i write, short stories mostly existential horror, and “essays” about anything i find interesting (that really just means i ramble about things i find interesting for several hundred-1000+ words on tumblr); also i made and maintain a personal website, i make mods and themes for things other people make cuz i don’t code enough to make anything of my own; sometimes i make videos but i’m generally too shy to do that regularly; i play video games; i collect plushies; and i recentlyish picked up making pixel art
i also want to get into crochet, cooking, and gardening but my time with those has so far mostly just been using social media to see what other people do. i mean i cook but wouldn’t classify how i do cooking as a hobby lol
i have adhd too, also i’m agoraphobic, and in addition to ideally being able to orbit around several hobbies i also just need things to fill in my time since i don’t get outside very often
what kinds of things do you like to make, grow, and learn?