Hey everyone,

I’m your local server godess. I usually sit in the background doing things, while my lovely partner @ada does her thing moderating the server, but I do pop in every now and then to let you know when important things happen like the server gets an upgrade etc.

So earlier today we were running a slightly old version of lemmy on the same hardware as the database server, which started causing problems as our instance has grown significantly over the last few days.

So tonight we’re running a freshly upgraded lemmy 0.17.4, moved onto its own dedicated server instance.

Hopefully this should resolve the issues we were having and let me or Ada know if you notice any issues or glitches.

Also Ada has relented and setup a ko-fi donations page for those that want to donate AND can afford it.

We want to stress that we are running these instances to support our community, so the last thing we want is to add financial stress to the members of that community.

If you’re privileged enough to be able to help with a donation without causing yourself financial stress, you’re welcome to help cover some of the running costs. But if you’re not, please do not feel any obligation to do so as that would undermine the goal behind creating these spaces in the first place. We’d rather keep covering the costs ourselves than pull funds away from the members of our community that need it.

Lots of love! Kaity (and Ada).

  • Jon
    221 year ago

    Thanks Kaiity and Ada for all your hard work on this!!!

  • CynAq
    171 year ago

    I have a confession to make, and I think it’s hilarious.

    I was out of the loop as to what Blåhaj was, and seeing it written as blahaj in the URLs, I thought it had something to do with the fitness youtuber Jason Blaha.

    That said, this looks like an amazing community. I wish everyone all the best!

  • ✨Abigail Watson✨
    141 year ago

    I know a lot of things are up in the air right now, but do you guys have a guesstimate for server costs? I think beehaw was looking at 1-2k per year.

    • AdaMA
      111 year ago

      We’re running at around 800 a month at the moment, but that’s with 4 instances, none of which are sharing hardware anymore. That being said, we’re deliberately over resourced at the moment until lemmy and kbin settle down and we get a better feel for what they need.

  • @Scurvotron
    111 year ago

    Thanks Kaity.

    Since the upgrade I get SytaxError string does not match the expected pattern when I try to upload an image any idea?

  • @Meganium97
    5 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • Ada
      1 year ago

      We’ll be upgrading to 0.18 soon. I’m just trying to find confirmation that the latest 0.18 release candidate fixes the frozen hot/active sort issue before we invest the time required

        • AdaMA
          161 year ago

          Looking at the 0.18 release, it has had captcha removed, so we aren’t going to be able to upgrade just yet. We will have to wait until 18.1 when they will bring captcha back

        • AdaMA
          51 year ago


      • @Meganium97
        5 months ago

        deleted by creator

        • AdaMA
          1 year ago

          To be clear, you can’t log on because of a mistake by the Jerboa devs in releasing that version, not because of our server version.

          We will be upgrading to the 0.18.1 RC as soon as our other admin is feeling up to it, however she just got out of hospital with several broken bones, so it may be a few days away still

    • Evelyn
      21 year ago

      I’m also getting this error on Jerboa, For now I’m just using Lemmynade

      • @iso
        1 year ago

        Jerboa still seems to work with this instance though

        source: typing this comment on upgraded Jerboa

        Edit: nevermind it crashes when I try to upvote a comment, of all things

      • @Meganium97
        5 months ago

        deleted by creator

        • @can
          21 year ago

          A forked version. Lemur was abandoned. Lemmynade was just renamed LiftOff actually. Posting this comment from it.

    • ShittyKopper [they/them]
      11 year ago

      0.18 is still a release candidate. Jerboa (& lemmy.ml) got too hasty updating, likely because of the federation fixes.

  • rowie324
    81 year ago

    thank you, local server goddess c:

  • skye
    81 year ago

    yay! thx for ur hard work Kaity and Ada! i know that sudden large waves of new users can cause a lot of stress when running servers and platforms like this, it’s awesome of u folks to provide this space for lgbtq+ folk

    also, sorry if this is not an appropriate place to ask, but you mentioned running these instances to “support your community” and when i signed up here i also signed up for the Calckey instance cuz i had been thinking about trying out Calckey for a while and figured i may as well. i was wondering last night while browsing on the Calckey instance if ya’ll are running an established community around something you do otherwise that has existed for a while or if it’s fairly new and has grown mostly because of the Reddit migrators. i noticed an announcement on the Calckey instance that mentioned something about your other projects, which is another reason i’m wondering. mostly im wondering, is there like a Discord or (better for me) a Matrix, Revolt, or Guilded? or anything like that? or when you mention other projects are you mostly referencing, like, software and stuff that you’ve developed? in which case also, is there a place i can check it out?

    i joined here as a reddit user looking for alternatives and im a socialist and anarchist and lgbtq+ so this seemed like a fitting instance for me lol but this community seems neat and if there’s more places to interact with it or engage with ya’ll’s content i’m interested in learning more basically x3

    • AdaMA
      71 year ago

      Blahaj Zone isn’t attached to any particular community before it.

      We currently run a Friendica instance, a Calckey/Hajkey instance and a Lemmy instance. We have a kbin instance that should hopefully be turned on later today.

      Project wise, aside from our instances, the main project is Hajkey itself.

      We don’t have a discord community or the like, but there is nothing stopping you from spinning up an unofficial one if you like. I used to be active on Discord (and previously owned the TransLater discord community), but Discord has lost its shine for me recently.

      • skye
        21 year ago

        okay, awesome thx :3

        idk if i will create one, i don’t really like running stuff, but i’d probably join a chat community if someone else does. especially if it’s on Matrix or Revolt!

  • Wereduck
    81 year ago

    Thank you both for all your work into this community!:)

  • @Hiroji
    81 year ago

    Was wondering why it was returning HTTP 500. Great its up and running and improved w