So I’m European and am aware that American culture is very different in many ways. Idk if this is just some type of thing about American culture and mentality in general that has always been there or if it is a trend that started recently in the past few years.

I don’t wanna generalize any country and know that not everyone is like this but I definitely noticed this type of pattern.

I increasingly noticed in the past years that many Americans are very hateful/cruel, are lacking empathy, become more and more aggressive and it seems like it’s becoming worse.

I’m not sure if this is maybe related to Americans needing to be “though” or something because I always hear about that the American mentality is pretty competitive and individualistic and instead of saying “we will go through this this together” they often have this mentality “it’s either me or you but it can’t be both who will win”. I mean I’m pretty sure that all these things like this biking culture, driving big “manly” pick up trucks, wrestling, football etc. are pretty prevalent in America compared to other countries and American culture generally seems very loud and direct. I think here in Europe people are way more reserved and I guess the strongest opposite to Americans are probably Japanese people. Maybe American culture is generally more “rough” where they aren’t super sensitive and don’t really care how their words come over and just speak their mind (maybe cause they value free speech so much).

But to me this seems to go to the point where many Americans seem to have this attitude and are very ignorant and arrogant and basically think they’re better than anyone else and they only care for themselves.

And it feels like it’s so extreme to the point where everyone is hating, attacking and bashing on everyone and instead of being stronger united they’re just fighting against themselves and putting each other down and they always focus on the negative.

Especially online it seems like that no matter what the topic is and independent from whether they are Democrat or Republican they’re constantly bashing on someone and baselessly calling them “weak” even though in reality they’re probably the ones who are weak and trample onto people cause they’re obviously dissatisfied with themselves and aren’t able to man-up to face the real issues. You just can’t blame everything on others and have to take responsibility for yourself!

Some stuff that I’ve seen on American news like “Fox News” just seemed crazy where the reporters personally attack and bash on people which is something that would be unthinkable in Europe.

Even though many people were saying that Americans have this “fake friendliness” I’m thinking that even that disappeared in the last few years and they’re becoming more open to show what they really think which seems to be that they “don’t give a f* about you”.

Many Americans that I encountered seem so aggressive like they always need to bash onto something in this toxic way even though they’re actually in a very good position and have a lot to be grateful for. Like in other poor countries people have real problems and are literally starving because they have no food or they have war in their country.

I’m always thinking “dude, you need to chill” cause literally no one is attacking them and they’re fully secure. But it seems like they’re always searching for a fight or something.

It seems like many of these people are so disconnected from nature and become less human and I wonder why they can’t just spend meaningful time with other people being positive and not constantly waste their time with hating or complaining about something. Because this just doesn’t work and in a society with multiple people especially in a world where everything is more connected than ever we need to hold together and have empathy for one and another. That is one of the core morals that a human needs!

It seems like many Americans generally have this “cruelness” about them cause I also heard things that many Americans are physically beating their children and even the fact that guns are popular and legal in America to the point where you can’t even safely walk alone in public during the night or safely send your kid to school and also this general mindset of America is doing everything the best and “America first”. I really don’t wanna bash on Americans at all and only want to share my experience because I just haven’t experienced this type of hate here in Europe in that extreme way and it just makes me very uncomfortable because I feel like this mood is affecting the whole world since American media and influence is prevalent everywhere.

To me it feels like this won’t end well and it feels like it’s just a matter of time until something very bad happens like the second civil war or so and the storm on the capitol might be nothing compared to that. But maybe that’s the only way they will finally learn if they’re lacking these core morals and integrity and they don’t get educated about that in school.

It also seems like they can’t handle critique and can’t admit it/stand to those things. When I once asked a similar question on Reddit the only thing I got back was bashing and personal attacks and I hope it’s not the same here, cause that is literally just proving my point. There needs to be constructive discussions.

