George Jetson was able to support his whole family off his single job working one hour a day, two days a week and his job was to just push a button.
The people in the past were Incredibly optimistic about the future.
I laughed! As a late born Gen X’er though and watching the Jetsons growing up, having a robot vacuum in my house is pretty amazing. I always think back to the show about how the kids would complain about doing their chores even though all they had to do is press a button lol
I got my mom a robot vacuum for Mother’s Day. She named it Rosie.
I think that’s misuse of the rectangle. If your rectangle can say things like that, you need to fix that (i.e. disable notifications or, better, get off of most social media or greatly tighten whom you interact with there).
I wouldn’t say it’s the platform’s fault or consider it misuse of those experiencing that.
We should be using online spaces and platforms to engage with one another. We could use these to reach out to each other across the world for a variety of positive purposes. It’s just unfortunate that most platforms are filled with hate and a lot of people out there would rather have negative experiences and some engagement, than no engagement at all.
Obviously that’s not exactly healthy but that’s how some people seem to be. I also question how healthy society would be if we all eventually ended up in the position of refusing online interaction for this reason.
I mean we could have had most of that or a close version of it. Still not sure flying cars are a good idea without a large amount of regulation.
But, we decided computers talking to each other was way more important. And, here we are. Computers talking to each other faster and better than ever. Celebrate the achievement of communication that has been turned into stream of revenue and almost unending growth. See how well we now communicate with each other. Much better than we ever did before. What a grand human achievement we have made.
I get the sentiment, but also 1960 was objectively worse in many ways
Stop giving a fuck
Simply don’t have any of those garbage apps on your phone ? Oh wait you wont. Keep using x and tiktok and whatever depression machine comes next.
You realize you’re one of those notifications for OP, right? You could have just not made the world a worse place, simply by not commenting