• grrgyle@slrpnk.net
    3 months ago

    I both agree and disagree, because this comic is dangerously vague.

    A good example is electric cars. It would be great if everyone switched to electric cars, but it would be even better if we built a city that didn’t treat pedestrians, cyclists, and public commuters as second class.

    The difference being the latter doesn’t let private equity make fat returns.

    And yes ofc we can both.

      • drosophila
        3 months ago

        Those aren’t purely technological solutions though (except in the loosest sense of the word, where any non-hunter-gatherer behavior a human engages in is a technology), as they involve changing the way people live.

        The electric car is a mostly drop-in replacement that fits in fine with the existing car centric suburban development model. The transit, cycling, and pedestrian oriented city involves changing how people think about their lives (many people in the US ask how it’s even possible to get groceries without a car) and even changing some of the ways we structure our society (the expectation that the cost of housing will increase forever, or even the expectation that housing should be treated as a commodity to invest in at all, as well as many other things to do with the intersection of finance and landuse).

        To give another example inventing new chemical processes to try to make plastic recycling work is a technological solution to the problem of petroleum use and plastic waste. Reducing or eliminating the use of single-use plastics where practicable is a non-technological solution, because it doesn’t involve any new technologies.

        In principle I’m not opposed to new technologies and “technological solutions”. However you can see from the above examples that very often the non-technological solution works better. Technological solutions are also very often a poison pill (plastic recycling was made to save the plastic industry, not the planet).

        In practice I think we need to use both types of solutions (for example, massively reduce our plastic use, but also use bio-plastics anywhere we can’t). But people have a strong reaction to the idea of so-called technological solutions because of the chilling effect they have on policy changes. We saw this with the loop and hyperloop. Rather than rethinking the policies that lead to the dearth of High-Speed rail in the US and investing in a technology that already existed a bunch of states decided to wait for the latest whizz-bang gadget to come out. And it turns out this was exactly the plan. The hyperloop was never supposed to work, it was just supposed to discourage investment in rail projects.

        • MindTraveller@lemmy.ca
          3 months ago

          I think that innovative forms of policy are technologies. If chemistry can have chemical engineers that implement chemical technologies, then political science should have civil engineers who implement political technologies.

          My background is in chaos magick, where we refer to our magic spells as techs all the time. And this approach isn’t novel. Psychologists consider things like meditation or applications of the placebo effect technologies. I mean, the brain is a thinking machine just like a computer, and we consider software technologies such as websites and applications to be technologies. Psychological technology is software for a brain, and political technology is software for a society.

          I think gardening is a technology, even though it’s just a different way of treating seeds that already exist. Sewing is a technology, the written word is a technology, money is a technology. And words and money exist only inside our heads.

          We should be getting techbros excited about actually useful technologies instead of their AI crypto bullshit. I’m a techbro for magic spells and bicycles! There should be political hype over social technologies.

      • jorp@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Why would the comic be referring to technology that has been around for hundreds of years? To me it’s clearly about the belief that we’ll “technology” our way out of the overconsumption crisis of capitalism

      • grrgyle@slrpnk.net
        3 months ago

        Sure, but that’s not how most people read the term. Going back to my point about how I both dis/agree with this because of how vague it is.

        • MindTraveller@lemmy.ca
          3 months ago

          We should be using the term correctly so that people learn to read it correctly. Otherwise we’ll have a society of people who think technology is whatever Elon Musk is up to, and that’s no good at all.

          • grrgyle@slrpnk.net
            3 months ago

            Begone, prescriptivist!

            Hahaha jk, but I agree in part. For the other part, though, I think there is a partial duty to a communicator to realise how words will be interpreted, and use the word as they know it will be understood. Or else they should do some work to explain their meaning.

            For instance, in the comic, the word “technological” could be removed altogether, and the meaning is only clearer for it.