    2 months ago

    We’ve had a couple of reports about this post, but I’m going to let it slide for the moment because the discussion seems mostly respectful. Let’s keep it polite though please.

    2 months ago

    Here’s my attempt to explain this in as few words as possible:

    American Exceptionalism is imploding.

    Longer explanation:

    From a cultural narrative/myth standpoint, a whole lot of us were trained and taught to believe that ‘America is the best country in the world’.

    This was the source of our national optimism, our national belief that we can achieve anything we decide to do, that we are the force for good in the world, that we can be the shining city on the hill, the role model, the ‘good guy’.

    You can interpret that in different ways, its flexible enough to hold true within the Overton Window of ‘acceptable’ political viewpoints.

    But the problem is that it has become increasingly obvious that this myth is a complete lie nowadays, that it was built on a false, sanitized version of history, which itself was perpetuated by our education system and popular media until very recently.

    So at a group scale… this is the national myth, and its been obliterated, so now… we as a collective have just splintered into highly polarized factions.

    At an individual scale, American Exceptionalism means that you as an individual live in ‘The land of opportunity’, ie, we live in a meritocratic society that rewards good character, good intentions, diligent work and study with a life of wealth amd freedom superior to what can be achieved elsewhere.

    But, as our economic systems have become consolidated, our political systems have eroded to naked oligarchy, its now clear to the individual that… what was promised to be obtainable to any one, now basically isn’t: class/income mobility is so bad now that we basically actually live in a classed society of hereditary nobility, determined by wealth. They just don’t have titles like Duke or Baron, they have titles of Executive Director, CEO and Member of the Board.

    … Our egos cannot accept this, and internalize it as a personal failure, and express it outwardly as everyone else’s failure.

    Deep down, we were supposed to be able to be successful if we put in the work.

    A whole lot of people did put in the work, and most of them got fucked.

    So we are angry about that, and most of us carry that chip on our shoulder, that we’ve all been scammed.

    But we don’t agree on why we’ve been scammed, how we’ve been scammed, or how this should be addressed.

    I concur with you that this will not end well.

    We are a fracturing, dying empire, a third world country with a gucci belt, and we elected a racist rapist facist conman.

    And we have more privately owned guns than people.

    I agree with many other posters that social media prioritizing ostentacious wealth and bravado / dominance displays certainly does not help, but I’m going with the ‘American Exceptionalism Imploding’ explanation to attempt to explain how Americans in particular, compared to other nations, are becoming so vicious and hostile so rapidly.

    Sure would have been nice if people realized 20 years ago that Carlin was not joking whatsoever when he said:

    “They call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.”

    Bowie was right to be afraid of Americans.

      2 months ago

      Crazy - am I the only one who was always taught the places we let our goals down? Who was taught all the idealized mythology around the US are goals? You don’t get happiness, you get the right to pursue it. You don’t get success, you get the opportunity to try. You don’t get equality, you get to fight for equality.

      My ancestors migrated to the US over a century ago and were very white, so we do have it easier than some. But the point is to recognize that. To fight to make the American dream a possibility for everyone

      My ancestor strongly believed in a good education, such that he insisted all his kids goto college even though they became farmers. Now I’m in a position that I can help my kids goto college, but the American dream includes that all kids have the opportunity. Just like my ancestor arriving penniless illiterate, not speaking the language and with no family - those people too should have the opportunity for a good education. Being able to afford a good education is not a lie, it’s a goal, and it’s in all our best interest as a society to make it so

      If “make America great again” had any truth in it, it would be to believe in our goals again, and work toward achieving them. Relight that dim, flickering torch and stoke those embers to become the America we’ve told ourselves we can be

      2 months ago

      this, the “News” or, how people get information about their world, has been broken for 40 years or so

      addictive, hate fueled, lie filled, drama news is the norm. murdoch must die

    2 months ago

    I hope you’re not naive enough to think it also isn’t happening where you are, too.

