I’m way more worried about New Hampshire and Pennsylvania
I’m way more worried about New Hampshire and Pennsylvania
Ugh, you mean I have to take it out?
The Red Wedding Board Meeting
The Expanse begs to differ. (Disclaimer, I own Dinocroc vs Supergator on DVD)
Bi gang right there with ya. People you’re attracted to are attractive
The eternal internal conflict of buying a gun to oppose fascism and not buying a gun because of mental health 🙃
Is there a freefolk equivalent on Lemmy yet?
websites from the 1900s
how dare you
A clip from RFK Jr.'s recent interview about his plans for women’s health
Trump really has a talent for picking the absolute worst possible people for any position.
Damn, my grandpa’s got some explaining to do; he should have just pulled his 4-year-old self up by his Bootstrappen and got tf out of Berlin.
While I’m waiting for his explanation, can you get me a list of countries currently offering general asylum to US citizens?
Cool, you’re finally building a metro in the capital city. Now do the rest of the country, since it’s clearly that simple. Just do it.
Polygamous marriage was a religious rite in Mormonism, presented as a requirement to get into the best part of Mormon heaven (as an aside, Mormonism divides heaven into 3 main tiers, ranging from “totally cut off from God and everyone you ever loved but still better than life on Earth” to “you get to be God”. And this is a simplification since the theology is wild). So when I say “practiced”, it’s just the usual terminology for when religious people do something dictated by their religion.
Technically, Mormon church leadership has disavowed polygamy, but like other people commented, they still teach that men can have multiple wives in the afterlife, and the current leader of the Mormon church has an… [interesting marriage at the moment (his second wife, so he fully expects 2+ wives after he dies.)] (https://mormondisclosures.blogspot.com/2013/09/same-tract-attractions.html). The exmormon subreddit has more discussion about this, if you’re willing to visit Reddit.
Voluntary attendance
No required reading lists
Religious texts from most faiths, and books about those religions
Penalties for both parents and students for attendance issues
State-mandated curriculums
Literally just ten rules from the Old Testament
It’s not a political response to anything, it’s a fear-based, lizard-brain reaction to it being broadly socially acceptable for queer people to exist. Decades of hate- and fearmongering, indoctrination, and tribalism caused this, not the mere existence of queer people in public.
Mormons in Utah (a territory at the time) practiced polygamy, but the federal government made ending it a requirement for statehood. So since we’re just ignoring federal laws now…
I’m not shocked they’re doing it, I’m just shocked they didn’t use it to bring back polygamy too
It’s one of my friend’s favorite cards, the number of 1v1 games I’ve practically lost because of them playing it turn 1 is, well, probably less than I actually think, but it’s memorable when it happens. The whole game becomes “kill Serra Ascendant”
I mean, if Serra Ascendant isn’t banned
Normally I’m opposed to the MIC drone striking US citizens, but apparently there are some exceptions