Mine‘s getting so accustomed to cold showers that I a) absolutely do not mind cold water for swimming etc. anymore and b) could not enjoy warm or hot showers anymore. They just weren’t nice at all.
I go to bed at 9pm everyday, and get 8hrs+ of sleep.
Alright tone down the bragging, we get it , you’re “well balanced” or whatever
Fucking superpower right there, straight out of a videogame
With that reduced amount of “me time” (he/she time?) I bet OP wouldn’t understand videogame references /s
I need this so much
Me too, but I’m too lazy to go to bed. I rather procrastinate till late night, not wanting the day (and my onyl me time) to end. So i go sleep late and wake up grumpy every single day. Yay!
Hello from 2:23 am. I resent you so hard right now.
Once you’re >25 this is just a flex
For the 2022 Microsoft Excel World Championship I downloaded the problems the moment they were released to the contestants and public and solved as many as I could in real time. I would have finished 5th.
You’d better be well paid, whatever you do. Like politics, all the wrong people go into Excel.
Couldn’t agree more. I’m not, but I’m doing my duty so there’s that.
Now that there’s python in excel, I wonder how that competition will change.
Yeah… And what about copilot?
In visual studio, a program for software developers, one of the type of templates you can start up and make a program with is in “blazor webassembly”. One of Microsoft’s fancy new things.
In there, right after starting it, there is some example code thrown in your face. Code that contains pi… with a rounding error.
So I, being the insistent autistic nerd I am, made a pull request and had it fixed. And I still wonder how so many people looked at that and it bothered absolutely no one enough to go and fix it.
We truly live in the future. You opened a PR for a Microsoft product.
A petty, nerdy, unnecessary pr.
That’s how we as species approach perfection :)
Oo, me too. I added a feature for submodules in their
implementation for VSCode. I have contributed to tons of the FOSS software I use, feels good to give back.Sounds like a big feature, was it a lot of work?
Definitely add to resume.
I haven’t seen any Star Wars movie.
the original 3 are good (a new hope/empire/return of the jedi) and the rest are bullshit
yeah, that’s what I heard, too.
funny thing is that I haven’t seen any of them, still know everything about it, thanks to 9gag through osmosis.
for a long time, this is why I decided not to watch any of thr movies, as I never would be able to experience it as first time.
but now, since I’m a bit older I know that’s stupid, it’s just some movie so I’ll watch those eventually with gf.
The thing I like about the original Star Wars trilogy is not that they were great stories, but just that they had really, really good pacing. The characters and scenarios were introduced at just the right rate so that when the big action scenes came around you really cared about them, especially in the first one. That’s also where the later films fell down. I don’t consider myself a huge Star Wars fan, but I would say it’s worth appreciating for the art of it even if you already know the stories.
Capitalism doesn’t care that what made Star Wars special in the first place was that it only came out every twenty years of so.
There’s no profit in Absence makes the heart grow fonder
I’m not toxic, but I am a fan! So, so much money in the franchise and they’ve all been mediocre-to-bad since Return of the Jedi. Some slight exaggeration to this opinion, but it’s mostly true. And there are some truly incredible stories in the old novels that are now discarded and considered not canon. Such wasted potential…
Watch the first 6 and then stop
I enjoyed 7 when it first released. The visual style in the first 10 minutes was appealing and I figured we were retreading the same notes for nostalgia before going on a different plot with Finn. Nope, just poorly written rehashed story lines with nonsense plot devices. So much potential thrown away.
The prequels were a hot mess too. I watched episode 1 in theaters when it first came out and didn’t bother watching 2 and 3 until probably around 2019 and have zero regrets about that.
I think they’re getting a pass now because 7-9 were even worse, but this is like looking back at George W. Bush fondly just because of how awful Trump is.
Huh. That is weird but it shouldn’t be.
That’s fine, but don’t make it a personality trait.
I was Time Person of the Year in 2006.
I love this dog and always forget where he comes from
From a mother dog and father dog who loved each other very much.
That’s wholesomest thing ever read in Lemmy
I ran over 1000 miles in 2023! I’ve taken an 8.5" circumference toy anally!
Are the two related?
Only in that they happened before my life fell apart several months ago and they’re about the only interesting things about me I could come up with
Congrats on your personal achievements, as I reckon they both required quite some determination, training and stretching!