            • MindTraveller@lemmy.ca
              3 months ago

              I think we should be getting people excited about social technologies, and using the symbols of mainstream technology hype is a good idea. Symbols tell people how to feel. If we use techbro Steve Jobs presentation symbols to advertise walkable design to techbros, maybe people will get hype for walkability. I know I’m hype for walkability.

              • grrgyle@slrpnk.net
                3 months ago

                I may sneer at the commodification of livable designs, but I guess I see your point… We’ve gone way beyond the scope of this comic, using a single word as a launching point to talking about leveraging hype machines for good.

                Would you care to give an example? I have a hard time picturing this kind of thing as sincere, because it’s usually the tip of the spear in a cynical marketing campaign to divest people of their money.

                • MindTraveller@lemmy.ca
                  3 months ago

                  Check out the YouTube channel Not Just Bikes. He gets me super hype for walkability, transit, and bikes. His newest video is about the weirdest trains in Japan. They make me want my country to have a train network as high tech and as massive and efficient. And also more cool trains. There’s a Hello Kitty bullet train. It’s pink!

    • Buddahriffic@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      It also ignores that everything has a cost and how much corporations like to pretend that “no study proving bad stuff means there’s no bad stuff” for brand new things that haven’t existed long enough for bad stuff to show up.

    • cerement@slrpnk.net
      3 months ago

      in an ideal world (heh) – our primary choice would be pedestrian, bicycle, electric micromobility, public transit – electric cars reserved for accessibility (personal ownership) – gas cars reserved for remote sites (rent or checkout only, no personal or private ownership)

        • pseudo@jlai.lu
          3 months ago

          Would you care develop your argument? It is not so much that I disagree with you that I don’t understand you.

  • retrospectology@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I can’t speak for the anarcho-primitivists but I can say I’ve been alive long enough to understand that a lot of miracle tech is just a cash grab or a way or distracting from the real solutions. Like carbon capture instead of just investing in renewables and zero emission solutions that exist.

    Tech bros are intellectually and morally careless and if what they say seems to good to be true, it’s likely not.

        • MindTraveller@lemmy.ca
          3 months ago

          My point is that technological solutions to our problems exist, if we pay attention to the science and not the hype. We don’t have to be anti science to save the planet.

      • eluvinar@szmer.info
        3 months ago

        And aren’t magic. Switching fully to renewables is probably both impossible (still require non-renewable materials to make) and requires lowering of living standards (unless you want to build a dyson swarm you need to stop growing your energy use, which pretty much means recession, because our economy is energy driven - and if you need a different economic system for a technological solution to work it’s not really a technological solution, is it. Also renewables are still pretty annoying when it comes to matching your output to your supply, and not being able to turn your AC whenever you feel like it is already a lowering of living standard for the richest countries).

        And while we wait for them to “solve” the problem, we’re already likely past 1.5°C, even if we just stick to not starving, having water to drink, and not freezing during winters from tomorrow.

  • GreatTitEnthusiast@mander.xyz
    3 months ago

    That’s a false dichotomy in a lot of the comments here

    We do both

    Carbon capture isn’t so we can continue to use fossil fuels. It’s because once we get to 0 emissions we still need to draw down the carbon in the atmosphere

    An ounce of prevention is almost always worth a pound of cure but we’re still going to want that cure because every extra tenth of a degree we can bring the Earth back to normal is going to be worth it

    • trollbearpig@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Nah, we don’t do both. Carbon capture projects are bullshit for the most part, see https://time.com/6264772/study-most-carbon-credits-are-bogus/ for example. Some are actually generating more carbon, not less overall. Instead, companies have been using this as a way to “buy” their target metrics, except they are buying offsets that don’t really exist. And they use this to market their products as green/net zero products, which incentivizes even more consumption.

      So overall this whole thing is most likely a net negative, as in we would be better without them. And honestly is not surprising at all, technology is not magic. It’s just people want perfect solutions so we don’t have to do anything and the problem goes away, so they keep falling for this bullshit. Case in point, your comment lol.

