If you are thinking about harming yourself — get immediate crisis support. Connect to a crisis counselor 24/7, 365 days a year, from anywhere in the U.S via text, chat, or phone. The Trevor Project is 100% confidential and 100% free.


    • oNeviaM
      37 days ago

      Hehe. I saw your application come through the other day 😉

  • @Dimantina@lemmy.world
    36 days ago

    Well damn. Reading through this y’all are having a very rough week.

    Mine was well enough. Ran three DnD games, Fri, Sat, Sun. My brain is mush from that.

    Works been crazy but in my industry that’s standard.

    Gonna be on vacation starting Wednesday and taking a trip. So packed for that.

    Here’s hoping everyone finds some joy and happiness in this coming week!

  • Krrygon
    117 days ago

    My week was very not good, sadly. I had to take my grandpa to the ER on Friday, and then I got broken up with Friday evening. Had a ten hour video shoot Saturday, just been pretty overwhelmed with work and home life in general. Things will work out ok, but this week has been a lot lol

  • Tywele
    107 days ago

    I had heart palpitations for like 2 weeks but they finally stopped today, thankfully.

  • Kericake🥕 (They(/It))
    97 days ago

    Cold and lonely. Ran out of my main anti-hypertensive+anti-anxiety med, now there’s nothing keeping my blood pressure high (as opposed to extremely high) unless I can smoke enough weed to do that. I don’t really like it enough to try very hard 🤷 Had some kinda emotional crash thing last night, figured out I’m afraid to exist. Especially without an easy way out it feels like a terrifying commitment I’m not ready for. Sounds odd I guess but I don’t pretend to be okay 🤷

    Also, Minnesota’s medicaid stuff is ass-garbage. Just gimme a website where I can poke the buttons and get everything done instantly. Oklahoma managed it. Somehow here it takes months and a bunch of bullshit snail mail and phone calls and I still don’t have it fully set up (prescription coverage fuckingplease?!?) Grrrr!

    Did I mention “cold and lonely?” Dunno if I’m even capable of feeling close to anycritter any more but bleeeh it hurts to not have anycritter I feel like I can yap at.

    Anyway, back to days of daze. sarcastic “Wheee”

  • @socialpankakemixM
    87 days ago

    my car blew up so I am now fully homeless but hey, I got to take some cute pics of myself so it’s not all bad

  • @lolola
    77 days ago

    This past week hasn’t been too bad. There were some stressful moments, but I feel like I got through them okay.

  • @Zorsith
    7 days ago

    I have finally found shoes (boots) that fit my giant clown-feet!! Ones that aren’t $200+ and made of cardboard, and are actually waterproof!! That’s a great feeling

    Other than that, imposter syndrome hit hard last week, and I really started learning things I needed to learn like 6+ months ago to do my job. It’s also VERY hot in Ohio; I don’t do hot weather well, and it’s hard to think when sweaty.

  • jahtnamas
    77 days ago

    mortido really bad. i can’t continue being unmedicated.