Were those things related… thematically or chronologically?
Not really, I’d started running like 2 years before starting toying and running with stuff it would end up chafing you terribly. Life kind of came to a crashing halt and I haven’t run since March and still can’t really fit half the things I used to
Were those by choice or necessity?
Hahaha definitely by choice, you’re not fitting something that size in someone unless they’ve worked up to it
I hope these two achievements aren’t related.
Possible interpretations:
- They’ve run a distance of 1,000 miles while wearing a butt plug.
- The 1000 miles is the distance the device has moved back and forth within their rectum.
Nah, too hard to run with a plug in without it chafing you terribly
Only in that they happened before life got really terrible
I’m sorry you’re going through that. I’m in a pretty bad place myself, and have been for what feels like forever. I hope things get better for you.
I can cook minute rice in 56 seconds. I try to only use my powers for good.
After a lifetime of allergies, I’m really good at Dracula-sneezing in the least bad direction
Sneezing in to your arm (looks like you’re covering your face with a cape like a vampire would).
Uh-uh-uh-von to ACHOO!
Thanks to my allergies I can sneeze with my eyes open, (I don’t close them all the way) I remember people saying that was not possible?
I do this as a power move to intimidate my enemies when the going gets tough.
I have a stomache of steel. Nothing will pass my digestive tract alive or intact. I never had any kind of stomache trouble and I can not puke. I ate every dish in south-east-asia that landet in front of me, even from some dirty streetfood shack in the middle of the burmese jungle. Most of the stuff would have killed the average middle european slob. Not me.
It even goes so far that I cannot use edibles. Which is funny, because all the growmies make fun of me now.
I can not puke
No gag reflex you say? 😇
I have a pretty ironclad stomach, but not as strong as yours. I’ve been with my wife for 13 years and she’s witnessed the horror that is me puking twice. And the first time came 4 years ago. My friends say it sounds like I’m “calling the dinosaurs” and it is very traumatic for me.
Edit: I forgot my point. I’m jealous.
The dog-barf…
This is genuinely so cool.
Street food is often the safest anyhow, its the hotels and water you have to worry about
Cash money, that’s where the real danger lurks. Even if you can drink bottled water and eat pre-packaged food, you have to handle the money. And that stuff is really, really nasty in some parts of the world.
I have a hyper sensitive sense of smell. Sometimes useful, most often a nuisance.
At work the roof had small leak few years ago, I could smell the wet concrete several days before the water reached the ceiling of the upper floor office and became visible. I told my boss about the leak as soon as I had first smelled it and located the correct room. “There is no leak here, you’re just imagining things” was the response after I showed the room to my boss. “There is and we shall see in a few days.” After 4 or 5 days the ceiling started dripping water and I received an apology.
I’ve been able to mentally bypass most of the awful smells of the world and people around me as long as I can remember, so it isn’t so bad. But after a few drinks the mental filter turns off and I can smell everything, including my own metabolized alcohol infused sweat. That is not fun at all.
On the internet, no one knows you’re a dog
Are you like the person that posted they can smell ants? Dude was able to find a single ant by sense of smell.
I do not know. I have never actively tried to smell ants nor had them inside any apartments I’ve lived in. I shall test this when summer returns one day. But I do remember that the ant guy wrote about having some genetic quirk that ables him to register some compound that’s out normal human range of smell.
actively tr[ying] to smell ants
Is my funniest mental image for today, thanks. Just some person outside creeping around the ground vigorously sniffing ants.
The ant-smelling trait is a genetic thing. I have a co-worker that can smell ants, but otherwise their sense of smell is unremarkable
I was a super smeller but lost the sense during Covid. It still hasn’t fully returned. I have good days where I’ll surprise myself by picking up something subtle and off days where popcorn smells like vomit or skunks smell like brake dust. I was considering a sommelier course prior to this.
Yeah, Covid was a freaky experience. I got off easy, no fever or other symptoms, I just realized one day that I was unable to smell freshly cut grass. Then I realized that I did not smell anything at all.
My sense of smell started coming slowly back after a few days and I can’t tell if it’s diminished or not. But after Covid every brand of whiskey smells and tastes like vomit to me, so there was a price to pay. Also the smell of someone eating rice cakes became utterly disgusting, as well as yogurt. Before Covid I barely registered these two.
deleted by creator
I am fascinated by you. Please tell me you’ve written a book or long thread?