    • poVoq@slrpnk.net
      3 months ago

      Carbon capture isn’t so we can continue to use fossil fuels.

      But that is literally how it is used in the official plans and projections by governments and the UN. They nearly all plan with an increase of fossil fuel use and later (unrealistic) draw-down to reach “net zero” by the 2050ties or so.

    • UpperBroccoli
      3 months ago

      Carbon capture isn’t so we can continue to use fossil fuels. It’s because once we get to 0 emissions we still need to draw down the carbon in the atmosphere

      ‘Carbon capture’ technology is stupid. Planting trees and not cutting down any more, that is the way to go. They capture carbon, lots of it. That ‘technology’ has worked for millions of years.

      • VirtualOdour@sh.itjust.works
        3 months ago

        Yes that is a great solution if we had infinite space and time also if we weren’t concerned about the natural world and were happy to destroy all the biodiversity and unique biomes by converting into forests. Oh and if it would actually work of course, but that doesn’t matter in feelgood fantasy world.

        I love trees, I’ve volunteered planting trees and donates to woodlands and all sorts of things but they are not going to save us from the mess we’re in. They’re also not as simple as they should be, management is crucial as there’s a surprising amount of things that can go wrong on a large scale which would totally fuck the environment - especially with foodweb issues and soil chemistry.

        • UpperBroccoli
          3 months ago

          destroy all the biodiversity

          Nice strawman, is it biodegradable?

          • GreatTitEnthusiast@mander.xyz
            3 months ago

            It’s not a straw man, the guy knows what he’s talking about. Destroying biodiversity is a major problem with a lot of tree farms and tree planting programs. Tree planting doesn’t HAVE to do that but that kind of management is hard to do, like the guy said

            • UpperBroccoli
              3 months ago

              Tear down oversized parking lots and ten lane highways, failed “development” projects, hotel deserts and all of those other cemented spaces that are just dead and useless. Just let nature take it back.

          • VirtualOdour@sh.itjust.works
            3 months ago

            It’s easy to be glib but the actual reality is far more complex than you want it to be, here’s a good simple video talking about the difference between good tree planting projects and bad ones

            https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9k-22Lv9bU - Simon Clark, when tree planting hurts the climate

            He doesn’t go into the bad very deeply but they’re are plenty of other resources if you’re interested. The tree planting projects he does talk about are great and beneficial to the climate but their benefits are so much more than the small help they give the environment - is great treed are being planted when done in the right place but they won’t save us alone and it’s difficult to do

            The education aspect is vital, one tool that’s got a lot of promise is the node and branch analysis that plantCV does, there are projects working on using that to look at a tree and model it from images to highlight which limbs to cut and where for effective copicing, as well as other plant health info like tracking diseases or pests and providing good eco solutions. If a charity could give access to such a tool to subsistence farmers in their native languages (via an LLM like metas open-source models) that would be far more effective than their current efforts protecting training video onto the side of a building.

            One of the best eco solutions though is not longstanding forests it’s actually maintained cycles of smaller fast growing plants like willow, hemp, or even biowaste from crops or things like sidewalk grasses from.managed spaces. They collect the biomass using a non destructive cropping method then dry it in a thermal solar collector before burning it, the heat drives a turbine to generate electricity and the smoke goes upto the chimney where a portion of that electricity is used to create an electric charge over a membrain which collects over 90% of the carbon - this is then converted into echems (electronically derived chemicals, lubricants, fuels, or building materials.) These are used then at end of life we chuck them in a hole, ideally a used coal mine so that carbon goes back where it came from.