      2 months ago

      While I fully agree and am very afraid of the current developments this answer kind of comes off as “you too” which feels like a try to belittle the issue.

      There’s a lot of context missing in this, like the USA having the biggest army and privately owned guns, just to name one thing.

  • Mossy Feathers (She/They)
    2 months ago

    Our standard of living is collapsing and we have no way out because all of our media is controlled by billionaires, all our politicians are controlled by billionaires, the economy is controlled by billionaires, our entertainment is controlled by billionaires. This is what the billionaires want, so it’s what the billionaires get. I’m probably about to lose my hrt and could soon find myself in financial ruin because Texas is trying to establish bounty laws that’d allow people to sue trans people and doctors who offer gender affirming care. Healthcare costs are out of control as well. It cost me $300 for a single appointment at planned parenthood to start hrt. My therapist, who I see weekly, costs over $200 a session. Insurance will not cover either one, because it doesn’t see either one as being medically necessary.

    So yes, we are getting extremely pissed off.

      2 months ago

      Sorry you have to go through that. I hope you are able to get out of Texas at some point.

      • Mossy Feathers (She/They)
        2 months ago

        It fucking sucks, yo. “That’s just how life is” is becoming my mantra. Quite honestly, I’m not sure I’ll ever find a place where I’ll feel safe, secure and supported. I don’t think trans people get to have all three, nor will we ever.

          2 months ago

          I’ll tell you that where I live in America is waaaaaayyyy more accepting than what you’re describing. A friend transitioned a couple years ago, and said that the insurance, doctors and her job were all super helpful and understanding. A drag queen duo just sold out one of the most popular venues in the city multiple nights for their annual holiday show. Hell, the bar down the street from me has a trans couple who are regulars and nobody gives a shit (coincidentally, they just moved here from Texas). It’s not even a queer bar or anything, it’s just a normal watering hole.

          A lot of places in America suck, but there are oases, is what I’m saying.

          • Mossy Feathers (She/They)
            2 months ago

            What state/city is this in? That sounds really nice, though I’m guessing it’s a very expensive place to live. Seems like you either get cheap and hateful, or expensive and tolerant in the US.

            Edit: I actually really wanna know. Depending on the cost of living it might become my no. 1 destination.

              2 months ago

              Seattle. And yes, it’s fucking expensive. Outside of the city is cheaper, but diminishing returns on inclusiveness the farther away you get.

              If you have a tech background, living here gets way easier.

                  2 months ago

                  Before you give up entirely, check out some of the areas surrounding Seattle. The capital is a bit more affordable and there are a lot of state jobs.

                  2 months ago

                  Philly has a strong LGBTQ+ community and isn’t as prohibitively expensive to live in as Seattle. I work with some trans and nonbinary people in the city and they have told me they’re content living and working in Philly.

  • Tiefling IRL
    2 months ago

    This is also what it feels like living here. America teaches everyone that everything is a zero sun game and you can’t get anywhere without putting someone else down. Community is not something most people value, instead preferring isolationism. There’s also a major lack of education.

    2 months ago

    can’t even safely walk alone in public during the night or safely send your kid to school

    This isn’t true, the media just makes it look that way. The instances of school shooting are very dramatic, but statistically, your kid is in more danger on the drive to school than from a school shooting.

      2 months ago

      Yes, and sorta no.

      Statistically, US children’s non-health related mortality causes are sitting with firearm deaths at #1 and vehicle related deaths at #2. That said, it’s not just school shootings for the firearm deaths, so they’re more likely to die in a car crash to and from school, but firearms overall throughout their lives.

      Both of these categories are climbing year to year, with firearms growing faster than car deaths.

      Overall, cars are the third highest reason US adults die after cancer and heart issues.

      All of this sucks hard.

    • open_mind@lemm.eeOP
      2 months ago

      I know someone who moved to America. I think she’s living there for over 10 years now and she basically told me the opposite that she always thought the media was exaggerating this but when she moved there she actually experienced multiple shootings (where they were evacuated in school and she even heard gunshots in her neighborhood) which made her to not go alone anymore. In Europe the concept of owning a gun alone seems unimaginable.

