i can’t even guess as to why they went quiet. not one guess at all. we will never know.
edit: well they’re not quiet now once they get called out
There sure are a lot of people trying to blame the left because their strategy of appealing to the middle failed.
Well yeah, otherwise they’d have to consider actually changing their shit strategy
Even after all this the DNC are already bowing down to the fascist position because they lost because they were “too woke”.
This is when the democrats were already running a far right platform of “we want to fund the police, not defund them”, following Trump’s border policy, “most lethal army”, “Israel must expand its borders”, “I’ll have a Republican in my cabinet”. And they weren’t “woke” at all. Kamala threw trans people in the trash saying “we’ll follow the law” when it comes to trans issues. It was the Republicans who were running hundreds of millions of dollars worth of attack ads on trans people and democrats weren’t saying shit.
The DNC have once again failed to learn and are looking for a “centrist” chair, doing exactly the same thing of shutting down leftist voices and trying to appeal to and compromise with the fascists instead of listening to people like Bernie and AOC.
You’d think after they utterly failed and managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and get an out and proud fascist elected they would finally learn that they need to address the real issues that affect all working class people.
The ratchet effect is real.
The Republican critique of the democrats is kind of right in a way in that they are just the same rich people not doing anything about the cost of living and only using identity politics to “virtue signal”. They’re right wingers with rainbow flags. That doesn’t do much for oppressed minorities except make us the target of attacks. What would benefit queer and other oppressed minorities more is build a society in which we can afford homes to live in, food to eat, access to healthcare. But they want to make it all about pronouns because that is easy for them to look like they’re someone “on the left”, when economically they’re not on the left at all.
There’s really no hope with the DNC. We just need to organize in our own communities because the democrats certainly aren’t coming to save anyone.
they need to address the real issues that affect all working class people.
But of course this would mean clawing back some concessions from the capitalist class, and they own both parties, so…nope.
The so called rachet effect is because the left never shows up, so the Dems go to the center to find voters. The left doesn’t like this so they cry rachet.
Is there data about the 2024 election showing this available already? Because the 2020 data doesn’t support that.
Voted but voted for who? Jill Stein? I’m obviously saying they didn’t show up for Dems.
And the difference I see between right and left are about the same. Like those 4 points for left and right are really pretty much the same percentage. And that’s percentage, so it’s what I’ve said before that either 1) the left doesn’t exist (or is tiny), or 2) they don’t show up. Either way.
And finally I think Biden won because he went to the center and got those voters. The stressed sideliners in that graphic.
It wasn’t obvious, plenty of people simply say that the left doesn’t vote despite the fact they’re some of the most engaged voters out there.
You would think that courting the most dedicated voting demographic on your side of the aisle would be a positive if they weren’t already mostly voting for you anyway, but I’m not the kind of brilliant political machine that can lose elections to Trump twice. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yeah it was obvious I’m saying the left doesn’t show up for the dems when it’s a 2 party system.
You would think that courting the most dedicated voting demographic
They’re either tiny or they don’t show up for the Dems. Every time the dems (jfc do I have to add that every time?) rely on the left, they lose.
lose elections to Trump twice.
Hillary said she’d have a map room to fight climate change. You know that existential issue that the left totally says it will show up for for the dems, right? And they didn’t show up for the Dems.
Biden saw that and ran center. And he won. But Biden did left things anyway. And what did polls show? That the left wasn’t going to show up for the Dems.
Harris relied on the left to show up for the Dems and they couldn’t even do that for the dems when their own human rights and democracy was on the ticket.
The only time the Dems win is when they go to the center. After this, thy will never ever rely on the left again, because they never show up for the Dems.
I hope you see why people don’t add for the Dems every single time. Because it’s a pain in the ass and a mess.
Ignore, misread parent
Idk. I’m sure the cheneys endorsement brought out dozens of voters.
I wasn’t super fond of the democrat’s platform either man, but I definitely wanted Not Fascism and Some Semblance of Human Rights to win.
Now we have nothing, and I have to make plans to figure out how to get my girlfriend out of the country if she ever needs reproductive care. Great job!
A party that insists we have to support genocide is already fascist and has no regard for human rights except to use as bargaining chips to get votes. Sorry.
There is more than one topic to consider. If they both are truly the same in your mind on that topic maybe look at other factors that heavily impact people? Voting for a 3rd party who has no chance of winning literally does nothing.
Yeah so Republicans. Great job.
Egocentrism is a defining American quality.
Your point?
Nothing could be more egocentric than believing every opinion different from your own can just be reduced to egocentrism. Maybe it’s time for a healthy dose of self awareness…
“All Opinions Are Equal”
Consider the proposition that all people’s opinions hold equal value. No one’s opinion is better or more valid than anyone else’s.
Hope this helps.
Well hopefully blaming progressives instead of the people who actually voted for trump makes you feel better at least?
News flash, neoliberals are already fascist, they are just better at hiding it. They even endorsed Dick fucking Cheney.
‘But Trump’ got you Trump twice now, and you’re blaming the people that tried to save you from yourself.
There sure are a lot of people that didn’t do jack shit and think they have a place to blame anyone.
Canadian, voted for left wing party that had the best chance of winning despite the leader being a gilded spoon brat who couldn’t lead his way out of a wet paper bag.
I did my fucking part. All you wannabe progressives in the US had to do was vote to keep the Nazi out of office and you couldn’t even do that.
American. Voted for Harris. I think you responded to the wrong person.
That was in general to the people who “held back their vote” to “teach the Democrats a lesson”. The kind of people who don’t realize that the luxuries the west has were hard fought and think they will always be there.
Ahh. Gotcha. Well said, friend from the not too distant north!
Then you weren’t continuing the conversation and was grandstanding to the choir to feel better.
They were continuing the conversational thread about the people who didn’t do shit
Most of us in here voted. And it didn’t change the millions that didn’t.
They are preaching and yelling at the choir. It didn’t continue the conversation even the person responding to was confused.
And what has the liberal party done with your vote? Next year is going to be a fucking disaster. The strategy of voting for the least bad option doesn’t work when the least bad option keeps getting worse. You can bleat at people to vote for the one party over and over again, but eventually enough people just give up or get desperate for any chance at change and think that voting for the other party will at least shake things up.
I voted for the NDP.
Federally the Liberals are the centrists led by the gilded spoon spoiled brat who couldn’t lead his way out of a wet paper bag. But he is fantastic at speeches.
The same NDP that doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell at getting power nationally? Again, next year is going to be a disaster.
Their main failure was choosing a half black, half Indian women as their candidate. That in it self is 3 failures. You can have ONE of those things. 2 is highly improbable, 3 is impossible.
This has nothing to do with how I think Harris will perform as president but more to do with how racist and misogynistic this country is.
I truly thing Walz would have done better at the polls.
Her rallies were massive and she was polling 10%+ ahead of Trump when she was seen as progressive.
When she went full blue dog and parroted the same strategy Clinton failed with in 2016, the advantage evaporated and she started polling at or under Trump.
Falsely attributing the failure to misogyny solves nothing.
Rallies don’t turn into voters apparently.
More importantly, they stopped talking about rally size when she went blue dog.
The pictures I’ve seen of both sides’ October rallies looked about the same, very different from her earlier massive rallies.
I think you might just be racist and sexist if that’s your immediate thoughts.
Don’t push yours on everyone else.