            It’s not a choice between eco utopia and tech hell, take a bio recycling center as an example, currently they’re incredibly limited with people having to manually remove contaminants which means loads gets missed and we actually end up adding plastic and chemicals to farm fields, the process is slow and results in low quality ‘soil improver’ which is why to stop total soil death we’d either need to starve as our arable land lays fallow or cover it in chemical fertilizer (which would could make at the carbon capture plant btw rather than the current ugly supply chain) a better option is automation and ai enabled permaculture integrated into human living spaces, cities teaming with life and covered in plants all being maintained by automated tools with their biowaste taken (via underground cargo networks if we’re blessed) to have the carbon extracted and useful things made with it.

            All of this is possible with the science we know, solutions are still being engineered but if we put nasa levels of effort into it then we could have the start of things in place within five years (the education tools, facility automation, ground broken for at-scale biocarbon extraction plants, and home garden automtion)

            Trees are our friends but tech is not our enemy

  • ShinkanTrain@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    Let’s see the technological solutions our top men at Silicon Valley have invented to save the earth

    Underground tesla roller coaster

    Clean coal

    Stop farming food to make fuel instead

    More people should just die, also, eugenics

    • VirtualOdour@sh.itjust.works
      3 months ago

      We live much more efficiently than we ever have, there aren’t enough trees and wild game for us to live like the Neolithic - the non tech solution is mass genocide or total ecological destruction of the planet. Not really solutions.

      • riodoro1@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        They are very much the solutions our „advanced civilization” is heading (and accelerating) towards.

        Remember, the ones on top needed us healthy to report to work on monday. Because they wanted a bigger yacht. Once there is no work, or monday we’re all just wasting oxygen and they won’t shudder sending us to wars or letting us all die off.

  • Snot Flickerman
    3 months ago

    Hey, why is making everyone use public transit instead of wastefully having everyone have their own private vehicle treated as “lowering living standards,” huh?

    Especially in a world where there’s so many fucking cars that you can get stuck in traffic for hours and hours. We’ve rounded the bend where actually having serious public transit, that was moving on every public street every ten minutes, you’d suddenly have a lot more freedom of movement than you currently do with hours and hours of traffic. Public transit literally could be faster than a car in many big cities but people are too hung up on having to be around other people.

    But nooooo, somehow freeing people from the logistically stupid nightmare of every human having a car and focusing on transit, we have to call that a “reduction in living standards.” Get the fuck out of here.

    • volvoxvsmarla @lemm.ee
      3 months ago

      As someone without a car but with a child let me tell you, cars significantly reduce our living standard.

      Most places we go I need to constantly tell my toddler not to walk too much to the left or right or run or slow down, I have to control her like a slave, or suppress her emerging wish for independence by holding her by the hand all the time, or even worse, put her in a stroller. Hell there are so many cars parked here (even on corners) that I often cannot leave the sidewalk safely with a stroller or cross the street safely (so that I would see a coming car or a coming car would see me).

      I’d happily be less of a “germophobe” and have my kid run around with dirty hands, pick up dirt, etc. But car dirt is definitely not the “healthy dirt” so no, no dirt for you. Don’t touch, don’t play.

      I want my child to grow up in a city that embraces her existence. I want her to feel like a welcomed member of society. But instead I have to keep telling her so many negative things, this is dangerous, don’t go there, don’t do this. She still loves being downtown and prefers this often to the playground or nature (which we try to encourage). She loves the tram and trains. But there are so many restrictions of free movement it breaks my heart.

      And I am in a privileged position living in a German city. I can’t even begin to imagine how devastating it would be in an even more car centric society.

  • Allonzee@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    “Clean” coal, corn based ethanol, hydrogen vehicles, plant a tree offsets, planet scale carbon filters, on and on…

    If the owners want me to believe technology can solve the climate problem that is caused by their greed so their greed can continue destroying civilization socially unabated, they need to stop selling climate action policy snake oil to world governments for a quick buck.

    And also maybe stop forcing workers who can work at a computer at home to drive into work to maintain the capital value of your commercial real estate as you bark orders from the luxury resort tour that is your life.

