The news is eating it up because idiots are consuming every bit of garbage information they will put out. TikTokers get thousands of views because people are fooled into thinking something is going on. If there are drones, it’s some ding dongs who are getting a kick out of the attention it’s getting.
Iran is not invading with drones. It’s not aliens from the ocean. It’s not a some secret government program. It’s proof that American education has failed and raised the majority population to be mouth breathing morons.
End rant.
Wait, which bit is the cash grab? You didn’t describe one in your post
The news media and social media posters are peddling hysteria to create ad revenue.
Media is desperate for a distraction from people collectively being at least not upset about the CEO getting killed. If they don’t jingle some keys in front of our faces asap, they risk us finally putting aside petty differences to band together over the actual class struggles that we all face together. Together we stand, divided we fall.
This has been going on for a month or so. The sightings didn’t start when the CEO was shot.
And the coverage isn’t that heavy. Many of the rabid ufo people think it’s covered too little.
I think some people believe that life is like a movie and any remotely weird thing that happens which they can’t explain off-hand must be a sign of something extraordinary. It also makes great clickbait. The video I saw was pretty blurry but without even knowing the context of the video I knew it was someone messing around with a drone.
Why would aliens, Iranians, or the secret branch of the government use navigation lights?
To be fair, a top secret black project being forced to use navigation lights is exactly the sort of bureaucracy I would expect from the US government.
This is not the UK.
lol UK is just govt stupidity pushed onto everyone else. In the US it’s mostly contained but it’s just as dumb.
Mimicry? People will assume it’s an aircraft if it has the green light (right), red light (left) and strobe.
If I were an alien in a UFO this would be a sensible thing to do to blend in.
That’s outlandish. To assume that a race of space aliens has the technology to travel thousands of light years, but needs to trick us with fake lights is asinine.
Exactly! Everyone knows alien spacecraft use Vorblorbox X-45J premium hypno-lights, not Earthling navigation lights.
(Jokes aside, agreed!)
That goes without saying. The X-45J model has superior phase shifting capabilities for the low price of 45,000 Galactic Union Credits.
45,000 Galactic Union Credits.
Goddamn central galaxy bankers, I refuse to submit! I only pay in Betelgeusian gold coins!
That’s why I voted for Supreme Leader of the Galactic Union, Ageleas of Kepler-444 exoplanet 3, and not Kamala Harris.
I think you might enjoy how Bernie reacts to being asked about the New Jersey drones:
(Time stamped, it was the second to last question)
“Yeah, I don’t know anything about it. I guess I’m concerned?”
Doesn’t sound too interested to me.
Exactly. Good ol Bernie.
Jersey may very well be blown out of proportion. Two reddit videos were military aircraft. One that made the front page was a C-17 landing (video had no audio). Another (not front page) was dash cam footage of two C-130Js flying low in formation with their visible formation light strips on.
Reminds me of when the power went out in NYC or LA (I forget) and people thought it was an alien invasion because most of them were seeing the stars better than at any point in their lives.
But there are real issues with drones right now. Wright Patterson AFB operations were shut down for a while due to drone activity. Langley has been dealing with multiple cases of multiple drones over the summer. And a Chinese national was flying a drone around Vandenberg SFB California and was trying to hop the first flight back to China when they were detained.
Reminds me of when the power went out in NYC or LA (I forget) and people thought it was an alien invasion because most of them were seeing the stars better than at any point in their lives.
Lol, reminds me of when electricity went out in my neighborhood for an hour and I googled it and didn’t find any news about it and thought: must be government cover up of secret government operations
Then I posted about it on reddit and a redditor pointed out that this is normal and small incidents like a power outage in a localized area for hour wouldn’t be newsworthy, then I realized I was being silly, probably too much conspiracy-minded lol
There’s no way this is aliens or foreign military.
If that’s the case, they’d be shot down, and the streets around the area would be swarming with National Guard or Military personnel.
I don’t see any reports of New Jersey having National Guard or Military on the streets.
Conclusion: Its not aliens or foreign military.
Most likely its military contractors testing new technology.
I don’t see any reports of New Jersey having National Guard or Military on the streets.
I am also assuming that New Jersey doesn’t have any optometrists, because some of the ‘drones’ they have shown on national news are very clearly passenger jets.
If it were a bad actor drone it wouldn’t have lights on it informing everyone it’s there.
No need to really shoot them down, just jam them in some way and let them crash and/or follow them wherever they go when they lose signal (assuming multi-copter style drones).
Except they aren’t even getting jammed, they are just allowing them to fly uninterrupted.
Seems like military drone tests in my opinion.
Seems like military drone tests in my opinion.
Have any actual expertise to back that opinion up?
(Hint: probably not.)
Me: Makes a guess on whats happening
Redditor: SOURCE?
Exactly. So it’s either higher military (and they’ve been ordered to do nothing), or they’re watching to see what they do and where they go.
Most likely its military contractors testing new technology.
