Sometimes on Lemmy these seem like the only jobs that actually exist, but I’m sure there’s a lot of people here with different and unusual lines of work.
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But do you use Linux?
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Clearly not an arch user
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Ahh, there it is. Linux user confirmed. :D
Wastewater-based epidemiology. Basically we track infectious diseases in wastewater, and the results guide public health decisions.
As someone who is doing disaster response consulting for healthcare and public health: I fucking love you guys. You make my job sooo much easier.
The surveillance you folks do is pretty much indisputable and far more incorruptible compared to everything else we do, in healthcare especially.
Very often you are my “discussion ending gun” when decision makers endlessly want me to prove their (flawed) point of view. A “nope, here are validated wastewater based numbers, you are wrong” is extremely satisfying sometimes.
Thanks folks!
Love to hear it! 2 years ago I had no idea that I’d be working with wastewater but here I am now!
Anyone out here reading this, write to your senator about increasing funding to public health!
How does one get into that line of work?
Great question! For the US, you will need a degree in Molecular Biology/Microbiology or a Medical (Laboratory) Technologist. You’ll then either need to live near the city where one of the few private companies that do wastewater testing ar e(my case), or live near a public health lab that does ww. Pretty much all state public health labs do it, but city/county level varies immensely. For the government route, look at APHL or NACCHO to find information on your local public health labs. There are a few universities that also do ww testing, for example I know University of Illinois, University of Missouri and Michigan State are all doing a bunch of wastewater work.
Feel free to DM me if you want more information.
Thanks for helping make sure I don’t shit myself to death. I assume you help with that.
Actually COVID is one of the most used tests they do, at least around here. But you can do things like drug use, cancer epidemiology (for some cancers), etc. as well - and that is incredibly helpful from a public health point of view.
Because it’s just like with Covid - we can’t get proper data from patient sided tests because we can’t test everyone. And even if we could,not everyone would.
But everybody poops/pees. And guys like OP interpolate from that.
The government is stealing our poop!1!!1
As Philpo said, we mainly do covid, but we can do Norovirus, which is a common GI virus that can give you the shits.
Thank you for your service! One of the best things to come out of the pandemic IMO.
I’m a Stonemason, and I work in conservation.
Nice! I’m a trim carpenter and I work in historic preservation. I’m a project manager now but I worked my way up from laborer.
Missed the opportunity to use Its not much but its honest work farmer. With the overalls, David Brandt.
Do you see the affects of climate change year over year?
Well, we have never had a first cut as early as this year. But at least it is not dry as last year or 2018. Some say it is natural variations, but I thilk co2 has to have a part in it
which crops are you working with?
Mostly grass of different kinds
What do you grow?
Mostly grass for our dairy cows
I do not envy you guys. Thanks for all the cheese though.
When people work with hazardous materials, they hire me to make sure they do it safely or legally. I mostly work in waste handling, soil remediations and laboratories.
It’s pretty fun and interesting, but it’s been very bad for my enjoyment of homegrown food, swimming outdoors or going downwind of any industrial sites.
Safely OR legally? Shouldn’t that be “and”?
Safely XOR Legally
Ah, ideally yes.
Some places skirt by the law and dump it where hazardous waste doesn’t belong. This is done legally but is not at all safe.
Thank you for what you do though, it’s not glamorous work I’m sure but average person like me appreciates what you do
Branch manager at a 3 trade business (HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical). Very much enjoy beating the competition and taking all of their great talent because they can’t treat them well. It’s not hard to actually give a damn about your people. Turns out, if you do that they like working for you and end up performing even more.
Welder. I make the sparky sparky hot and sticky with the metals.
I do cosplay erotica for a living. I make awesome costumes, I take them off, and just post to Patreon. I suppose it’s kindof retail, as I’m giving the photos to people, as a reward for subscribing, but I set my own schedule and choose what goes out. The freedom is incredible
First, good on you. As a corpo wage slave who would not be good at either dressing up or removing said dressing, color me envious.
Second, any particular fandom pay the bills better than others?
Now that I’m asking I realize I probably don’t actually want to know.
I specialize in powerful/domme energy characters, because unless you look like a little girl, you don’t make money off the sweet/girl next door characters.
My most popular are Lady Dimitrescu (Resident Evil), Cammy (StreetFighter), Mad Moxxi (Borderlands), so video games, win!
Oh, and Velma… my most subscribers ever were for that set, but I shot with a porn star and it was my first girl on girl set. 😅
Where wobblers
Look in my profile? 😅
Oh shit I straight up did not scroll far enough lmao I saw many words and skimmed for a link for like 3 swipes and felt bamboozled.
Oh yeah, searching by my posts is much nicer 😅
Trusts and estates for high net worth clients.
Did anyone else notice that every single one of those business cards had “acquisitions” spelled incorrectly?
And it doesn’t have a watermark, or most of the other stuff described. Bateman and everyone else at that table are a bunch of idiots who have no clue what they are talking about.
Lawyer. Wouldn’t really recommend.
I used to work at a place that made envelopes and printed forms.
Fascinating seeing 12 foot tall stacks of rolls of paper.
Used to work at a newspaper, can confirm. Giant rolls of paper are pretty cool.
Me too, right when the digital age was taking over. I was young so they had me help design display ads in illustrator. We’d print out the ads with the articles on a laser printer. Cut them and arrange on a page that was then photographed. It was the future back then lol.
I run a business repairing consumer-grade 3D printers.
Hah! Did you paint that yourself? That’s pretty cool.
No but I should add Scruffy to a Stargrave team.
Sick. I have so many issues with my 3d printer printing petg. Such a pain in the ass.
PETG just is a pain in the ass sometimes. Really sensitive to moisture, and it loves to stick to hot metal. So it has a tendency to overextrude because of the steam, and bunch up on the nozzle, causing all sorts of havok.
The key to printing it is just keeping it dry – the latest batches I’ve held feel like they’re way softer than I remember, so I suspect mfgs are putting more glycol in it than before.
Also, do a sanity check and go back and print PLA from time to time. Sometimes you won’t realize something else is wrong and you’ll blame it on the filament, but something like the idler arm on the extruder is broken, etc.
You can print it on Textured PEI, or Glass - but I suggest putting a little glue stick down to act as a release agent on the PEI - PETG and PEI bond together too well in some instances (ESPECIALLY on smooth PEI)
Tower climbing grease monkey. Aka wind turbine technician.
Part plumber, part electrician, part IT, part jiffy lube, all crazy!
Im an electrician, it’s pretty sweet if you ask me. Not necessarily the job itself, but the money you can earn doing side-jobs
Heh. I have an electrician friend who likes to say the biggest hazard in his line of work is other electricians’ work.
It’s my experience in technical professions that many people consider their improvised solutions to be clever and thoughtful, and other peoples’ to be shoddy and dangerous.
I have electrical issues. Any chance you’re in North Texas?
I couldn’t be further from you lol, I’m out in the Cincinnati area, Ohio
You could be … In another country.
Are these side jobs under the table or things you actually have to get permits for? I’ve known a few people who do the former and it can be really lucrative
Depends really, some you just kind of go in and do, get paid, and head out. Some you have to properly sit down and get it inspected.
Keep in mind though that I am a baby electrician, I’ve only got like 6-7 months experience, so I might not be the best person to ask about this.
I’m a therapist, and I train other therapists. And I supervise some therapists and I train other therapists to supervise other therapists. And I manage a team of therapists who train other therapists and who train other therapists to supervise other therapists.
Kind “in it” at this stage.
So, what do you do when you need therapy?
I find a therapist I don’t know!
There’s a few of them about!