Garlic is stupid easy to grow. It doesn’t require much space or particularly high fertility and watering is easy to manage since the roots are relatively deep and it benefits from mulch. The best part is you can get MANY really cool varieties, whereas it’s pretty much only one softneck variety in the store.
The main points are to plant early enough so it gets enough cool days (40 days below 40F is the rule of thumb but that’s probably too conservative), to weed enough to reduce competition, and to water appropriately.
Does it have to get that cold overnight, or during the day? Cause that means I can’t plant the stuff in IB, and I want more varieties of garlic.
Does it have to get that cold overnight, or during the day?
The way I interpret it is if you have around 40 days with temperatures of 40F or below you are good. I’ve also heard up to 50F is ok. And really that’s only in the first couple of months so they can bulb up. Also, they will stop growing once soil temps at around 1" reach about 80-90F depending on variety. I mulch with cut grass to keep the soil cooler.
I have certainly read people being very particular about it and even recommending refrigerating the bulbs before planting, but I’ve never worried about it too much and have always had good results, even planting quite late for my area. As is often the case advise is either very generalized or very specific to a variety and set of conditions. Give it a shot!
Comes outta fucking ground.
This was exactly what I was thinking of.
It is my understanding that trying to raise garlic from grocery store bought cloves are prone to die of disease. Somehow. Half remembering something I read while considering trying to grow garlic in my garden.
It is my understanding that trying to raise garlic from grocery store bought cloves are prone to die of disease.
Nah, you’re probably fine. But you will likely be limited to the Least Delightful Variety of garlic, also known as California Late White, a softneck variety chosen for it’s durability, shelf life, and ease of growing.
There are so many other really awesome varieties out there. And garlic is so easy to grow.
counterargument, it’s trivial to grow
Does garlic grow cloves easily? I know onion doesn’t bulb very easily, preferring bolting, and only once every two years, but I don’t know about garlic
Very easily. We’ve done garlic two years in a row and its pretty damn easy. You just have to plant it the late fall, mulch for winter, and then harvest late summer.
Oh! And if you get scapes, cut them all off! They’ll pull resources from the bulb, plus they taste good.
Check a local farmers market for garlic bulbs to buy and plant.