• sudoer777@lemmy.ml
    1 hour ago

    My high school from a red state was like 99% white and also 99% conservative and had this attitude of racism is bad but also racism doesn’t exist anymore then proceeds to make racist jokes and support racist politics (including students who were very academically focused), although it never evolved to anything as stupid as taking a group photo holding up a racial slur. There was a lot of stuff from there though that seemed normal at the time then after I left realized how fucked it was, and I know of other people who think the same thing.

      • Noble Shift@lemmy.world
        45 minutes ago

        Not this level of “putting a needle in your arm” dumb. We did stupid shit like Jackass, not hateful shit.

        • sugar_in_your_tea@sh.itjust.works
          1 hour ago

          Sure, but did you grow up in a community with a healthy population of minorities? If not, then you probably don’t really have the same experience as these kids.

          When you don’t actually know anyone a slur references, it’s pretty easy to not take it seriously. A lot of my friends in school make “gay” jokes, until we made friends with a gay kid, at which point we stopped because we suddenly had a personal experience with it. That’s how a lot of these types of things go.

          • CleoTheWizard@lemmy.world
            52 minutes ago

            Yes but also racism and homophobia deserve derision and to be laughed and joked about in ways that don’t hurt people. Hear me out. It’s a weird situation because the people who are offended by it deserve to be and are valid but so are the people that say stuff like “telling people that you can’t say that word gives it power” because it absolutely does.

            It’s why myself and my gay partner will jokingly use slurs in private. Because it’s funny and we’re mocking the people that hate us. And by using their words as a joke, we take the sting out of them. Because it’s absurd theyre used seriously in the first place.

            So we exist in this weird spot where we’ve said “yes the gays can reclaim their slurs. And yes the minorities can reclaim their words. But no one else can say them” and it’s like sure but then other people aren’t able to properly take the sting out of the words.

            Not saying there’s a right answer, I’m just saying that we have weird standards that may not be serving our goals.

        • Wave@lemmy.ml
          2 hours ago

          Im not condoning it but you were probably born post Xbox 360 Xbox live era.

      • apt8@sh.itjust.works
        1 hour ago

        I couldn’t imagine doing this though. I’m imagining they somehow expected social benefit for this, and that blows me mind SpongeBob

  • ResoluteCatnap@lemmy.ml
    5 hours ago

    I hope someone puts this on a static website with their names so future employers can find it easily

    • LifeOfChance@lemmy.world
      4 hours ago

      I use to have this way to thinking but then we are encouraging people not to change. This is a group of kids maybe raised wrong maybe thinking it’s okay to joke about so should this ruin the rest of their lives? Should they not be given the chance to do better and learn from this? It’s not murder and nobody was harmed by it. Being offended isn’t traumatizing.

      At what point is the punishment fitting the crime in a case like this. We’ve learned posting this to social media already effects people long term so wouldn’t just posting it here be enough since they may have also been reprimanded by their community.

      • ResoluteCatnap@lemmy.ml
        4 hours ago

        That’s fair i guess. I did some stupid shit as a kid but I’m also a completely different person than 40 years ago. Otoh i never did anything quite like this. Id hope their eyebrows burn off from the backlash and they learn at least.

        • Xanis@lemmy.world
          3 hours ago

          If society has gone a different direction what you did do may have been just as condemnable.

          • Dontfearthereaper123@lemm.ee
            2 hours ago

            But it didnt and I’m glad because we shouldnt let people be racist. What’s your point here? R u js pulling a “what if some things were worse” cause they are, racism is far from the worst thing u can do today. I’m taking a guess and saying they probs didnt murder anyone as a teen. now I’d hope u could agree that is a step too far that being a dumb kid doesnt justify same deal w racism

          • ResoluteCatnap@lemmy.ml
            1 hour ago

            The difference is 40 years ago when i lacked better judgement, i didn’t do things that were condemnable and they still aren’t to this day.

            These kids have done something current date that is condemnable. Maybe they just weren’t raised right and can turn their lives around but it’s not quite the same situation. What they did will always have been bad at the time they did it.

  • Glytch@lemmy.world
    9 hours ago

    The punishment fit the crime. Let the picture follow them forever and let their fellow students take out the frustration of losing homecoming on them.