No, military contractors wouldn’t test new technology right out where everyone can see it. They would do it out west in the desert where nobody is.
One reason I could think of, is that its kinda difficult to test a system that identify a human apart from trees or buildings in the middle of the desert. Just do some test flights over a real envionment and that enough sample data to calibrate their image identification system.
They could just say say nothing about it and people would think “alien” before they think its military / military contractors testing new tech.
Some kids with drones aren’t gonna be able to fly in a military base and fly away without it getting shot down, and the military probably has signal jammers that would disrupt connection between the drone and the remote. Why would the military just allow civillians to fly drones over their base and not do any thing about it?
Then why would you do it over the most densely populated part of the country, with full lighting? Why not, say, Billings, Montana, without lights?
They could test nukes on an island in the middle of the ocean, yet they chose to do it right on US soil in the continential us. Sometimes they just do things like that… 🤷♂️
Yeah but they didn’t test nukes in New Jersey.
Well a drone isn’t a nuke, they would probably be more liberal about potential testing grounds. They won’t be carrying any bombs on it, just testing the drone’s capability to identify targets. If its an AI system they are trying to build, they’d need as much data as possible. Real data I mean, not a bunch of military dudes roleplaying civillians in the middle of the desert. In a real war, any AI they want to use wouldn’t be used on dudes out of nowhere cosplaying. They could be trying to analyze human behavior and try to distinguish a civillian behavior, apart from, say a cop, or other non-civillians. Potentially, it could be used to identify behavior that indicate someone who is not a civillian, and are potential enemy combantants, and that capability that can distinguish between those different categories of people could be useful in the future of drone warfare.
Back then, if you told people that the US military were testing nukes on the continential US, they probably have the same reaction as you did about the US military potentially testing drones over New Jersey.
(But this is all just theories on why they might want to test this over a populated area. I’m not stating these as facts, its just theories.)
Someone is obviously doing something, but once it hit the news it all got blown out of proportion. The fucking media is still reporting that ex-Maryland Governor Larry Hogan saw drones there, even though the video he posted is shit and everyone realizes they are just stars.
It seems like the kind of stunt Musk would do…
To me it looks someone made fake video on social media, others joined and made other fakes, many states looking at the sky and also recorded planes thinking they are drones.
It looks like the whole event only exists on the social media.
There have obviously been legit sightings. They closed that airport in the Hudson Valley for an hour because of a drone sighting, and they also restricted airspace over Wright Patterson AFB at one point. I don’t think the FAA or Air Force does that on the basis of an unverified tweet with grainy video.
With that said, though, now that it has entered the national consciousness everyone is “seeing” them. I think most of the ones in your social media feed for the past two or three weeks are fake.
When I say fake I mean it could be CG or someone flying and filming their own drone.
Here’s a fun read:
Sure, a “cash grab” is why they closed the airspace over Wright Patterson AFB in Ohio today, and why members of the DoD, senators, and governors are publicly calling for more federal response.
What really seems to be going on is that there are a bunch of orb-like UFOs exploring our sensitive areas, and some secret military drones are chasing them all over the place. The gov’t is in straight bullshit mode saying there’s nothing going on, while citizens all over the place are recording videos of both orbs and drones.
there are a bunch of orb-like UFOs exploring our sensitive areas
I think you will find that traditionally they do anal probes for this.
Once you talk about orbs, you sound crazy because there is no proof these are orbs.
There are a whole bunch of videos showing out of focus points of light that idiots call orbs. And there are lots of videos of planes flying head on towards the camera with landing lights that idiots also call orbs.
You really gotta be careful how you talk about this stuff, else you sound and look like a fool.
I’m one of those people who thinks the phenomenon is real. But I also feel the majority of the recordings made are nonsense misidentifications.
Just call them UAP.
This is happening over US bases in Germany and the UK too. Sure there is a heap of noise over the NJ sightings but to dismiss the signal entirely is a mistake.
Mouth breather shit right here.
Who gives a fuck what you think, asshole? You can eat some shit with your mouth.
You seem both nice and very bright.
Really drives home my point, here.
Hey. Is this a joke comment or genuine?
Judging by later messages, this is a True Believer. Which when translated to English is “idiot”.
A “cash grab”? Who’s paying, and for what?
Media and TikTok profit off of ad revenue. The more eyes on the content, the higher the ad revenue.
So, all the governors and congress people are getting kickbacks from the tiktokers?
I know many of them, like Tim Burchett, are just ranting for their crazy base and see this as an opportunity to talk shit about the Biden admin. But you said it’s all about getting paid by covering the hysteria.
No. I’m saying there is nothing going on and the media is covering something that isn’t even happening and cashing in on it.
There is absolutely nothing going on, huh?
That’s a strong take. Wow. I don’t agree with that. I agree there is at least 50% hysteria going on, but 100%? I don’t think so.
My guess is that it’s local drone pilots messing around, hysteria, and opportunists.
why would they have bright LEDs? you’re supposed to be looking up at them.