So I’m European and am aware that American culture is very different in many ways. Idk if this is just some type of thing about American culture and mentality in general that has always been there or if it is a trend that started recently in the past few years.
I don’t wanna generalize any country and know that not everyone is like this but I definitely noticed this type of pattern.
I increasingly noticed in the past years that many Americans are very hateful/cruel, are lacking empathy, become more and more aggressive and it seems like it’s becoming worse.
I’m not sure if this is maybe related to Americans needing to be “though” or something because I always hear about that the American mentality is pretty competitive and individualistic and instead of saying “we will go through this this together” they often have this mentality “it’s either me or you but it can’t be both who will win”. I mean I’m pretty sure that all these things like this biking culture, driving big “manly” pick up trucks, wrestling etc. are pretty prevalent in America compared to other countries and American culture generally seems very loud and direct. I think here in Europe people are way more reserved and I guess the strongest opposite to Americans are probably Japanese people.
But to me this seems to go to the point where many Americans seem to have this attitude and are very ignorant and arrogant and basically think they’re better than anyone else and they only care for themselves.
And it feels like it’s so extreme to the point where everyone is hating, attacking and bashing on everyone and instead of being stronger united they’re just fighting against themselves and putting each other down and they always focus on the negative.
Especially online it seems like that no matter what the topic is and independent from whether they are Democrat or Republican they’re constantly bashing on someone and baselessly calling them “weak” even though in reality they’re probably the ones who are weak and trample onto people cause they’re obviously dissatisfied with themselves and aren’t able to man-up to face the real issues. You just can’t blame everything on others and have to take responsibility for yourself!
Some stuff that I’ve seen on American news like “Fox News” just seemed crazy where the reporters personally attack and bash on people which is something that would be unthinkable in Europe.
Even though many people were saying that Americans have this “fake friendliness” I’m thinking that even that disappeared in the last few years and they’re becoming more open to show what they really think which seems to be that they “don’t give a f* about you”.
Many Americans that I encountered seem so aggressive like they always need to bash onto something in this toxic way even though they’re actually in a very good position and have a lot to be grateful for. Like in other poor countries people have real problems and are literally starving because they have no food or they have war in their country.
I’m always thinking “dude, you need to chill” cause literally no one is attacking them and they’re fully secure. But it seems like they’re always searching for a fight or something.
It seems like many of these people are so disconnected from nature and become less human and I wonder why they can’t just spend meaningful time with other people being positive and not constantly waste their time with hating or complaining about something. Because this just doesn’t work and in a society with multiple people especially in a world where everything is more connected than ever we need to hold together and have empathy for one and another. That is one of the core morals that a human needs!
It seems like many Americans generally have this “cruelness” about them cause I also heard things that many Americans are physically beating their children and even the fact that guns are popular and legal in America to the point where you can’t even safely walk alone in public during the night or safely send your kid to school and also this general mindset of America is doing everything the best and “America first”. I really don’t wanna bash on Americans at all and only want to share my experience because I just haven’t experienced this type of hate here in Europe in that extreme way and it just makes me very uncomfortable because I feel like this mood is affecting the whole world since American media and influence is prevalent everywhere.
To me it feels like this won’t end well and it feels like it’s just a matter of time until something very bad happens like the second civil war or so and the storm on the capitol might be nothing compared to that. But maybe that’s the only way they will finally learn if they’re lacking these core morals and integrity and they don’t get educated about that in school.
It also seems like they can’t handle critique and can’t admit it/stand to those things. When I once asked a similar question on Reddit the only thing I got back was bashing and personal attacks and I hope it’s not the same here, cause that is literally just proving my point. There needs to be constructive discussions.
There are obviously multiple factors that go into this, but I think the big ones are the systematic destruction of the US educational system and the wealth inequality caused by late-stage capitalism. Fixing the education problem will take decades. Fixing the wealth inequality could be done quickly, but things will have to get worse before people begin to agree that it needs to happen. I’m confident that things will eventually get better. I am no longer confident that it will happen soon or without violence.
Similar things are happening in Europe, with the rise of the extreme right, but the situation there is not as far along as it is in the US. I think Europe still has a reasonable chance of avoiding the worst of this.
why are European Nazis so hateful and destructive in 2025 (Germany, Italy, Sweden, Hungary, etc)?
What you see on TV is for-profit corporate media that is showing what their advertisers approve. Its not an accurate reflection of the society as a whole.
Roughly 30% of the US population are supporters of fascism. Largely this is due to poor education.
Every part of our society is dysfunctional and declining, and that’s self-perpetuating. If you throw a rock, you’ll hit a reason why the US is like this. We are pretty FUBAR.