Trump voters are literally waving Nazi flags and wearing misogynistic shirts.
Explain your logic to me of how you came to the conclusion that someone calling out racism and sexism is actually racist and sexist themselves.
Trump voters were never ever going to vote for Harris or any Democratic candidate. It was pure hubris and Folly to think that they could snag some.
Trying to court Trump voters was definitely a mistake. The strategy should have been to energize progressives.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. John Fetterman would have won easily. Americans pick based on appearance.
Ah yes, another centrist. That will surely work this time.
Centrist is a label based on a candidate’s position on issues.
I claim that doesn’t matter. Image matters.
Fetterman is a large white male that makes Trump look weak. That’s all that matters.
Trump can’t even run again
??? This is about the election that just happened.
I’d say they vote based on matching identities “(s)he’s like me”.
I say she relied on the left coming out for abortion rights and democracy. They couldn’t even come out for that.
Abortion rights initiatives won in 7 out of 10 states where they were on the ballot.
And got 57% in FL, but needed 60% to pass
Fuck national rights amiright.
I’m not convinced the left was ever going to show up for any candidate. They’re already castigating Bernie, of all people. They’ve already purged AOC.
From what I learned it seems there is absolutely no limit to the amount of purity testing that seems to happen on the left. In the meantime, Republicans are marching us lockstep into direct fascism. So we can’t get anything done because none of the dnc candidates are perfect. Meanwhile, Republicans literally have no standards.
Um. Leftists vote at the highest rate of any polity.
There’s just not many of us.
The DNCs “standards” weren’t impressive to millions of center / center-left voters who voted for Biden.
Probably because they nakedly shilled themselves to anyone with a checkbook. Had no stances, offered no solutions, and came across as wildly out of touch.
Imagine how a tax credit for first time home buyers sounds to someone who can’t afford groceries.
You’re kind of proving my point. We’re now left with the alternative. Again: because we couldn’t be bothered to show up to vote. That home buyer tax credit was one of many policies. Like the child tax credit was a really big deal. But again, here we are tearing her platform apart while the repubs are marching lockstep.
Trump gets to coast on the guarantee that his base will show up no matter any-thing. He is most vile person that ever held office (maybe Jackson is up there with him). But the DNC candidate has to thread carefully and reach near perfection or else face endless barrage of criticism from within.
The two parties seem to have vastly different standards and that’s why we can never move further left. The right wins on every turn regardless while the left is sticking their nose up because the DNC candidate is just never left enough.
Yes when you cultivate a brainwashed mob of barely literate hateful fools you can manipulate them pretty easily.
Frankly I’ve abandoned democracy. We aren’t responsible enough to keep it and it’s grown too onerous to manage. It’s a garden that has overgrown our house. I doubt what’s coming will be better but hatching is rarely a good thing from the viewpoint of the eggshell.
Right. But unfortunately that’s our reality. We have to build up. If we ever want to move that Overton window… well now it jumped ten steps to the right. It doesn’t go back and forth between each cabinet. It just keeps sliding into the right because again: the right has no standards and is happy to march in lockstep while we quibble over which progressive policy just isn’t good enough.
I fear we deserve to watch the nation burn because like you said, democracy requires vigilance
If the left would rather have Trump than a centrist Harris government, the left deserves blame
It’s not the left but everyone else that didn’t vote for her either.
The left is just an easy target cause we pointed out her flaws and people think by doing that we somehow made her flaws real.
Clearly a huge amount of people had issues with her or she would have won more votes. It’s like Trump thinking if we stopped testing for COVID it would stop happening.
If the leftists shut up Harris just would have lost in silence.
I don’t buy that. Trump got the undying loyalty support of all right wing media while Harris’s every word and move was scrutinized endlessly on left media. Even Joe Rogan - - supposed enlightened centrist - - did not dare criticize the god emperor Trump. It’s just not the same when it comes to the standards. We are so far from even beginning to have a conversation about progressive policies because we can’t even get our most basic candidates elected.
The right marches us in lockstep towards the bottom while we stick our noses up to our imperfect candidates. I just don’t buy it.
You are so backwards from reality that I don’t think it’s worth any of my time to point out all the wrong things you just said there as I doubt you will hear it at this point.
And the idea that we need to elect a centrist so that they can enact progressive policy they don’t want to do is up there.
Maybe just start with the thought that no one owes voting for an “imperfect” candidate if they just don’t want them in office.
Perfection is what you think people need when a real look at reality and hope to fix its issues is more than enough.
I didn’t say we need to elect a centrist to enact progressive policy (and by the way, you may call Kamala a centrist but she also had some very progressive policies). Biden has also enacted many progressive policies, so to just hand wave it away is laughable. The issue is your understanding of how politics works. If Bernie was president it’s not like he could magic wand all your dreams into existence. This is something you guys either don’t understand or just willingly ignore so you can stick your nose up at whatever candidate the DNC puts up. It doesn’t matter because after Trump’s cabinet is done we will be set back another hundred years. He will have the house, the judicial and everything else and we can sit here real smug about how ‘centrist’ Kamala was.
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Come around to what? People vote on emotion. And aren’t on Lemmy.
If there is a next election and people are feeling bad about the Republicans they might be looking for a different answer but it won’t be nuance.
Hoping for the general dumb populace to understand that a do nothing centrist is their best option to someone that agrees with them about items they passionately feel about is not going to happen. They will need to feel the other candidate supports them more properly than what they are getting which is why Trump won.
No nuance is gonna fix that and it’s cool to believe and hope that people will just come around to “better” conclusions.
What people will need to see and will often come around to us change. Hopefully more of us recognize that will happen anyways and help grab the reigns from the awful people who would hold them to oppress and use them to lead. But none of us in this comment chain right here will have the reach you are hoping for to ease your mind.
The words mean nothing without action and support.
You did. You said we need to elect whoever the Democrats give us to get progressive policies but whoever they give us will likely not support them. It’s putting the cart before the horse.
And she didn’t really. Look into her policies and they lacked any actual support for the larger population percentage. She was a centrist. It’s not pretend because you want to pretend she’s not.
Her house buying support was only for for first generation homebuyers, mostly immigrants who had lived in corporate owned apartments to track rent payments for 2 years and no one else. Business loans were for specific races in specific cities with specific history again. Trans support for prisoners but not health care for regular citizens. So on. She picked hyper specifics and that’s not helping people. That’s helping specific groups in ways they think keeps status quo but gets more votes.
When everyone feels like they are hurting telling them to hold on while you apply hyper specific help doesn’t feel very progressive or helpful.
It’s not picking apart by the way. It’s not like she didn’t say these things out loud and mean it. And other people who pay less attention aren’t going to be excited to hear about plans that don’t help them.
The issue is that you don’t know that people vote on emotion and think people can be told what’s best for them while they feel differently. It’s not that Bernie or any progressive would fix everything immediately but Trump won because he admitted there is a problem and agreed with people feeling hurt by the system.
He’s not gonna fix it, but he didn’t make people feel dumb and ignored. It’s not about you or me but the millions that it was true for. So acting smug about how centrist she wasn’t doesn’t help us either and won’t change her loss.
It gets you and the rest of us nowhere and is a great way to lose again by doing nothing but battling with hypothetical pedantry against reality.