        2 months ago

        Just going to add my own anecdotal experience to the mix; I’ve lived in the northeast US for my whole life. I also used to be a teacher. I’ve never once been a victim or bystander to gun violence. Now I am in a spot of the US with more strict gun laws, but I have also lived in places with laws that are more lax.

      • Mossy Feathers (She/They)
        2 months ago

        I live in Texas, I’ve never had a gun go off near me outside of a gun range or rural area (where it’s legal and acceptable). Anecdotal experiences can be wild, right?

      2 months ago

      From NEJM 2018 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMsr1804754 Motor vehicle crashes were the leading cause of death for children and adolescents, representing 20% of all deaths; firearm-related injuries were the second leading cause of death, responsible for 15% of deaths.

        2 months ago

        Most of those firearm deaths aren’t school shootings. Sending your kid to play at a friend’s house where the parents have guns is a reasonable concern. Being afraid to send your kid to school every day because of a mass shooter is much less reasonable.

  • Admiral
    2 months ago

    So you’re stereotyping a country of 341 million people based off of your personal interactions with a few of them on the internet?

    We’re not a monoculture, bud. How would you feel if I asked “Why does it seem like Europeans have become so judgmental and preachy in the past years?”

    • open_mind@lemm.eeOP
      2 months ago

      Typical answer. I wasn’t trying to stereotype but just share my experience. I haven’t experienced this type of hate here in Europe and it was a noticeable difference for me. But of course you are very welcomed to share your bad experiences with Europeans with us as long as it’s constructive.

        2 months ago

        Typical answer.

        In what world is telling someone “typical answer” not a cunt response in a post about being civil

        • open_mind@lemm.eeOP
          2 months ago

          With that I meant that I wasn’t surprised that someone will be offended and condemn me as stereotyping even though I stated multiple times that that’s not my intention. I’m saying if anyone has critique towards Europe I’m very open and interested in it as well. But like I mentioned, if any it’s just proving what I said

            2 months ago

            Let’s not beat around the bush we’re both adults here. Using charged language is fun but you gotta own it when you do it.

              • open_mind@lemm.eeOP
                2 months ago

                See it is as if you want to argue over any price. You’re literally looking to fight with someone but I’m not. All I’m thinking is: why? It’s very immature

                  2 months ago

                  My bad if you’re actually trying to better wrap your mind around this. I think my frustration stems from the feeling that Europe doesn’t seem to realize they have much of the same problems as the US, just being 10 years behind, imo. We definitely are on more of a tinder box as a result of there being so many firearms in the country, but right wing populism is growing across the Atlantic just like it is thriving here. Im not going to try to invalidate what your friend has experienced since coming here.

                  I feel like there’s a bigger trend towards empty populism worldwide and authoritarianism that people aren’t realizing. It makes me feel like posts like this feed into a crab in a bucket kind of situation. It doesn’t help I’m from New Jersey and my state regularly gets mocked domestically so I’m already primed to be on edge. I wouldn’t have posted my last message, in hindsight.

      • Mossy Feathers (She/They)
        2 months ago

        Don’t be an asshole, lmao. You complain about Americans being bloodthirsty fucks and then you turn around and act like the typical “snooty, judgmental and condescending euro-prick” stereotype we have here in the states.

        The reason why I’m engaging with you is because you’re not wrong, America has become extremely angry and bloodthirsty. However, that doesn’t give you an excuse to be condescending about it.

        • open_mind@lemm.eeOP
          2 months ago

          Don’t be an asshole, lmao. You complain about Americans being bloodthirsty fucks and then you turn around and act like the typical “snooty, judgmental and condescending euro-prick” stereotype we have here in the states.