It’s pretty much always been this way, like if you look at opinions and rhetoric post-9/11, the overwhelming majority of people supported Bush and it was common to talk about nuking random countries in the Middle East. Back then we were a bit less mask off in that Bush wasn’t as blunt and explicit about things as Trump is, but the bodies were just as dead. Trump realized that the facade of politeness had become vestigal and didn’t actually matter. As for American liberals, the thing to understand is that they only compare themselves to Republicans and so as long as they are 5% more proper and 5% kinder, 5% more intellectual, etc, they see themselves as having all of those qualities, but from the outside, to someone who has reference points outside of American politics, the differences often seem pretty marginal. So for example, “I can excuse indefinite detention without trial at Guantanamo Bay, but I draw the line at torture” and within the context of American politics that’s reasonable and even left-leaning but in a broader context, it’s like, "You can excuse what?"
40+ years ago the Republicans started a war against education and intellectualism. They won.
From my perspective, they’ve always been there, but now they’re louder. They’ve been emboldened by the public perception that it’s okay to be terrible and hateful and selfish. It used to be that those people kept more quiet.
Nah, it’s older than that, watch Deathwish 2 and tell American boomers weren’t itching for an excuse to murder teenagers.
I’m gonna bring up a slightly different take on the situation.
2001, during the walk between my 1st period and 2nd period class, my country changed forever. My math teacher had a shocked look on his face, he put the radio on, and told us that it was very important to listen, as we will never forget this moment. An airplane had hit the world trade center. I remember the bell going off, going to my history class, and shortly afterwards, being told that the busses were coming back to take my classmates home. They were terrified, that their school busses would be attacked and that they wouldn’t make it home. I found my brother and we walked home early that day. I got home in time to see my mom staring at the TV, which was surreal on its own because she hates TV. By the time I go home, the towers were falling.
That moment was a catalyst for irrational hate and fear taking over the US. Anti-musilm hate (if you can even call it that sophisticated and targeted, really just anyone the right shade of brown) really took off. I remember hearing about men being assaulted and having their beards shaved. Women had their head covering confiscated, and mosques became a primary target for yahoos and bigots to deface and burn. A few years later I remember and popular jingle about bombing Afghanistan, not specifically the Taliban or Al-Qaeda, but just Afghanistan in general. Hate became more mainstream and visible to me than ever. Sure, the US wasn’t perfect before, but for my generation, 9/11 was the moment that “Othering” people who didn’t look like you, talk like you, and pray like you, became not just a coping mechanism, but a core identity for a significant portion of the USA. If you spoke out about the irrational hate, you were Un-American, or a traitor. My father took me to see Fahrenheit 911, and I remember hearing about protestors attacking theaters that were playing the movie, and people that were buying tickets for it.
Anyway, that’s my two cents on where millennials (at least) got their hate enemas from.
I think Americans experienced way too much unnecessary trauma, uncertainties and weird life events in general that probably made them fearful/put them in survival mode and it turned into anger. It is definitely understandable from a psychological perspective to a point.
A lot of this is explained by poor reading comprehension mixed with paranoia.
Americans will read pretty much any comment in an aggressive, hostile tone by default
Hence the popularity of in-jokes on the internet, Americans can generally only recognise jokes if they already know them, or if they’re telegraphed from a mile off (that’s around 738 washing machines)
Anything else is assumed to be a personal attack. It doesn’t help that a good chunk of them are also absolutely desperate to be offended on someone else’s behalf all the time lol
The problem is unfettered capitalism. Our leaders are far more concerned about enriching themselves than acting on behalf of their constituents, so we’ve got this really jaded electorate.
And then as a dominant super power in the world, we’ve been targeted with enormous misinformation campaigns, both from our own “news sources” (Fox News is NOT real news, it’s lies and half truths and proliferation of hatred!) and fake internet trolls. All of that on top of decades of political corruption, decades of businesses lobbying in their own best interest and spreading lies to support their position (“tobacco is safe and very cool!” “guns don’t kill people”, “weed is the root of all evil!”, “pEoPlE ARe tERMinatInG 9 mOnTh oLd feTUseS anD bORn bABiEs!”).
Conservatives have always been the temporarily embarrassed millionaires, and once they get theirs, fuck everyone else. Generations bought homes at affordable prices, then pulled the ladder up behind them and fuck all future generations. “Pull yourself up by your boot straps!” is sort of bullshit you get from them, but they didn’t do that at all and they’ve broken the whole system in their favor.
Now conservatives are trying to break our educational system by banning books, banning subject discussion like evolution or slavery, foregoing sex education in favor of the provably bad “abstinence education”. A country founded on “separation of church and state” is pushing harder and harder to make a “Christian nation” that doesn’t and shouldn’t exist. They want a stupid electorate making tons of babies who also grow up stupid and vote for them. The majority of Americans are liberal and have genuine sympathy and compassion for others, so before they wake up and actually get involved, the conservatives have to breed up a bunch of idiots they can convince real easily to vote their way.
All that to say… I don’t think it’s going to get any better anytime soon. Get me the fuck out of this place.
So I’m European and am aware that American culture is very different in many ways. Idk if this is just some type of thing about American culture and mentality in general that has always been there
Observing USians and debating them on social media, I am more and more of the view that substantial proportion of them are properly, certifiably insane.
And it doesn’t apply only to MAGA nutjobs, it applies across the political divide and often starts with complete and utter contempt for facts.
