• @OutlierBlue@lemmy.ca
        209 days ago

        That’s interesting. I assume they confused “dumb” with “dump” when translating to English?

    • vortic
      99 days ago

      Perfect image!

      Just practicing my Japanese. A good translation for this would be “Please do not leave your trash here”.

      • @odium@programming.dev
        9 days ago

        Decent translation, but it looks like your Japanese still needs more practice. Keep at it and you’ll be fluent one day, a better translation would be “Do not dumb here. Not dumb area here.”

  • @SmoothLiquidation@lemmy.world
    579 days ago

    The guy is wrong. Dragons have 6 limbs, 4 legs and 2 wings on their backs. Like angels. What the commentator is describing is Wyverns.

    • peopleproblems
      9 days ago

      It’s not even a hard thing to recognize. The most authoritative piece on Monsters, Monster Hunter, explains this in detail. And here I am in Elden Ring with all “dragon this, dragon that” and I’m like where are these fucking dragons? Dragons have 6 limbs, these fuckers all have 4.

      Then I realized George RR Martin made the same mistake with his “dragons” in SOFA. So now I’m thinking he worked on Elden Ring as a propaganda piece to try and push the idea of 4 limbed dragons, or at least try to get the four-legged with wings attached to two to fall into that category. I can understand the confusion, but developing a whole videogame to push your mistake isnt very cool.

    • @Revonult@lemmy.world
      8 days ago

      Wyverns don’t have the tiny vestigial hands like T-rex with wings. It would be more like a Proto-dragon from World Of Warcraft.

    • Flying SquidOP
      38 days ago

      I don’t wish to question your dragon expertise, but, what with them being fictional, I’d argue that they can have any number of legs you wish to imagine them having.

      • @Revonult@lemmy.world
        48 days ago

        It’s just down to how you describe an animal. In pictures you show but in books it’s just description so it’s good to have somekind of standard to follow to help the reader understand.

        Like a wyvern has a much different way of walking since it doesn’t have fore-limbs, and has to walks on the ends of it’s wings. Imagine a bat walking on all fours. A dragon has it’s wings on it’s back and walks on its 4 legs. By having a kind of standardized naming provides a much different mental image of how the creature behaves.

        • Flying SquidOP
          48 days ago

          I’m afraid that is not how fictional things work. It’s also not how folk beliefs work. There is no one single standard definition of “dragon” that everyone agreed with once when there were real dragons. They’ve always been fictional and they’ve always been described by different people in different ways. Which makes sense since no one has ever seen one.

          I would also point out that, despite medieval illustrations, I have never seen anyone seriously discuss the idea that St. George killed a wyvern.

          “Miniature from a Passio Sancti Georgii manuscript (Verona, second half of 13th century)”

          And then there’s these two showing St. George killing a four-legged dragon.

          “De Grey Hours (c. 1400)”

          “Saint George Killing the Dragon, woodcut by Albrecht Dürer (1501/4)”

          So you can argue that all of those people back when people believed dragons were a real thing that existed were wrong about what a dragon was, but that’s a little silly.

          • @Revonult@lemmy.world
            8 days ago

            I am more talking about modern fantasy and not historical fiction/exaggeration.

            Language evolves and there is no reason that we can’t invent new definitions/classifications of things that don’t reflect previous nomenclature. Especially for fantasy where everything is made up.

            I agree there is no one true definition but I think something like this is the accepted descriptions that is also reflected in other media like DnD. For example, alot of people say Skyrim got their dragons wrong (naming wise) because they are more akin to what people consider Wyverns.


            Edit: Added (naming wise)

  • EleventhHour
    9 days ago

    I appreciate the dragons shitpost, lol

    What does the rest of that thread look like?

  • Transporter Room 3
    189 days ago

    I once got kicked out of Sunday school for explaining everything after the big bang as our best scientific estimates tell us, at least from an astronomical, geological, and biological point of view.

    EDITORS NOTE: I kind of went on a rambling rant-anecdote here. Feel free to skip.

    Like how stars form, galaxies, how supernovae made everything possible, how a planet forms, how biology can be kick started from non living things over a super long stretch of time (possibly many times over with few or one actually making it to even single celled organisms) and how evolution does NOT say we came from monkeys any more than I say you came from your cousin (your mileage may vary in Alabama and Georgia(both))

    The Sunday school person let me continue until I finished and then she laughed and said “isn’t that funny everyone?” and all the kids laughed at me.

    Jokes on her, her 3 children are all PHDs who don’t talk to their parents anymore after “embracing a life of sin”. Which I count as a win for her children.

    My mother had to come get me and I wasn’t allowed to return for a few weeks because some kids went and told their parents who got all butt hurt.

    While my parents were way more religious then (still are, just not as much) they never once tried to punish me, tell me I was wrong, or even told me not to say things like that in church. And they weren’t shy about telling me when I was wrong or being a little shit.

    • Transporter Room 3
      139 days ago

      I legitimately know people who hold the belief that Satan put all fossils in the ground to “lead us astray”

      The same people, when speaking a different time, have said that GOD put them there as a test of your faith.

      And I know unrelated people who believe fossils aren’t real, and that the shells I can literally point out in limestone all around the area are less than 6000 years old, or just rocks that look like shells/coral.