My wife and I just started playing it, so far no issues.
My wife and I just started playing it, so far no issues.
Great show. I should rewatch it. (Umbrella Academy)
Elliot Page transitioned between seasons so if you didnt catch that news I can totally see why it’d be jarring.
Defined as people believing Trump cares about them personally.
4th grade for me, so barely old enough to understand the significance, but definitely old enough to remember airports without TSA, and being able to go all the way to the gate with whomever was flying.
No, no no, that Pi I bought is 2020 for an OctoPrint set up is definitely going to get used for a PiHole ANY DAY NOW.
See - I have a tutorial page open on my browser (since June 2024)
Technically he try ll turned is agender. At conception we are unable to produce any gametes so no person fits the declared fenders in that EO.
Oh yeah, depending on the corner of healthcare you are in, that makes sense.
There will be others telling themselves the same thing. Be yourself, attract those like you. Start a cult. Take over the conference.
https://cloakbrand.com/ this company sells some similar styles. My friend has one and it’s been pretty sturdy so far.
To be clear, the man is still alive, with a donor heart replacing his mechanical one.
My first Ghibli movie. Will definitely make an effort to go
Literally how I made it through college.
I’ve been using Regressive for a while.
Hoping one day we get a consumer grade domino, but that’s probably a pipe dream.
One of the Albums Drawfee did in their “expanded album art” episode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANrQiFG0rkU
I am in biotech in the US (currently in infectious disease monitoring, previously in cancer diagnostics). I’m going to assume you are in the US for this answer.
As long as you are willing to live in/near a biotech hub, there will be plenty of opportunities. These cities include Boston, San Fransisco, Denver, or any city that has a well respected research university (Duke, Ohio State, etc). If you choose to stay in academia, that opens up even more locations. There are many thousands of options outside of Monsanto. Depending on the area of the country you pick, you may start out in the 50-80k range, but it won’t take long to make over 100k a year.
Vacuum up economics
Yep. Smart tube on the TV, Firefox + ubo on phone and laptop.
Damn. At that point I would just switch over to a macro. Although I also have some formulas that xlookup a value, concatenate it, and the xlookup the new concatenated value.