  • nemonic187@lemmy.world
    9 hours ago

    That long haired guy thinks he’s the hard G. They should cancel the entire season or kick those dudes off the team. Their choice.

  • ZILtoid1991@lemmy.world
    11 hours ago

    Because they want to normalize the use of racial slurs yet again, separating it from “real racism”.

  • niktemadur@lemmy.world
    18 hours ago

    Oklahoma the prototypical red state shithole.

    Where if the black community becomes peacefully prosperous, it’s too much for the numerous white inferiority-complex shitkickers to take, they boil and fester like an infection until one night they swarm like a biblical plague of locusts to burn and raze the black community to the ground.

    Hollow and ignorant, lazy and angry white madness is synonymous with republican-voting states.

    • TheRealKuni@lemmy.world
      12 hours ago

      Most of my experience in Oklahoma was in Norman, a fantastic college town. When I would go outside of the Norman/Moore/OKC area to visit the families of my fellow students, it was surprising how much and how quickly things changed.

      I mean, I know the dichotomy between rural and urban is everywhere in this nation, but it seemed more stark somehow.

  • abbadon420@lemm.ee
    19 hours ago

    Sure this is racist, but it’s also just teenagers doing stupid teenagers stuff. They probably thought this was incredibly edgy… They should just be punished accordingly, maybe a mandatory course on racism or something.

    The racist rhetoric is definitely out there, I don’t know who is denying that. I don’t expect it will ever go away. It’s like when you break a bone at age 40, it will heal but will always remain a weak spot. However, I do think the current generation overall is doing a good effort to push the rhetoric away.

    • GiveOver@feddit.uk
      3 hours ago

      I read your comment thread this morning and it’s been bouncing around my head all day. I agree with you, and there’s something I can’t quite put my finger on about how everything online is so serious and black and white. If you do something wrong you’re evil incarnate and you deserve instant excommunication.

      Your comment being so heavily downvoted is a good example. I think your stance is the most reasonable, and I think if this all played out in the real world you’d have a vast majority of people agreeing with you. But for some reason once it’s on the internet you’re unanimously wrong and it’s not up for discussion.

      I’ve been on the wrong side of an “am I the asshole” post one time and it was bizarre seeing the anger of people on the internet compared to the relaxed opinions of real people that heard the story. I wish there was a term for this phenomenon because I see it everywhere. Terminally online people who can’t just see nuance and realise that we all do stupid shit.

      I don’t really have a point but I thought I’d let you know you inspired some thought in a single person from the void.

    • norimee@lemmy.world
      19 hours ago

      Apologists like you are part of the problem and one big reason why it’s still there.

      This is not an abstract problem of rhetoric. Shit like this is actively hurting people. It normalises hateful speech and behaviour against minorities.

      • abbadon420@lemm.ee
        17 hours ago

        I’ve done some pretty stupid stuff as a teenager, because I thought it was funny to upset people. I thought I was being edgy. It never occurred to me that hurting people actually hurt people. I was a teenager, all I cared about was me and my friends.

        I could’ve done this as a teenager, but I would see the error of my ways after it was pointed out to me by the entire school and the news papers and the whole world. I would not be thinking about the Co sequences of my actions before hand. That’s not what teenagers do. That’s what teenagers need to learn, some are just a bit slower in learning that.

        I’m not an apologists. This a hurtful act, a disgrace and it should be punished. All I’m saying is that teenage boys can be stupid like this. If this was done by grown man, it would’ve been pure evil. Now it is a large part stupidity, not less hurtful, just a different origin. If these were grown men, they would be scum. I don’t know these boys, they might be scum already, but maybe they can still change and grow up to be normal, tolerable, non-racist people.

        • norimee@lemmy.world
          17 hours ago

          I’m sorry, nobody taught you that “that hurting people actually hurt people.”

          But that’s just the point. We can’t excuse behaviour like this as “boys will be boys”. Behaviour like this needs to have consequences that actually hurt, not a slap on the wrist, so these kids have a chance to learn.

          If they get away with this with just a “Hey, that’s not okay, don’t do it again. Teenagers haha”, what you actually teaching them, is that it’s not that bad. And they grow up into adults who think hateful language is not that bad.

          Teenagers might have underdeveloped judgment, but thats not necessarily something they learn on their own. Moral judgment isn’t genetic and something that you grow into on your own. Moral standards and judgments are taught by your society and your environment.