Again join reality and maybe you might get somewhere but currently there is no way forward when this hellbent imagining it how you want. Everyone else will move on without the DNC if they have to. Change will and must happen. Sticking your nose up at it because you’d prefer it didn’t will keep you being ineffective at moving with it.
Here’s reality: The republican party put forward a candidate that literally quoted Mein Kampf and was also found liable for sexual abuse in court by a jury. The entire republican media apparatus and electoral base not only stood behind him but rabidly endorsed him lockstep from beginning to end. The DNC put forward a candidate that wasn’t very left (I’ll be first to agree with you that her platform tried to cater to the center). I’ll also grant that she wasn’t as charming or funny as Trump and she came across as center technocrat. I’ll grant you all of that.
My issue is we’ll never make progress because democrats (and when I say democrats I mean beyond the electoral base to include the entire media environment) will shred and nitpick any candidate regardless of where their policies stand. It’s not the policies, because even your post is a testament that you don’t understand how policies translate into legislation. Bernie could have come out with universal healthcare, and I promise you the democratic media apparatus would still find something to nitpick. There just isn’t solidarity on this side as the democratic platform has a very strong plurality of voices that hardly ever agree. None of this is diversity of opinion is happening on the side that is pulling us into a christian neo-fascist state. And believe me: those guys show up to vote every time.
Let’s assume that her polices were too center for your preferences. So what? Now that republicans control all branches and the judicial they’ll dismantle everything we built up so far. So congratulations I guess? We have to redo 100 years of work because Kamala just wasnt left enough for us.
It’s so weird. Gaza is extremely important and deserving of the attention. It’s genocide, and it’s horrific. But is no one else important? Because we can’t save Gaza immediately, it’s really better to set outselevs on fire so we can burn together? Like, real talk, Harris will be fine. Biden will be fine. It’s our friends and neighbors who are going to be deported, harassed, laid off, homeless and scared for a minimum of four years.
I wouldn’t say they’re gone though. I’ve been down voted, told “my kind/type” are all talk, or that I’m okay with murder, I voted for genocide, the usual. But I couldn’t sit and do nothing.
But I guess this is what they wanted. The dems have been taught a lesson, we’re moving headfirst into a dictatorship, and Gaza is no safer, but their conscious is clear, somehow.
Out of curiosity, what wouldn’t you be willing to compromise on? If I had a party wanting to kill your mom and dad and another who just wants to kill your dad, would you make that compromise?
Ummm…yes! Of course I would make that compromise! If I have a choice between they both die or one dies, of course I’m taking the choice where one lives!
What wouldn’t I be willing to compromise on? Nothing. If I have a choice between bad and worse, I’m taking bad, what kind of lunatic would intentionally choose worse?
If I have a choice between bad and worse, I’m taking bad, what kind of lunatic would intentionally choose worse?
The vast majority of people would choose worse, at least in some situations.
Philosopher Bernard Williams proposed this thought experiment: suppose someone has rounded up a group of 20 innocent people, and says that he will kill all of them, unless you agree to kill one, in which case he’ll let the rest go. Act Utilitarianism would suggest that it is not only morally permissible, but morally obligatory to comply, which Williams saw as absurd. As an addendum, suppose the person then orders you to round up another 20 people so he can repeat the experiment with someone else, and if you don’t, he’ll have his men kill 40 instead. Congratulations, your “lesser-evilist” ideology now has you working for a psychopath and recruiting more people to work for him too.
Even the trolley problem, which liberals love to trot out to justify their positions, is not nearly as clear cut as they try to pretend it is. A follow up to the trolley problem is, is it ethical to kill an innocent person in order to harvest their organs in order to give five people lifesaving transplants? The overwhelming majority of people say no.
Act Utilitarianism is something that seems intuitive at first glance, but is very difficult to actually defend under scrutiny, and there are many, many alternative moral frameworks that reject its assumptions and conclusions. Liberals don’t seem to realize that this framework they treat as absolute and objective - that you would have to be a “lunatic” to reject - is actually a specific ideology, and one that’s not particularly popular or robust.
The trolley problem is clearly not clear cut at all, that’s what makes it interesting. This, of course, is lost on the Dunning-Kruger crowd.
Contrived explanations couched in self indulgent and imperious insults, just like the Biden/Harris campaign. And you lot wonder why so many voters didnt bother to get off the couch.
You’ve learned less than nothing and are even worse now than before. I see a lot of calls to move the party rightward, cloaked in a very vague rejection of “wokeness”. And you expect to win any election like this? Out-republicanning the republicans has been tried so many times by the liberals and its never worked. And yet you lot keep running the same play every time.
I guess I should be happy you make the case for a progressive party easier, but damn, its disappointing that we even need to do it.
I think you’re replying to the wrong comment.
Well, add another layer of complexity. The lesser of two evil guy wants to be picked. But instead of offering anything, he really wants to kill one of your parents and banks on your choice. He could of guaranteed getting picked by saying he’d kill none of your parents. But he does wanna kill one of them and gambled on you picking the lesser evil.
Didn’t happen, and you think it’s somehow the person making the impossible choice wrongly than the ones making the choices.
Thank you for your time.
There’s no need for extra complexity, both of your parents are getting killed now.
And heres the thing. In the moment, I can wish we could make that “lesser evil” choice. It sucks, but i voted kamela myself. But now that it has failed, you would rather blame the people who couldn’t bring themselves to make that difficult decision instead of the campaign for not being fucking evil, even if lesser. Like, do you get where my frustration comes from? I’m on here arguing with a liberal about how its actually the fault of random leftists and people unable to make that impossible decision when we both acknowledge the campaign actively ran on “I’m still gonna do a genocide, cant stop me” and you think thats just cool?
Once again, mid vote I can get your stance. But it didnt work! What are you doing now? What are you hoping to gain by swinging on people like me who are just BEGGING YOU to support a democratic party that’ll say “no evil” next time instead of “Wittle bit of evil”. Seriously? Are you just pissed beyond any actual care for the people who are about to be targeted by this regime? You wouldn’t rather talk with people like me on ways to resist and damage the ability for this regime to do the evil we both hate?
Once again. I can get your frustration, but from my perspective you are still trying to juice a campaign strategy that failed. It didnt work. Lesser evil DID NOT WORK. WHY DO YOU KEEP WANTING TO DEFEND SOMETHING THAT DIDNT DO THE ONE THING IT WAS SUPPOSED TO. WHY DONT YOU WANNA TRY SOMETHING NEW?!?!
Are you saying that Biden is more progressive then Harris? Because he won that campaign virtually the same way.
Covid. Do you want me to elaborate?
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However you cut it it’s one parent or two. One parent is always better than two.
Except it didn’t work. Polled the entire American population and was found that it don’t work. Would you like to try that again next election or do something different this time? Cause right now you seem like you reeeeeeally wanna try the same thing again next time. Hell, throw some extra bacon on the grill. You gonna sacrifice trans people next? Gay marriage? Cmon bubby. What’s the next sacrifice and I am curious when you pick one that includes you
You guys have sacrificed trans people and probably gay marriage by electing Trump. Its a stupid argument when those things are literally already under attack by the guy you let win.
You guys already have picked one that includes all of you. An anti vaccer in charge of your health.
Things are 100% going to be worse for Gaza under Trump. You didn’t win anything by electing him.
You guys fucked it so bad it’s literally unbelievable. You got tricked by the don’t vote against trump propaganda campaign and can’t even see it.