          I’m glad you were posting this cause that’s a great example of exactly what I meant. It’s just insulting, hateful and fully unconstructive. It was just a matter of time till one of these posts came. First calling me stereotyping and now an asshole and “snooty, judgmental and condescending euro-prick" lol

            2 months ago

            On the contrary, the above comment gives actionable advice and explains why you’re wrong without using insulting language. This is perhaps the most constructive feedback you’ll get

              2 months ago

              Actionable, yes, but it’s lacking specificity. What phrases or concepts in the post were condescending?(Not saying I agree or disagree, but I’m a fan of making feedback more effective.) Ideal feedback should also have examples of an improved version of the behavior, if possible.

            2 months ago

            You should try owning it! This is my solution. For “condescending and pretentious”, I read “intelligent and sophisticated”.

      2 months ago

      Responding aggressively to a post asking why it appears that American culture has become more aggressive and hateful is not helping as much as you think.

      • open_mind@lemm.eeOP
        2 months ago

        Aggressively? How is “typical answer” aggressive? I think calling me stereotyping, an asshole and “snooty, judgmental and condescending euro-prick” is aggressive.

    2 months ago

    The problem is confirmation bias. Americans are actually becoming more left-leaning and accepting. Younger generations are rejecting the hateful & destructive legacy of the US, and spreading this ideology to each other, which is exactly why the government is trying to ban TikTok. Just look at military recruitment numbers. Look at how well leftism and anti-imperialism performs in polling among people younger than boomers and Gen X.

    But as communist theorists predicted would happen, as the population moves left the capitalists in power move further right and embrace fascism to entrench their power.

    Leftism is spreading faster than fascism, but fascists do not threaten capital, so they’re not censored. Thus you see far higher representation of far-right fascism in the news and in positions of power, because that’s all they want you to see and the only people they allow into power. It tricks you into believing these ideals are gaining in popularity, when in reality it’s over representation of fascism by systems that don’t really oppose it.

    For example, the majority of Americans support ending US funding of the genocide in Gaza. But if all you see is what’s allowed on the news and what the people in power support, you’d believe there’s overwhelming support in the US for the genocide. In reality, they’re increasing the police budgets to violently suppress criticism of the empire.

    2 months ago

    My ideas are similar to a couple of other comments, but maybe I’ll phrase them in a way that unites them and is easy to understand. Let’s see.

    American exceptionalism is deeply ingrained in culture and associated with patriotism. See reciting the pledge of allegiance in schools. This includes the concept of the American dream: working hard = good life.

    I’m not sure if the US was ever like that, but it’s certainly not like that now. The key thing is that it’s becoming more evident if you pay attention. There’s a rift between people paying attention and people not paying attention. The people paying attention have discarded the American dream and maybe even exceptionalism, but those not paying attention have not. Additionally/alternatively, people may see different reasons for the American dream no longer being valid.

    So you kind of have 2 + N camps. One camp still believes in American exceptionalism and the American dream and gets pissed that other people are seemingly trying to change/ruin it. One camp believes these concepts are dead and blames on various systems that need changing. (More on that later.) N camps believe these concepts are dead because of <insert media bias here>, e.g. blacks, Muslims, communists, foreigners, pick your poison. Sadly, this last group is the most visible because they’re the most rage-inducing.

    So the first and last sets mentioned above provide pretty clear reasons for anger: either frustrations at what should be fellow Americans in solidarity or bigots. The systems people also have a reason to be angry: the systems are well entrenched via various methods, and it’s unclear how to start untangling the mess. Some blame billionaires. Some blame politics. Some blame both. But even if there’s agreement about which problem is the highest priority, people get frustrated about conflict around potential solutions or the general inability to acquire focus on solutions due to the sheer number of them.

    Combine all of this with an economic squeeze on standard of living, the rage-bait nature of social media and mainstream media, psychological negative bias, and just general (unfortunate) virtuous cycles, and you get a recipe for an ever growing angry society.