    Until then, we know not living lives powered by burning ridiculous quantities of dead flora/fauna juice wouldn’t further destabilize our only, increasingly uncomfortably hot habitat. We also know that simply stopping won’t reverse the damage already done on a time scale humans can perceive.

    We are literally turning the habitat of any future humans into 🔥Hell🔥. And if we couldn’t make it work here, on easy mode, with enough pre-existing water/air/waste recycling to support millions to billions sustainably, we certainly aren’t going to thrive on worlds where a single mistake means oops, everybody dead instantly try again. Im glad of that honestly, as the idea of growing/metastasizing into space and exploiting new world’s resources almost makes dollar signs pop out of billionaire’s eye sockets, and if thats the core reason they’re so eager for us to spread out there, may we die on the vine.

      • Prunebutt@slrpnk.net
        3 months ago

        AFAIK, anarcho-primitivism advocates for stopping anything they deem to be “civilizational technology”. Live like the amish in the best case, do away with agriculture in the worst case.

        Degrowth is a movement away from a growth-at-all-costs economy and towards one where production that benefits the majority of people.

        • marcos@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          Hum, I see.

          So your comment does make sense, except on the part you claim it to be a straw man. You even know the name of the people it’s criticizing…

            • MindTraveller@lemmy.ca
              3 months ago

              I thought it was targeted at ecofascists who want the global south to stay poor because having clean water and malaria treatments is bad for the environment somehow.

              Like there’s a lot of people saying that China’s ongoing industrialisation and raising the standard of living is bad. But China is actually implementing renewables much faster than the West did, so China’s industrialization is not the same story. Now yes, there are problems with what China is doing. For example, as they transition away from coal they are selling their leftover coal to poorer and less advanced countries, and that’s fucked. But this isn’t a technological inevitability of industrialization, it’s simply a policy failure. China is doing better than the West did, and China has the technological potential to be doing even better if their politicians so chose. So the fundamental assumptions of ecofascism are not true. China should be industrializing in a greener way, rather than remaining a production center for cheap plastic garbage the West uses, which is what ecofascists prefer.

              • Prunebutt@slrpnk.net
                3 months ago

                That’s a lot of your own political convictions put into that reading. I don’t see an ecofascist statement in the comic.

                • MindTraveller@lemmy.ca
                  3 months ago

                  I think green shirt’s statement is a dogwhistle. I don’t think someone advocating degrowth would have used the same words. As a supporter of degrowth myself, I don’t think degrowth means the same thing as “reducing living standards”. For example I don’t own a car, and I’m happier riding a bike every day. Less growth increased my standard of living. I’m also vegan, and I rarely miss meat. I prefer the lack of guilt over the taste of meat. So I don’t think my standard of living is any lower for having abandoned my reliance on animal subjugation and excessive land and water use. I don’t think degrowth has to mean giving up the internet, or clean drinking water, or medicine, or many of the actual benefits of living in a developed nation.

  • dillekant@slrpnk.net
    3 months ago

    Next you’re all gonna say I should use dentures to chew my own food rather than have my underage slave girls chew it and spit in my mouth. You people disgust me.

  • Ogmios@sh.itjust.works
    3 months ago

    So why is it that everyone pushing for ‘reduced living standards’ is also always shilling some new technologies to solve that problem?

    • TheGoldenGod@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      If you go through life believing that people are never intentionally doing harm, you are setting yourself up for nefarious characters. Instead, we should behave as it people are not intentionally doing harm (until inculpatory evidence is demonstrated) while reserving judgement on intentions.

    • MindTraveller@lemmy.ca
      3 months ago

      Hello, I’m shilling a technology to solve reduced living standards problems. Hear my pitch:

      Has this ever happened to you: you want to reduce pollution from your car, but it’s so hard to get everywhere without it. Well have I got the solution for you! Introducing the bicycle. This revolutionary transportation method is powered by your own legs, and uses a similar effort to walking while going several times as fast. You can ride a bicycle to work, to the local grocer, or even to the doctor’s office. And with my second technology, mixed use zoning, the distances you ride to get where you’re going will be even shorter! Interested? Of course you are! If you want to participate, push for mixed use zoning at your local council meetings and buy a bicycle from your nearest retailer.