Assuming things is bad for conversation like this so let me be clear that I voted Kamala
So take all your insults and pack it back up and try again. My argument is that it is ultimately kamalas fault for not giving the left anything to vote for. I wish we could have lesser eviled here but ultimately it’s the Dems fault for choosing to be a little evil when they could of easily of chosen no evil and won.
I blame the organization and organizers of the campaign for thinking they could gamble on this by remaining pro genocide and failing.
I blame the organization who was told clearer than any election that people will not vote for them on this one issue, concede or lose, and they as the decision makers chose lose
However you cut it it’s one parent or two. One parent is always better than two.
I thought you were joking but from the pattern of your other comments I see you actually beleive this. How about a third option, when someone threatens to kill your parents, you kill them instead of making a deal with them on who they murder? Did you even think about that possibility?
Seems like you choose to put yourself in a trolley problem, rather than life actually putting you in one.
There was no third option. If you missed it this was an analogy for the election.
You are correct that it was an analogy for the election, but the point the analogy is trying to illustrate is precisely that if you actually and for real were faced with this situation and decision (assuming you love your parents, if not please substitute for the 2 living beings you love the most), that you would reject the decision and take any number of alternative actions that are available to you before allowing a loved one to be killed. Hell, a bunch of people would fight to the death in a situation like this.
The previous realization would then illustrate the hypocrisy behind expecting people to behave in a strictly utilitarian sense when you yourself would not when it involves your loved ones.
I know you see it as saving a parent, because for whatever contrived reason you cant save both, but letting one of your parents die instead of fighting for whats right is actually a pretty decent metaphor for voting for Harris.
Where your metaphor falls apart though is that Harris could have chosen to break with bad policies and forge her own way forward on the genocide and the economy, and she just didnt bother. No one ever had to die, and she didnt need to lose. All she had to do was try to do the right thing and be worthy of the office, and she didnt do that. So here we all are.
Where this analogy falls apart is in the implicit assumption that this is just a one-off situation. (I mean, most people only have two parents.)
What happens when it’s an iterative phenomenon? (Politics is an ongoing thing.) Then, the situation in the analogy turns into the classic “negotiating with terrorists” scenario. The received wisdom is that one should never negotiate with terrorists, because once they learn that terrorism works they’ll do it again.
Maybe make it cousins. Do you choose the option whereby two cousins die, or just one. What if choosing just one now increases the danger of more dying later?
Yep, thats one of the classic criticism of utilitarian philosophy: it doesnt take into consideration if the actions being evaluated are evil or not. From a certain point of view I’m sure killing anyone can be made to be a good trade compared to some other greater evil, but you’re supposed to just line up behind defeating evil and be done with it. Utilitarianism is taught almost solely to be mocked in philosophy class, same as solopsism.
Ironically it was only the college educated who are likely tro be exposed to these ideas, and they are primarily on the utilitarian side of the argument this time.
Makes no sense. I think they just werent paying attention in philo 101. They missed out on ethics 301 as well.
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You seem to be missing the whole point. Maybe go calm down and stop calling people names.
Good comment, because this was the choice some were asked to make, to degrees ranging from similar to almost literally.
As an educated citizen I openly acknowledge voter abstention or voting Republican is irresponsible in carrying out my responsibility to protect my neighbor.
However I also recognize the incredibly painful and emotionally choking situation some were put in, with no messaging of empathy from either side. I will never blame those people more than I blame the party which failed them. Distribute it 51%/49% even, I don’t care. I’m just sick of the finger pointing and shit slinging against a tiny minority who bore no impact on the election outcome in the first place.
This dialogue, which OP is capitulating to, is perfect fascist propaganda. Find an insignificantly tiny out group, which conveniently happens to be majority Arab-American, and blame them for the violence while corporate interests and ever more racist border politics go unspoken.
Exactly. It sounds rhetorical, silly and a stupid straw man of sorts. But that’s because people don’t understand there were people who had to actually make such decisions.
I agree, I voted Kamala Harris and I do wish we could all bite that bullet but I understand that failure to do so is on the campaign who made a gamble that they could never lose voters in a lesser evil campaign. They were wrong. Instead of criticizing that campaign many here want to fight the same people they claim to want to protect. They are turning on immigrants, Muslims, and queer folk and throwing blame at the people they themselves believe they need to win.
I would say “funny strategy” but there is no strategy here. It’s online liberals who don’t understand what happened and are upset and angry. They just came out of a campaign in which they spent so much of their time justifying the lesser of two evils that they can’t even acknowledge that it didn’t work and it’s the campaigns fault.
My hope is maybe they can stop arguing with us before the concentration camps come up.
Well fucking said, and pretty disgusting how upvoted the post is.
Perhaps a better, real-world example is that this moral calculus says that the Democrats should abandon trans people and trans issues. The logic is inescapable: Trans issues turn away a lot of voters, and it’s a really strong talking point for the other party. If they win, the Democrats could protect the LGB community, and women’s rights.
Surely it’s better to protect the LGB community and women’s rights, but not trans people, than to protect none of them, right?
(NB: This is rhetorical. I don’t believe it.)
It’s not rhetorical. It’s literally currently being proposed as a strategy by the “Harris went too woke” crowd.
Oh Lord… 😔
Who will they tip over the side next?
whomever they think they can blame and get away with it.
Exactly. When every national poll shows things like trans rights are more nationally popular, because they want to chase the republican vote so bad than to concede anything to their leftist base.
(NB: This is rhetorical. I don’t believe it.)
Glad you said this because there’s literally someone else in this very comment section arguing exactly this. Sick to my stomach.
well the correct answer is actually a little bit subversive, instead of supporting trans people directly, you just subtly reinforce ideas of support for queer people broadly. And then actually do that.
the right will most likely still make shit up, but at least now it’s not clear as day.
The centrists would throw in killing the family dog along with the dad and call it a good bipartisan deal.
It’s our friends and neighbors who are going to be deported, harassed, laid off, homeless and scared for a minimum of four years.
Already happening under biden. 🙄
I mean yes that’s true… but we already know the pattern, Trump is going to quintuple the pace and extremeness of it. The next democrat to win (if one ever does again), will continue the status quo set by the previous republican, possibly slightly reduce the acceleration of it (while still allowing it to accelerate).
And you will vote blue no matter who, continuing the cycle.
Let this country fucking burn. Let the boomers who voted this fraud in lose their social security and Medicare. They’ll learn.
It’s unlikely we’re making it 2030 between climate change and the risk of nukes.
honestly my vote doesn’t matter anyway. Claudia De La Cruz got .1% of my states vote… It was already known before it started that trump was going to win by a double digit percentage.
I appreciate the level headed take.
Because we can’t save Gaza immediately
What do you mean by this? That the president can’t or that voters can’t because their choice is voting genocide or worse genocide?
The dems have been taught a lesson
Based on the response of the media, and elected democrats, no they haven’t lol. They’re blaming the left.
but their conscious is clear, somehow
I think this is reductive and does not acknowledge why many people did not vote democrat.
What do you mean by this? That the president can’t or that voters can’t because their choice is voting genocide or worse genocide?
In my opinion, the genocide was not anywhere on the ballet. There was no feasible choice. I don’t think we had a choice to save Gaza immediately on 11/5. I’d rather fight for people in our regular shit then have to fight for people in whatever hell Trump is planning.