          So do me a favour and teach teenagers instead of excusing them with their age.

          • desktop_user
            2 hours ago

            physical harm is obvious, mental harm is not. This is even more true when that harm is distributed over a wide area that you are not near.

          • abbadon420@lemm.ee
            16 hours ago

            I agree. But I think that this kind of public shaming in a newspaper is already beyond “a slap on the wrist”, but it is not enough on it’s own. However, an actual criminal sentence would be too much, because that would ruin their futures, which would create resentment and that eventual creates actual nazis.

            In the Netherlands we have some form of criminal sentencing for teenagers which gets deleted from your record after you turn 18 or 21 or something. These kids usually get 50 or a 100 hours or so work sentence, like picking garbage or some other tedious manual labour (after school, of course). Maybe it would even be fitting to have them work in some sort of slavery memorial centre or museum. I think such a punishment could be applied here… I don’t know if the US has such an arrangement though or if it’s even legally fitting for this case.

            • norimee@lemmy.world
              16 hours ago

              I don’t know where your outcry about newspapers, criminal charges and completely ruined lives comes from.

              What are you defending here?

              This is a Tweet and not a newspaper. It states facts and the reaction from an affected person. Nobody mentioned lifelong consequences. Not even in the comments when I replied to your first comment.
              These boys put this online themselves. That someone shares it should not surprise nor is it a disproportionate consequence.

              You just assumed something and started excusing their behaviour as teenage stupidity.

              I’m not American, but afaik social service hours and the sealing of a juvenile record are a thing there too. I doubt however, that there is any crime committed here, that can be punished in a court of law.

              • ShareMySims@sh.itjust.works
                8 hours ago

                What are you defending here?

                Racism. They’re defending what they perceive as the “right” of racists to be racist without consequence. The excuses they’re making for themselves, and these teens, don’t change that.

              • abbadon420@lemm.ee
                14 hours ago

                There’s a partial link to a newspaper article visible in the screenshot.

                This seems to be the full link: https://eu.oklahoman.com/story/news/2024/09/19/tishomingo-oklahoma-students-disciplined-after-racial-slur-shown-in-viral-image/75294249007/

                I am not defending anything, I am merely saying that teenagers are stupid and that eventhough this is racist, it might have been born from stupidity rather than racism, because that’s what teenagers boys often do. It is not an excuse, but a different view point. The reasons matter. A stupid teenager making a stupid mistake is different from a grown adult trying to purposefully hurt people because of some misguided hate or something. And a punishment should be manufactured accordingly.

                I hadn’t read the article before, but it states that the school provided these scrabble letter to all students as some kind of school spirit stunt. Therefor I can imagine that these boys thought it would be funny to spell “nigger”, a spur of the moment thought, not thinking about any consequences. They took a picture, posted it on the Internet, because that’s what teenagers do these days and the rest is history.

                They did put it online and it being shared is therfor an obvious result. I don’t know if it’s a fitting punishment though. Maybe these kids are actual scum and they just enjoy the attention. Maybe these kids aren’t that bad, just immensely stupid and they never intended it to go viral and are regretting their decision now. Maybe that is a fitting punishment. But it’s dangerous if it goes so viral that people with strong opinions decide to take matters in their own hand. The person from the doesn’t seem to be involved with the school(but that’s an assumption on my part). That’s the kind of different viewpoint I wanted to offer. Don’t get too angry over this. This is a problem to be solved by the school, the parents and the people involved, not a national witch Hunt.

          • baggachipz@sh.itjust.works
            16 hours ago

            The OP didn’t say they should get away with it, they’re just pointing out how idiotic teenage boys are. I think we can all agree that they deserve serious consequences for this, it’s vile. Do they deserve to have their lives ruined?

            Beyond typical teenage stupidity, they learned this behavior from somewhere and that’s usually at home. So I think they don’t bear sole responsibility here. This happened as a result of their environment. The boneheaded teenager says the quiet part out loud to be edgy or whatever. The solution is to punish them, but also take a deeper look into the situation which allowed it in the first place.

            Also, I can tell from that picture that the ringleaders # 1 and 3 are total dickwads.

  • Draghetta@lemmy.world
    21 hours ago

    Guy 1 and 3 fucked up big time, now their display of love for Christmas spices is ruined. What were they thinking