    The people with the most ability to fix this have no incentive to. The people in power benefit from the current system. An angry and divided population is easier to manipulate and control. It also helps that the US is very geographically large, making physical threats less of an issue (except for CEO assassinations, I guess).

    Lastly, the internet fucks us. Research shows (normally I’d cite sources, but I gotta get back to work in a minute. Internet points to whomever can find the source and share) that the social media echo chambers aren’t actually the problem. People can be very open to new ideas depending on the presentation and the source. We already had echo chances of geography before the internet, and people were generally more trusting of the people physically nearby, even if their ideas differed. The problem is the anonymity of the internet, the volume of conflicting/unfamiliar ideas, and the way they’re presented (e.g. rage-bait). Given that Americans are spending more time on the internet, they’re exposed to more seemingly madness from crazy strangers and sometimes associate even the people around them with those crazy online strangers. We group them into these tribes and define them as the enemy. When we start recognizing that these people could be our neighbors, societal trust plummets. When you can’t trust the people around you, how are you supposed to relax and feel safe? If you feel like you’re always in psychological or physical danger, won’t you be more prone to anger and defensiveness?

    We weren’t ready for the internet

    2 months ago

    The media everywhere knows that showing people who are on an extreme gets more views. So that is what you will see from outside. As for the people you have meet. The chill people don’t travel as much.

    2 months ago

    You have every right to be worried, the American empire is in decline and its ruling class is becoming increasingly fascist. This is reflected in public and online discourse and you have clearly taken notice. I would note though that what you see on FOX news is not followed by much of the younger generations. This is not to say that reactionaries do not exist amongst our youth, they certainly do and they have a fervor to them as well. They simply follow more contemporary fascist like Shapiro, Peterson, Fuentes, and billionaires like Musk. As well as manosphere content more often than not.

    It is worth noting though that leftist political movements are growing rapidly too. We are at quite the disadvantage though.

    Keep paying attention, it will get worse.

  • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    2 months ago

    It’s not so much Americans as online discourse that’s soured in this way. Day-to-day IRL people are no more aggressive or hateful than they’ve always been.

    But online? I don’t know whether to blame botting or the effect described by the John Gabriel Internet Fuckwad Theorem, but it’s bad out there. The only cure is a well-curated whitelist.

    2 months ago

    The real answer is they’ve been conditioned. They have so much excess, but rather than funnel that excess to those who need it, they all decide to hoard it and use it to gain as much more excess as possible.

    They’re greedy. They’re entitled. They’re insecure. It’s a bad combination.

    2 months ago

    Media and online interactions play up the differences in US society. They run deep (their civil war, the difference between Democrat and Republican states, racial tensions), but I don’t think they’re as significant as your post suggests.

    American culture generally seems very loud and direct. I think here in Europe people are way more reserved

    I’ve worked with people from the US, Germans, and Finns. Generally the Germans and Finns have been more direct.

    I also heard things that many Americans are physically beating their children

    It’s a big country. I’m sure a few are, just like a few Europeans beat their kids, but generally no. I would check your sources on that.

    When I once asked a similar question on Reddit the only thing I got back was bashing and personal attacks and I hope it’s not the same here

    Your statements and questions seem to reference the worst that we see of the US in social media and mainstream news. For someone who lives in the US (or is cynical), they could come across as trolling.

      2 months ago

      many Americans are physically beating their children

      I think it really depends on what you define as beating. Spanking was incredibly common in the South 20-30 years ago and 10 I would have said it’s still fairly common (and by south, my experience was in central Florida, parts of which actually are deep south). I’m glad it’s become less common because it actually is physically beating a child and shouldn’t be acceptable. But I’d say it still is.

      As a trans man, I’ve found that one of the more horrifying nominally gendered childhood things that I share with way too many cis men is the trauma of the line if you don’t stop crying I’ll give you something to cry about. It’s fucked up.