Based on the response of the media, and elected democrats, no they haven’t lol. They’re blaming the left.
Maybe we’re not seeing the same articles? Don’t get me wrong, I do see people blaming leftist/liberals/Russian bots, etc. But the I’ve seen posts and articles about how the dems fail the working class and looking over why they were abandoned. Sanders has been very vocal about the dems failure, and he’s not the only one. Not saying there’s no blame on the campaign, I’ve just seen both 🤷🏿♀️
I think this is reductive and does not acknowledge why many people did not vote democrat.
I don’t think so. I didn’t see this election as “dems VS rep.” I saw this as a vote to stop facisim. There was no vote I could make that day that was going to stop the genocide in it’s tracks. I didn’t believe that not voting was going to make anything easier. I see tons of, “Well, what will your compromise on? How many people can be killed before you say enough is enough?” I don’t feel like I compromised, because that makes it seem like I had a say, at least by 11/5. I wasn’t like, “okay, I’ll allow genocide if they keep abortion rights.” It was, “One person is asking for a ceasefire, but not making a clear statement against the genocide and continues to say she’ll continue what Biden is doing,” and “One person has told me he will give Israel the okay to turn Gaza into a crater, as well as make any future progress or change exponentially more difficult, and will harm anyone he doesn’t like.” Why would I pick the latter? The kid who can’t afford lunch didn’t put me in this position, nor did the teenager bleeding in the parking lot. It feels like they were so focused on teaching the Dems a lesson that they forgot the consequences won’t affect the politicians, it’ll affect us. All of us, whether we like it or not.
I feel more helpless about Gaza then I did before the election. The recent meetings in my area have been down right depressing because we know it’s just going to be so much harder. And it’s upsetting that it feels like it didn’t have to.
I guess we could start saying to those people “I guess you hate LGBT” and “you’re complicit with refugees being deported” and “good job putting the last nail in the coffin of reproductive rights”. I mean, somehow they couldn’t say shit about those issues, just “OMG JOR BIDEN GENOCIDE” and ignored that letting Trump take office would be worse for Palestine as well as terrible about the aforementioned issues. Odd.
We didn’t ignore those issues child. They were directly related to gaza. A willingness to throw palestinians under the genocide steam roller is the same as the willingness to throw LGBT+, etc.
Hell harris couldn’t even speak plainly about transgender medical care. The only reason she didn’t do it is because she thought that would lose her the election where the Palestinians wouldn’t.
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Real Talk, I’m getting real tired of everyone from the vaguely right of center to the farthest reaches of the left getting involved in this shit slinging blame game.
I legit don’t care anymore who you voted for (edit: so long as it wasn’t Trump I mean. But even then, time to start your redemption arc if you did). We are past the election and now all share the same immediate issues.
Folks who abstained from voting (or voted 3rd party) because you couldn’t stomach the lesser of two evils, good news, that choice is gone. You can stop parroting the idea that anyone who voted Blue did so “in support of genocide”. It should be clear by now those who voted Blue really were just doing their best in a bad situation, they are not your enemies.
Folks who voted Blue because you believe supporting the lesser evil is in service of the greater good. Good news, that burden is also gone. You can stop parroting the idea that someone who can’t stomach voting for people who would play politics with genocide is really just a tankie or a bot. Not every one is willing to play game theory with people’s lives, that doesn’t mean they are your enemies.
Anyone who truly wants to push for solidarity and human rights for all is an ally of mine. And I propose we bury the hatchet, preferably in the objectives of fascists, before its too late.
They’re easy targets. Blame the abstainers and third party voters and you don’t have to confront the legitimate failures of your party and campaign.
That’s very true, and we see it election cycle after election cycle. But for many who voted Blue, the Dem’s are not “their party”. They were playing the best hand they were dealt in a terrible situation. And while I get feeling sick to your stomach over playing that hand when the chips are peoples lives, I also get the cold calculus some people are willing to make for the greater good.
Frankly, Abstainers and Lesser Of Two Evil Voters have been, imho, radicalized against each other due to the contentious nature of the election. I don’t believe the camps were so separate a year ago.
If we all want to keep dying on this hill, well we certainly can and will. But I’ve talked to folks on both sides, and they largely want the same outcomes. Even if we all didn’t agree on the solution.
The election proved that divided we are not a larger group than the fascist collation in this country. But I’m willing to be combined we are.
And we don’t have to argue over the election anymore, so unless we want to find another hill to die on, I once again propose we agree with pushing towards are shared goals.
These hills are all they’re going to let us have. We’ll keep eating our own in the same valley every four years.
My greatest fear is that you are right.
Nobody has denied that there are problems in the dnc, but the fault is still largely on the voters.
Nobody has denied there are problems with me, but the fault is still largely on women.
You’re in denial. Enjoy your drinks in the Cheney bar.
Why not both?
Because it’s not a useful strategy. Convince them they’re wrong and they’ll shame themselves.
I’d rather keep up the blame game, ngl. Arguments didn’t work on the disingenuous pricks who helped get us here. I don’t care if they personally made a difference or not, I care that they were utterly unreasonable, and the change in circumstances won’t change that.
Speaking to anyone who could’ve voted for Kamala but didn’t: I don’t care about solidarity anymore; you didn’t have solidarity with us when we needed you. Y’all are fucking stupid and I don’t want to deal with that. I realize that’s not the moral choice, but RN for the first time in over a decade I don’t care about that. I’m angry. Maybe in a few more days or weeks or months that will change, maybe not. Right now I’m focusing on making sure all my remaining friends are able to get somewhere safe if the need arises and keep hope kindled in their hearts. Maybe that means other people who need my help more will suffer, die, or fall victim to their own despair, but I just don’t have the wherewithal to make that my priority.
Sounds like you have your hands full dealing with getting you and yours to safety. Good luck, I wish you all the best in that endeavor!
I can’t blame you for being angry, but just try not to let that anger turn you into the thing you are angry at. Someone who stands idly by when someone needs help you could provide.
I don’t care about solidarity anymore
Never did. Solidarity means you aren’t willing to sacrifice marginalized groups to get ahead or save your own skin. If you accept sacrificing Palestinians, you’d accept sacrificing any other group by the exact same “lesser-evilist” logic. What value does that kind of “solidarity” have?
To be fair, for many the choice to save or sacrifice Palestine never felt like it was on the table. For those people, the choice was between making a deal with the devil to save as many marginalized groups as possible, or sacrificing said marginalized groups to keep their “hands clean”.
I believe both sides of this argument felt like they were pushing for solidarity the best way they knew how. And due to the emotionally charged nature of this choice, we wound up losing all solidarity ironically.
If you truly believe in solidarity, then try to see the human on the other side of the screen and be the first to reach out and mend the cracks.
Here’s the thing. I’m trans. On our own, we represent a tiny sliver of the voting public, not worth considering from a strategic standpoint. But there are plenty of other groups of people in the same boat. Together, we are worth considering - but only together. “What force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one?” If we try to build a coalition in which we abandon any group that the democratic politicians deem too much of a liability to be worth protecting, that is no coalition at all, and I well understand that after Palestinians, I will be next. The very same logic that these people were willing to deploy against them can and will be deployed to justify abandoning me and mine.