You’re watching the collapse of an empire. The citizens are getting desperate and scared, those of them that don’t realize or understand the situation they’re in even moreso. What you’re seeing isn’t driven by malice, it’s just too difficult to care for others now. A lotta my friends struggle to pay rent every month and keep food in their mouths. We walk around with the knowledge a stranger could freak out and gun us down at any moment. Is it any wonder that they are numb to violence, numb to threats, even numb to the fear of death?
Once you get that numb and hollow, you cut what’s extraneous away and focus on your own survival. Americans are, broadly speaking, panicked animals. The worse things get, the more panicked and desperate they’ll become, and the less they’ll care about standards and morals in the pursuit of survival.
You’d have to go to fox news–the network that lies so much that even their name is a lie–and ask them why they’re doing everything they’re doing.
Short answer is, they’re the taliban.
Don’t believe everything you read or hear is what it amounts to. You’re getting highly selective, heavily filtered news, not the lives of actual people.
i only believe even numbered things i hear; so a full half of things I hear I don’t believe.
That’s odd
No, it’s even.
I don’t believe it, though they would
Thing 73012: Baby gorilla rescued from hold of Turkish Airlines plane ✅
Thing 73013: The deadliest beings on the planet: can the bacteriophage help in our fight against superbugs? ❌
Thing 73014: Taliban ‘do not see women as human’, says Malala in Pakistan ✅
Thing 73015: Zelenskyy offers Ukraine’s help to fight California wildfires after Trump Jr post ❌
Yeah, that was simple and fun.
The short answer is that we haven’t really become any more hateful or cruel, however a VERY vocal minority of Americans have lost they’re goddamned minds and want to drag the rest of us down with them. Those are the people you’re hearing from and they make the rest of us look awful
And that minority gets an outsized place at the media table due to billionaire oligarchs who want total control.
Actuay a great summation in another post around the same time:
dont forget the raging propaganda preventing the silent majority from believing they can affect change. ~40% of people who are eligible to vote never do.
I hope it is just a minority. I remember when I once asked on Reddit why so many Americans like Donald Trump considering all the things he has done and said and they were saying it’s just a very small minority and that they personally don’t know any one who likes him. Turns out he got the popular vote making him president again. So that seemed quite detached from reality.
Here’s your answer on Trump.
How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind
Still as true in 2025 as it was in 2016. If you truly want to understand, read it. I read it a couple of times a year to retain my sanity, get some understanding of the seeming anarchy.
the majority of people voted for him
Eh… That’s not quite accurate. Current estimates are that 77,301,997 people voted for Trump, which is less than 50% of the 155,211,283 total votes cast. (But Kamala, the second-most-voted-for candidate got less than that at 75,017,626.)
But only about 64% of those eligible to vote voted.
So, not even half of those who did vote in the 2024 presidential election voted for Trump, let alone those who were eligible to voted, let alone all “people” in the U.S… But the ones who voted for Trump composed many more than the number of people who voted for any other candidate.
But isn’t that kind of putting lipstick on a pig? I mean got elected to become president. And 77 million is a lot of people… And I’m not sure if that’s going to change policies and society. It’s kind of accepted now to be a biggot and do harmful things. And I’m really not sure if it’s acceptable under these circumstances to be a “silent majority” anyways. I mean it’s not exactly like watching the nazis take over a country. But I think there are parallels. And I don’t think it’s ethically alright to just watch. At some point if you don’t do anything, you become part of the problem. IMO.
I don’t disagree with anything you’re saying here. Yes, even though the pro-Trump folks don’t comprise a majority of Americans, it’s exceedingly concerning that they’re as close to 50% of the U.S. population as they are. I don’t think I said otherwise, though. I also didn’t say anything about whether the anti-Trump majority (if indeed it is a majority) is/isn’t/was/wasn’t/should be/shouldn’t be “silent.”
Were the anti-Trump folks really “silent” before the election? Was there something they weren’t saying that they should have? 'Cuz it’s not like there wasn’t anybody campaigning against him.
I wasn’t even implying that. I think it’s more nuanced. And I don’t think America is as democratic as it should be. So I’m not sure if I’m even blaming the people. For a lot of things there are exactly zero solutions available, disregarding how/whom you vote. I mean I’m kind of with OP here. I’m not from the US and I can’t really relate. We just hear very different takes from overseas. Some people believe the country is turning into an authoritarian system soon, some think we’re painting an overly dark image. And I, too, wouldn’t know how to vote if you always get only 2 (fake) choices who both don’t really care for the people… So I can somehow relate to people just not taking part in voting. It’s just a bad situation. And I wish for the best. Though, I think at least 50% of the citizens have lost track on what America is about… And politics is more entertainment than solving any of the big issues. And you people in the US really have some big (societal) issues to tackle.
Let’s remember the large amount of people who couldn’t be bothered to vote.
Propaganda. Mostly funded by the rich, in order to, of course, stay on the top of the class hierarchy. Easier to be a filthy evil oligarch when the “rabble” just fight each other and don’t pay any attention to you, or worse, kiss your boots.