Wife wanted an air fryer for X-mas. Sure, it’s a bit on the “stereotypical gender roles” side of gift giving, but who am I to deny her what she wants?
I unboxed it for her and it says to do a 30 minute cook with no food in it to get rid of the burning plastic smell, so I cleaned everything and now it’s baking away the extra plastic.
The kitchen smells like burning plastic.
I can’t wait for some crispy fries and other assorted foods.
Been thinking about getting one of those glass ones to avoid the plastic.
mine’s mostly all metal on the inside, some plastic on the inside of the door. it’s a rack type one, with metal mesh slide-in racks, not plastic baskets.
Yeah I got the Breville one and I love it. I got it on Craigslist. If any one of you sees it for cheap second hand, GET IT!
My old toaster oven bit the dust (the third one I killed) and this one is an improvement in every way.
I usually do a ton of research on these types of kitchen gadgets, but didn’t this time. Who makes the glass one?
Something like this: https://fritaire.com/products/mauve-rose?gQT=1
There’s cheaper versions as well.
Looks nice.
Next time do it outside, and run it for at least a couple of hours at max temperature. 30 minutes isn’t enough to get rid of the cancer smell.
Word. I ran mine in the bathroom with the fan on for 90 minutes and that wasn’t quite enough time.
They’re so great. Hash brown patties, like a dozen for $6. I swear, they’re as good as McDonalds which are like $3 apiece now.
I raise you actual hash browns you can load with as much cheese, onion, and ham as you can cut.
No arguments there. The hassle comes from peeling, shredding, and removing the moisture. I’m no chef but I’ve done it before and my results were only marginally better than the store bought stuff so I find it easier to go with that.
Oh I use those hash brown milk cartons. No way I’m shredding a potato.
I have an air fryer, but I dislike using it because it’s annoying af to clean and I’m lazy.
If I microwave something, there is either no mess or I can chuck the plate or whatever in the dishwasher. If I use pots and pans on the stove, I can chuck them in the dishwasher (blah blah blah Teflon I get it but whatever, it’s just me).
For an air fryer? I can’t exactly chuck it in the dishwasher and it seems to need to be cleaned after every single use or else it’s disgusting. I have been using those circular pieces of parchment paper which do help loads but still.
Parchment paper is a great idea.
This one seemed easy enough to clean, but it’s only been used once and we didn’t cook anything messy.
Parchment will burn; use foil.
And most parchment papers have PFAS and you don’t want that shit burning in your house.
Yeah I use parchment or aluminum foil and I almost never have to clean mine now
Imagine denying yourself texture and flavor because you couldn’t be fucked to wash a bit of plastic once in a while lol
? It’s not once in a while. It’s every time you use it. And I don’t know about yours, but the most common ones have a metal shelf/grille with a large metal and plastic basin with tons of holes in it. Both the shelf/grille and the large basin have holes and nooks and crannies everywhere for the crumbs to find themselves stuck to/hiding in and then the water won’t drain out of the basin great because of this either. It’s not “a bit of plastic”. It’s nothing like cleaning a simple plate, pan, dish, mug, etc.