What advantage do I gain from joining together in a “coalition” in “solidarity” with these fair-weather friends who will drop us at the first sign of trouble? Honestly, they are more of a liability than an asset, because if I’m buddying up with them, it damages my credibility among potentially more reliable people who have good reason not to trust them. I would rather do it the right way and build trust even if it means building from the ground up.
I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but these disagreements are meaningful and important. This election may be over, but the question remains of what the appropriate strategy is going forward, whether to build a coalition that will treat an offense against one as an offense against all, and ensure that anyone who comes for any part of it is unelectable, or whether to “vote blue no matter who” as we are picked off one-by-one, in exchange for temporary, short term security for some.
I get your points and they are well taken. Just be careful not to swing at ghosts so hard that you hit those who would have made great allies.
Not every one who voted Blue is a “fair-weather friend”. Frankly, I bet you would be surprised with how many would be willing to push for something better if given the opportunity.
And sometimes, people just need to be given the chance. The disagreements are meaningful, but the shit slinging is not. And I’m afraid we have traded in meaningful discussion for pure shit slinging.
Every ‘Vote Blue No Matter Who’ absolutely are fair weather friends. it means you don’t actually understand what you’re voting for and have no principles for which you’d hold the line. If you wouldn’t hold the line for a group experiencing a genocide you are not worth putting our group on the line for.
You can absolutely continue to try papering over what the DNC and dems like the OP just did to the palestinians but there isnt an argument on this blue earth that will result in my forgiving of it. The only option for those individuals is repentance.
Oh, okay, well I just checked with all the “Vote Blue No Matter Who” people, and everyone repented. Crazy I know, but every single one. Completed the repentance ceremony and everything. So we can all agree to work towards the greater good now right?
What’s that? Still no!? Is that because you were never arguing in good faith? Wow, I sure am shocked.
Look friend, I’m not interested in dying on pointless hills. Not while there are still things worth fighting for. If you have found your hill, I wish you luck holding it.
Hey look it’s one of the problems.
Please explain how Trump will bring in peace and stop Israel from hurting anymore Palestinians, since that’s the only way your dumbass argument would even be coherent
Never claimed that and explained my logic plenty of times elsewhere, not interested in doing so with a low-effort troll.
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> is subjected to any criticism what so ever
> instantly falls into elaborate fantasy
> shares fantasy with the public, for some reason
> believes own fantasy, thinks others are insane
> publicly and loudly tells people “I’m ignoring you”
Seems about right.
Time is linear. The Democratic party backed a genocide BEFORE the election.
Lotta usage of the word solidarity when you were reliant on a people that the Democratic candidate campaigned on continuing the genocide of.
Kinda seems like your definition of solidarity is ‘support me no matter what.’
> Projecting
No surprises.
Look at that, a jackass fine with genocide falling back to ad hominem, because their screed of “I’m done with solidarity” when they had none in the first place gets pointed out for the bullshit it was.
I’ll be sure to tell my trans friends it’s okay that they’re getting thrown under the bus next because Leate_Wonceslace is done with solidarity. The Dems are already explicitly blaming them for the loss.
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“Because of the likes of you” I’m gonna need you to explain that one.
On this platform specifically we’ve had months of smug people claiming to make the moral choice of directly or indirectly supporting the clearly worse choice. It’s far too early to just let that slide.
If we in 100 years still sometimes talk about the early days of the fediverse where a bunch of morons fell for astroturfing, that’s kind of a good outcome.
If they’re real people they should feel bad.
For the not so real people, we should figure out how a distibuted system can deal with a concerted astroturfing operation.
On this platform, we have also had genuine people struggle with supporting a system and party that directly cause harm, even if it would cause less harm then the alternative. And many of them went from struggling with finding the right choice, to full on radicalization towards abstaining because of the smug posting of people on this platform who acted as if it was stupid or evil for them to struggle with their moral compass.
I get that everyone feels very strongly about their positions in this, and that these feelings are directly tied to our personal beliefs.
But the reality is, those who abstained and those who voted Blue share many fundamental beliefs. And we can either let this election be the hill we all collectively die on, or we can let bygones be bygones and stand united to help those we still can.
And here is the kicker, it may feel good to say those who came to a different conclusion than you should “feel bad”, but if you do, you will be guilty of the same sin you so strongly accuse them of.
Two weeks is pretty fast to go “let bygones be bygones” for people making such an obviously bad choice. We’re dealing with extremely dense people here who had months to figure this out and still made the obviously wrong choice. It’s gonna take some repetition for it to register.
I say we keep talking about it at least until after there is another democratic election in the US, or talking about it becomes illegal in open forums in the US.
I say we keep talking about it at least until after there is another democratic election in the US
Just in time to divide us again and let the situation get worse. Planning on making the same bad choice you are accusing others of huh?
Yeah, let’s blame the people actually supporting Harris for her loss. That’s a great idea. Let’s all just keep falling for russian psyops or stay quiet to not “divide” us again
Great plan
Let’s blame the people who forced her on us after voters totally rejected her in the 2020 primary. Some of us pushed for Biden to drop out far sooner and got shouted down. Some of us called for an open convention after he dropped out and got shouted down. Some of sounded the alarm about the Harris campaign running a Republican light strategy and got shouted down. How much failure does it take for establishment fools to shut the fuck up?
No, that’s also a pretty terrible plan. Though since I never suggested we do that, nor did I blame those who supported Harris, I have to wonder who you are talking to?
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Acting pretty mad for getting exactly what you wanted. But thank God virtue signaling about Gaza will survive past the actual existence of Gaza
Honestly I’m drinking liberal tears up. Where were you for the past four years “pushing biden to the left”? Out to brunch! Don’t you know the economy has never been better?!
I am willing to move forward with centrists as coalition partners with the left-- only because neither of us can win alone, but after this election they have to come to the table as coalition partners, NOT leaders.
Progressives need to leave the Democratic party. Voters know that neither progressives or centrists have the numbres to win alone, but Progressives have popular issues to run on, and centrists have nothing but hisorical momentum thats stopped pretty cold at the moment. All the “anyone but trump” people will still be there next election (assuming there is one) and they will vote for leadership that is promising good things. And progressives will win. So I say lets formally split, and if the centrists come along theyd be welcome, and if they’d rather go it alone then they should get used to losing because they have no other future.
For long term political goals, I’m fully on board with you.
For immediate resistance to fascism, we are already all on the same side, or so I hope.
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Friendly reminder that Joe Biden is still the president and could stop sending weapons to Israel right now if he wanted to. But he doesn’t.
Throwing your vote in the trash is a vote for garbage, and garbage won by a landslide.
The garbage voters really hate to hear it.
Blame the at most 2 million or so antigenocide protestors, instead of the 75 million who voted for Trump. Considering Harris was short 8 million votes, it didn’t really matter.
Blame Trump voters first, but also blame Harris for running a dog shit campaign where she leaned right to pickup Republicans, and ended up picking up zero R voters while completely alienating the progressives and losing 14 million votes from Biden’s 2020 performance.
The Dems don’t seem too upset though. They would rather lose to the republicans than let progressives have any sort of power.
The only people making noise are the centrists looking to blame everyone but themselves for a sweep of all the levers of government, and a gradual loss of the judiciary that will doom the republic. It was an epic asswipping of historic proportions with you lot leading and owning the losing strategy. You dont even have the diginity to be embarrassed about it.