      Stay tuned for further innovations, like our new invention, the “tram”!

  • Tudsamfa@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    To be fair, I don’t know exactly what is meant.

    But my mind went to meat consumption, which is higher in the developed world, is considered indicative of a high standard of living, and, in my opinion, is best addressed not by lab-grown meat (or other technological solutions), but by reduced consumption (the reduced living standard).

    • jerkface@lemmy.ca
      3 months ago

      The idea that eliminating meat reduces your standard of living is a preconceived bias. It is not an accident you believe that. You are being manipulated. If you investigate you will find that people who do it report improvements in their standard of living, not reduction. Meat is simply a way of refining cheap, sustainable, healthy plants into scarce, expensive, toxic and addictive processed food, by abusing the bodies and minds of sentient creatures. It is literally killing you and everyone you know. The more meat you eat, the younger you die and the more diseases you experience. Nearly all the top ten killers of humans on Earth today, and especially in the Western world, is caused by an animal-based diet: heart disease, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cancer, and more. Heart disease, diabetes, AND RECENTLY ALZHEIMER’S have all been reversed in massive clinical trials, by doing little more than eliminating toxic animal products from the diet.

    • VirtualOdour@sh.itjust.works
      3 months ago

      I would argue that reduced meat can be either the result of a lower living standard or a higher one. This is the issue a lot of people on each side refuse to see, a higher standard of life can be more efficient with systems either technological or social which make it possible.

      Really we need a blend of each, yes the techphobes are right we don’t want to live in battery farms where only efficiency matters but also we don’t want to live in the drudgery of a Neolithic existence. We need to identify and adopt systems that allow a good quality of life and enables diversity of thought and lifestyle, tech can make this possible but is unlikely to do it alone.

      Yes it’s difficult but we need social growth, that means people tying new things and demonstrating them to the world. We should be using our absurd luxury and wealth here in the developed nations to help develop solutions everyone can use to live a good life, instead of flexing fast cars and designer clothes we should be spreading knowledge of healthy food, useful educational and organizational tools, community project structures which enable people to work on shared goals and mutually beneficial platforms…

      We have a very privileged platform in the world, we should use it to show that even the richest most well educated, traveled and socialised people prefer a low or no meat diet.

  • Chemical Wonka@discuss.tchncs.de
    3 months ago

    The classic fallacy that industries have sold us over the past decades that technology would solve all our problems. So funny. They are doing the same again with AI

    • VirtualOdour@sh.itjust.works
      3 months ago

      The thing is they have solved an endless litany of problems and improved life for everyone on a radical scale thousands of times, but then people get born into the world snd never see those problems - have you ever even had to worry about milk souring let alone storing produce to last the winter? Have you ever even been attacked by a predator? That was a way of life for our ancestors before technology, the concept of clean drinking water didn’t even come close to meaning the same thing but their version of it was a daily struggle which often went unmet regardless.

      Go back in time before the industrial revolution and ask.a serf what their problems are, I bet.you nor I have ever faced a single one of them. It’d be fun to listen to the conversation you explaining that politicians are corrupt and avocados are expensive, he doesn’t know what they are but he says he’s thy literal property of a baron that doesn’t even pretend to care what he thinks and mice got into his grainstore so some of his kids will starve this winter.

      Tech had made your life significantly better and the coming wave of ai tools is going to make it much better again and allow things you never even imagined possible like localized food networks and community based industry, you’ll use it all snd move on to complaining asteroid mining is over hyped or whatever comes next

  • JeffreyOrange@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    They say this and then reject every technological solution that exists. Like wind or solar energy. Trains. Ebikes. The goalposts always get moved to some not yet existant technology so nothing needs to change.