Also please don’t get Covid
I don’t usually bring this “gift” of mine up in real life, it tends to create pretty awkward and unpleasant situations.
“Oh, if you have such sharp sense of smell, then tell me what deodorant/lotion/perfume I’m using?” How the hell could I know the names of every hygienic/cosmetic product, especially when the reek of detergent, fabric softener and sweat is mixed with the scent I’m supposed to recognize?
Or people just laugh at me and call me a liar.
But my friends are aware of my talent, when someone is considering to buy an apartment they often ask me to accompany them for a presentation. I can tell almost instantly if there’s water damage or mold. When I was buying my own apartment I found one spot under the stairs that had a very faint but odd smell, like wet cement mixed with the smell of a wet dog. There were no water pipes or sewers even near that wall, nor were there any signs of leaks from above. I called the seller to ask about this and he started laughing. The spot was their old dog’s favourite place to curl up for a sleep after a walk in the rain. And it was years since the dog had passed away, they had even painted the wall once and renewed the floor laminate after that. So no worries, I bought the place.
I would hate this superpower. Having grown up with brothers, I learned to breathe defensively without smelling, but it’s also so nice to be able to use scented products and perfume without it hurting.
Perfumes or scented products are not a problem for me at all, unless of course someone uses way too much. Like I said, I kind of block all the unpleasant stuff unconsciously and focus on the good ones.
It’s kind of like listening to radio, all the channels are broadcasting all the time, simultaneously, but you still tune in to listen only one at a time.
And when I’m intoxicated, theyre all blaring at the same time and cannot be silenced :(
I work full home office
WFH gang rise up
Since 2020 or before it was cool?
I started working two-days-a-week from home in late 2019, so it was very easy for me to transition to full-time at home in 2020.
Does that make me one of the “before it was cool” kids? Now I’m back to one-day-per-week in the office.
Some code I wrote is buried in an archive storage underground in the Arctic
If you had some code in an active GitHub repo before February 2020 you may too, https://archiveprogram.github.com/arctic-vault/
That’s heckin’ cool, but why is it archived?
I think the idea is that it’s like the Global Seed Vault but for knowledge (and it’s physically close, too). Maintain copies of important things in such a way that they are designed to survive ~any catastrophe.
Oh cool!
After over half a century of action, a lot of it in “extreme sports”, and countless injuries, I have yet to break a bone.
Congrats! Must be all the malk.
Now with vitamin R!
We don’t have any malk, but I can get you some MILK
Good god, I have to rewatch that right now. Thanks, I’m not the only one thinking of that video!
I can drive as long as possible without touching my phone.
Isn’t this like… idk… normal intelligent human behavior?
haha intelligent and normal are usually two different categories of drivers
Everything about me is a weird flex
- I invented two novel fire eating tricks, one of which involves my split tongue
- I can scratch the back of my skull through my nose with an icepick. I can also put a running power drill in my nose or feed a silicone tube through and out the mouth
- I often shave with a torch or lighter
That… raises some questions 😅
Can I assume that you’re some kind of performer or is this stuff you’re just doing as a hobby or when bored?
Did you mean „inside of your skull“ or actually the back of your skull? Cause if it’s the latter, I thought there would be some… err… critical components in the way of the icepick?
Was there any reason you tried these things or dis you just go „hmm, how about…?“
Also - this is the most pressing one - is there a video of you with your powerdrill?
Yeah, I’m a sideshow performer (fka a freakshow). This is my fav video of the drill because of the audience reaction
I’d love to see that but I don’t have an Instagarm account—would you happen to have it hosted anywhere else?
deleted by creator
I didn’t realize there were fire eating tricks (other than a touch transfer or dragon’s breath), but I only dabbled in it ~20 years ago-- my main focus was with fire staff. What’s the trick that doesn’t involve your tongue?
Vapor tricks have come a very long way over the last 20 years. Look up Joseph Kerr if you wanna see insane shit. I’ve met him before, he’s super friendly.
Fire staff was my first prop :P
I don’t have insta and your account is age restricted so I can’t see it. The Joseph Kerr stuff looks cool though. Also saw some other vids of maintaining fire in the mouth for long durations-- cool stuff.
Wish there was a community near me so I could get back into fire stuff.