You geniuses lost voters across every single demographic except college educated whites, flatly ignored the economic hardship of the lower and middle class and told people they were delusional to talk about it, and on top of that they enabled and participated in obvious far right war crimes. You lost minority and youth support and trust across the board. And you have no way of earning it back beyond your same tired playbook of being slightly better than Trump, on just a few issues.
Even if Harris had done the right, legal, moral thing and indicated she’d halt the shipments, she still would have lost on her idiotic low-polling economic policy that polled the same as Joe Bidens presidency. So you all supported war crimes and soiled the dem name for basically no gain at all. You doomed the republic, soiled the global understanding of “democracy”, and showed the western world order to be a hollow shell of what it once was, where laws and justice dont really matter. All so the DNC elites could take some zionist bribes on a single election cycle, which you then lost. Heck of a job. Its hard to imagine screwing the globe any more thoroughly. Its breathtaking. You couldnt have done a more thorough job if you were maga republican fascists yourselves.
Dems failed and people who abhor genocide unfortunately had little to do with it, though listening to Lemmy libs you’d think they personally destroyed her campaign
They need someone to blame. Taking on blame themselves for ignoring voters? That’s preposterous! Those votes are clearly owed in the democracy that they’re the saviors of.
I have been seeing this online, leftist, superposition where people not voting Democrat, to protest the genocide, are not a significant enough portion of the vote, to have tanked the election for the DNC, and that enough of the 15 million who sat out clearly did so due to the genocide, to make them lose. I have seen it argued both ways from a number of the same people, in different threads, when the messaging behind either, works in their favor. No these people are not russian bots, they have been around lemmy, doing normal poster stuff, for a while now. They just want to not take any blame, and also claim their issue was far more universally important than it was.
“My vote for Jill Stein/My non vote for protest/etc. isn’t what killed her chance, it was people being mad about other things the DNC didn’t do well!” Then, on another post, seeing the same user name, “15 million people wouldn’t have sat out had they stopped supporting Israel!”
All the third party votes combined and given only to swing states would still end with trump winning.
Wake the fuck up. The democrats lost because they fucking suck. stop blaming voters for your elitist out to brunch pathetic excuse of a political party that’s been gaslighting the public for four years about inflation telling us not to believe our own lying eyes and how great!!! the economy is doing I mean look at these numbers!!! But these people are the type who going to work means going golfing to rub shoulders with the rest of the elite. They’re fucking clueless.
And they’re bleeding us dry with taxes while sending ALL of that money over to Israel and Ukraine. Meanwhile we have homeless starving people over here and they throw their hands up and say there’s no money. Fuck them and all their stupid ass brunch going laptop class never worked a real day in their life supporters too hung up on getting their pronouns right to actually come up with a platform that appeals to voters. “We’re not trump” is not a fucking platform. I hate trump but there is absolutely no question that these past four years I’ve been struggling far more economically under Biden than trump. Democrat party operatives too busy sniffing their own farts to read the fucking room.
you had my upvote until your bit about pronouns. :(
learn and do better.
Im visibly queer myself and gender nonconforming. Catering to 1% of the population and turning it into a wedge issue (trans people in prison getting taxpayer funded gender reassignment surgery - a ridiculous concept that affects maybe 100 people in a country of 330 million, thanks ACLU for the gotcha) is a great way to get trump re-elected because 1% of the blue no matter who voters get their panties in a twist if people won’t play their pronoun police games. Cis people wearing pronoun placards and putting their pronouns in their email signature is about as helpful to the queer cause as painting a fucking rainbow in the street. Do nothing feel good -ism.
Pronouns and males in women’s sports are dumb wedge issues to lose an election over, just to cater to the precious feelings of 1% of the population. And now ALL of us queers are under threat.
You know what helps queer people? Focusing on the insane cost of living crisis. and that’s a winning platform that doesn’t just focus on an insignificant cultural decadence issue but rather affects most of the population. But instead biden/Harris gaslit the public about inflation and now they’re blaming everybody but themselves for the loss.
“Cis people wearing pronoun placards and putting their pronouns in their email signature” is helpful to me due to the number of (cisgender) people named Alex, Jordan, Morgan, Casey, Taylor, Avery Parker or Cameron lol.
Overall I agree with the gist of what you are saying, it’s just really fucked that you are lumping an incredible spread of wedge issues under “too hung up on getting their pronouns right.” You literally could have just said “wedge issues and messaging failures surrounding trans folk” instead of “pronouns” and I would never have commented.
Being kind!
I use pronouns as an example because it’s 1% of the population and well meaning cis liberals love to virtue signal over it and beat everyone else over the head with it in a smug sense of superiority. In reality, it doesn’t matter at all and shouldn’t even be part of a political platform. It’s bad strategy and stupid, catering to the special feelings of a tiny group of people over the realistic needs of the larger group.
When it comes to people with gender neutral names, if you’re not sure just ask. Or guess, and if you guessed wrong, apologize. Only the power tripping type are gonna get hung up on it. People misgender me all the time. I don’t care. It’s not out of malice.
Really disturbing how you are framing the acceptance of trans people, a matter of life and death, as “special feelings”?
The Republican platform is to eradicate transgender people. I absolutely will not tolerate criticism of countermessaging that does the bare minimum of calling them the gender they are. Do better.
Pronouns and males in women’s sports are dumb wedge issues to lose an election over, just to cater to the precious feelings of 1% of the population. And now ALL of us queers are under threat.
The moment the democrats take a step back on this, the republicans will take two steps forward. If we don’t fight them here they will keep coming. Give an inch and they’ll take a mile.
I agree that this shouldn’t be front and center to the campaign. It wasn’t. All they did was (somewhat) stand their ground when the republicans attacked them on it. Ceding ground would be selling out members of their own base to appease a small percentage of people who are so obsessed with us that they’ll vote to hurt us regardless of anything else on the ballot, and those people are going to vote republican regardless. The number of trans people may be small, but if we get sold out it tells every other minority that the democrats will sell them out too whenever it becomes politically convenient.
Yes, economic issues should be what democrats focus on, and yes that’s something that benefits queer people along with everyone else, but ceding ground to appease bigots is a terrible strategy.
The democrats allowed the ACLU to get a gotcha this election cycle over trans prisoners getting taxpayer funded sex reassignment surgeries. How many trans people are in prison, let alone going through with an invasive surgery while in prison? 10? 100? 1000? More than that? Unlikely. In a country of 330 million. Harris should of just deflected the answer instead of giving a sound bite and soothing the precious feelings of the out to brunch ACLU whom long ago gave up on their mission of protecting free speech. (I used to donate to them, around the election of trump or even before they started taking anti free speech positions that were socially progressive but against the concept of free speech)
I don’t disagree with you - we should fight for trans rights always because when they start chipping away at human rights they aren’t gonna stop with just trans people.
But making niche social issues a campaign focus is a losing strategy and playing by the Republican playbook. I actually wonder if the ACLU gotcha was a Republican operation or a really dumb progressive not thinking things through.
