process, it’s extremely difficult to make a concious decision to not buy products you’ve seen or heard ads of.
Instead, I make a conscious decision to not buy products I remember seeing or hearing ads of. If you’re using subtle product placement to subliminally manipulate me in a way I don’t notice, good for you. If it’s obvious enough I remember you doing it then I will not buy your product unless it is already the best deal available (aka the cheapest per unit or best quality per price, excepting products I have had a bad experience with).
Yeah i’m too weird for ads it seems.
I just buy whichever has the best price per kg. I make a normale mortal wage i can’t afford to get used to such luxuries like paying double to get the Nutella that actually says Nutella on it.
I feel for everyone who makes an equal wage and doesn’t have the ability to see food as fuel.
On one hand I wish I could just see food as fuel. That’s how my dad is and it can certainly make things cheaper when needed. But he also doesn’t really seem to appreciate the better foods as much when it’s available.
Next step: political adverts that quiz you on what you’ve just heard and repeat each segment if you get the answer wrong.
Just kidding though (or am I). This is truly some dystopian shit. My first reaction was what the actual fuck. And I bet you that their numbers aren’t really going to hurt that much because of this. Mark my words.
What really grinds my gears, is for every shitty “feature” like this, for every denial of policy or piece of spyware… someone thought it up.
I wonder does anyone ever, in the meeting where this is decided, bring up what a horrible idea it is? I’m sure that person won’t have the best career, but has anyone ever seen someone take the bullet?
Seen from abroad, US companies have always kind of been anti-consumer, but lately they’ve been super turbo pedal to the metal implementing that shit.
I guess they want to quickly make as much money as possible in the few years left before everything goes to hell.
Man, I’ve been to these meetings.
Shitty MBAs have a shitty idea, and when you go “that’s impossible to do / directly against any sane set of values / clearly and plainly very, very illegal”, they just go “don’t worry about it” and have you do the stupid shit. When it comes crashing down, responsibility is usually distributed like when you take a turd and throw it in a high speed industrial fan, everyone gets a little.
Then you have a choice between either becoming so jaded and cynical that it’s not even funny anymore, or switch jobs. I’ve had too many jobs.
At my former job, I saved a ridiculous number of email chains that showed my objections and the management reply to just do it in a folder I creatively named “CYA”.
Somebody better tell Sony about this. I’m sure they want to cash in from their patent being infringed.
:p /s
The dreaded future of advertising is here. Next step, in your face as you do your daily stuffs.
I found the answer! It’s https://help.hulu.com/article/hulu-cancel-hulu-subscription
This is a brand lift study. It’s almost worthless: Hulu is paid nearly zero for it. I can’t believe they’ve stooped this low to scrape so little incremental revenue with such a customer hostile tack. Their product and analytics people must truly suck and completely lack awareness of counter metrics.
That’s exactly what I was thinking.