Well, blaming the people for their votes wasn’t the point I was making… but ok. I was pointing out this weird behavior I have been seeing. I would say “but go off”, but you already have.
people not voting Democrat, to protest the genocide, are not a significant enough portion of the vote, to have tanked the election for the DNC
a) yeah people are saying this.
enough of the 15 million who sat out clearly did so due to the genocide
b) no one is saying this except people who are so misinformed that they would deny a) anyway. you’re attributing the words of two separate groups of people to everyone in that group.
edit: sorry for the false assertion, corrected
@kameecoding English6•
My favorite lemmy bubble is the smug woke ( idiot leftists, who think they are smart but aren’t) who think Kamala lost because she didn’t take a stance on Gaza and people abstained in protest and not because of sexism and racism.
and to this is the direct reply
@SeattleRain English2•
That is why she lost to though. 15 million blank ballots don’t lie.
There are more people in that thread saying this in various different ways, and this is just the most recent one in my post history.
yikes ok thanks for the correction. didn’t know people were that poorly informed.
i’ll see what i can do to correct my comment in an edit, it’s obvious the user you quoted is way off base in saying the B portion of my comment. not sure if they would also say the A portion though.
edit: for anyone curious, the “15 million” that user refers to is a purported number of democrats that didn’t show up to vote. and so has nothing to do with “blank ballots.” plus that number isn’t even real apparently and it’s less, see that fact check link for more.
It’s cool, I see this a lot lately. Yeah, I am not siding with commenter one, this example was just the first in my history. No offense to you, I don’t really think this conversation is worth more work than that. I have a number of examples hidden in there though, also consider I didn’t bother commenting most of the times I saw this type of thing.
Personally, while I listen to people, and can’t but accept bigotry as part of the issue, it isn’t THE issue. However, people like Seattle here, seem to be in a bubble. My personal friends care about this, I do, it is common in most of the online spaces I am in, but when I get out into an unfiltered space, it becomes clear gaza isn’t a consideration, or is so far down the list, it might as well not be.
Personally, while I listen to people, and can’t but accept bigotry as part of the issue, it isn’t THE issue.
Agree. I heard Hasanabi frame it as, the US is certainly sexist and racist, yes, but those hurdles could have been overcome (as with Obama) by employing messaging that is appealing to the majority public who feel alienated from their labor and neighbors. And that did not happen, not nearly enough or comparably to Obama, and so racism and sexism won out.
Yes, much of the labor here voted trump due to blindly reaching out to someone they thought was a political outsider. Now they are furious that their compensation is going to be cut, and their union (this is largely manufacturing) can’t do anything, because their company can materially prove major losses in profit margins. Even the top brass, in a number of these companies, are having their contracts re-negotiated to reduce their compensation. Locally, they voted more progressive than in decades, because they saw those people as outsiders too. This goes right along with what AOC, and Bernie, are saying about people who voted for both them and trump.
Much of the people, who voted biden, and then sat this out, are older white men. People seem to think just mentioning this means you are saying it was all hate due to woman of color. However, I also see the concerns of this demographic are way different than those who would be seriously concerned about palestine. Here people are saying things akin to “the destruction of our palestine (the train wreck that poisoned palestine OH) was just a news cycle, the one on the other side of the world has been on the news for months.”
Dumb smug liberals too addicted to identity politics as an excuse for everything under the sun completely ignoring TWO WARS and RECORD INFLATION that the biden administration gaslights the public over.
I… understand that. The first commenter in the post I copypasta’d wasn’t someone I was agreeing with, nor was it me. I was just showing my most recent example of the weird behavior I have been seeing, that is all.
Sorry. Your comments formatting is confusing, my bad.
Kamala lost more because of the economy than because of Gaza. But if people want to blame protest voters, and they really, really do, then I’m happy to take advantage of that narrative because that claim only helps us by suggesting that we weild more influence than we do and are more important to win over than we are. I’m happy to point out that they’re wrong because I’m an honest person, but if they really want to push a narrative about how important and influential my faction is, then I mean, I’ll take it. “Never interrupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake.” Plus pointing out the fact that they’re only helping us is probably more likely to get them to stop than trying to appeal to the facts.
Personal opinion, it is both. Harris ran a shite campaign. Also people refused to exercise their ability to produce damage mitigation. Voting the lesser evil in the presidential election, while voting, and working, to make change locally, from the ground up, is the way to affect change in this stupid system. Don’t believe me? Really look at how the GOP got a death grip on the government, despite being a minority. Yes it took 50 years, but it worked, and they were working at the disadvantage.
Also, I spilled a glass of red wine on my desk, keyboard, micro pc, and several devices, when I moved my arm to respond to this. So fuck you!
It’s both. Many, many issues have 15 people who can explain what they don’t like and try to do something about it, and then 15 million people who don’t like the same thing but can’t explain it, won’t try, only vote when they feel like it, and will never see any scolding you try to do.
So let me get this straight:
The Democratic Party snubs the left— even the progressives. They court the right wing, parading the Cheneys around.
The democrats lose.
The rightwing voters get riled up by the mask-off hatred, while their politicians straight up lie to Muslims and Latino people, winning some of their votes.
The democrats lose ground across the board. Their entire turnout was depressed. No matter how many times they learned their views were losing them votes, they refuse to budge on the issues they were undoubtedly wrong about. The fuckin meme says “we didn’t vote for genocide!!!” We can all agree voting…for genocide is…bad, right?
And you’re blaming the people who were ignored and told once again to go fuck themselves? Because they couldn’t stomach voting for people publicly and unflinchingly supporting the genocide.
Not the lying fascists, not the losing party for being told they were going to fail and still failing?
This is exactly how you continue to fail and lose to fascists.
And im telling you right now. History won’t look back and say “those fools! They didn’t vote because of a teensy little genocide!” They will say “all of those people stood by while a holocaust was happening.”
Not a doubt in my mind.
They voted for a worse genocide.
In 2 different places no less and possibly more.
They just don’t know it yet.
I’ve a feeling some of them know it. They’re just remaining here to maintain enough credibility to be believable during the next propaganda wave that’ll hit us once trump allows his boss to crater Kiev.
Last I checked Trump lost 3 million voters since last election, and Harris lost 10 million.
The couch won. It’s not like people were suddenly won over by a person they’ve likely seen through 3 election cycles.
Great job couches, now your worst enemy is VP-elect.
Yea those couches are fucked now.
Right, which is why people are angry at the people who couldn’t even go vote for Harris
But the poster claimed they voted for a worse genocide. I’m saying they didn’t vote.
Not voting for Harris was indirect support for worse genocide. Choosing to stay on the couch is still a choice, and this time that choice gave us Trump
Well thankfully they also not voted for Trump which was indirect support for the better genocide.
Right, which is why people are rightfully furious at those they didn’t even bother to vote for the objectively better option
She didn’t appear better. So telling people that did nothing.
I don’t know why that’s a hard concept, for so many. Lemmy liberals love to think they can tell people exactly what to do because they are obviously right.
It’s smug and not effective and yet tactics don’t change just berate harder.
You forgot at home, where the marginalized groups are also gonna feel the brunt of turnips policies.
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Another day, another Lemmy post blaming leftists instead of Republicans, conservatives, racists, and their enablers.
If you thought the people who were critical of the Democrats went quite after the election, you’re saying more about the echo chamber you’ve built for yourself than anything else.
Gotta love libs STILL blaming their overwhelming loss and support for genocide on people that they’ve banned.
Amazingly, nobody’s happy that the dems decided to sacrifice the whole country rather than budge on exterminating the Palestinians.
I mean, Kamala really wanted Republicans in the white house with her. I bet she’s elated to see how many will be in there now.
One of the candidates was against Palestinian genocide??