==please incorporate the word rule in your post titles==
Here are the things that get you banned:
-saying anything remotely iffy with a lemmygrad or hexbear account
-tankie behaviour
-nazi behaviour
-authoritarian behaviour
-genocide denial
-prejudice of any kind
-anything else that is clearly bad

Things that get your post/comment removed:
-AI generated content
-anything in the banlist
-posts that are so off topic that they don’t fit on 196 at all
-moldy memes (old memes, crusty memes, irrelevant memes. The type of things you’d see on your aunt’s Facebook page or Elon musk’s Twitter account with a laughing emoji as the caption)

Ban length varies, and is mostly based off of whether or not I think you will change your behavior. I have baned certain people for upwards of 2000 days.

---------EDIT:NSFW RULES---------
NSFW Content is now fully permitted BUT it must be tagged. Any NSFW content that has not been tagged and blurred will be removed. Content warnings should also be added to the title in brackets. Example: [penis] or: [explicit description of sex].
Non-sexualized breasts of any gender are not considered inappropriate and therefore do not need to be blurred/tagged. Yes, even female breasts.


Please leave any suggested edits in the comments.

Monday is now moldy Monday. on this day and only this day moldy memes are not only allowed, but encouraged. The crustier the better. The type of thing that’s been reposted at least 2,000 times with filters and bad crops and watermarks and hopefully minions. please caption with moldy rule

If you have any issues, please reach us at 196mods@protonmail.com. PLEASE do not dm me, as I am not consistently available and tend to step away from the mantle for weeks to months at a time.

  • @nunyunuymi
    2881 year ago

    saying anything remotely iffy with a lemmygrad account


      • setVeryLoud(true);
        67 months ago

        You deleted your comment, but I can still answer. Basically, both home servers tend to revolve around alt-left fascism, so we’re extremely wary of what these users have to say.

        • Toes♀
          45 months ago

          I’m a bit dumb when it comes to politics, what is alt-left fascism?

          • setVeryLoud(true);
            55 months ago

            I should actually be using the term “far left”, as after research, as far as I can tell “alt left” is a term used by alt rights (i.e. neo Nazis, white supremacists and the likes) as a knee jerk reaction to whoever calls them alt right. My bad on that.

            Examples of far left governments are China and the USSR, with policies that concentrate power at the government and makes it difficult for people to hold power and have a voice.

            As for fascism, it was historically considered inherent to far right governments, but some argue that far left governments that fit most of the characteristics of fascism should also be described as such, hence far left fascism, but it could also be described as far left authoritarianism.

            • MossOPM
              32 months ago

              I wouldn’t call those far left at all personally. authoritarianism and fascism are blanketly not leftist systems of government

              • MossOPM
                2 months ago

                The concept of a tankie is a person with the cognitive dissonance necessary to both have majority leftist ideology yet still believe in and support authoritarian governments

              • setVeryLoud(true);
                2 months ago

                Right, my above comment was a bit disjointed. The vocabulary gets a bit vague when it comes to putting a political spectrum on a 1D axis.

                My concern with my comment is that I wouldn’t know where to put, e.g., the Chinese government on the political axis. It’s both communist-like yet authoritarian.

                • MossOPM
                  52 months ago

                  haha You’re all right. I think something like the Chinese government is definitely one of the more difficult ones. It has its roots in communism, but at this point it’s very much a capitalist autocracy with high social investment and surveillance. authoritarian for aure

              • Titou
                21 month ago

                in fact, left stand for equality and right stand for liberty. That’s all.

            • @melpomenesclevage@lemm.ee
              23 months ago

              nobody would call them far left. it’s not particularly far left. its authoritarian, even the political compass has more nuance here, cmon man.

              • Draconic NEO
                2 months ago

                I’ve seem many people from Europe refer to communist parties and Russia as far left because they do embody certain socialist ideas that are leftist but take it well beyond the point of being a good thing, so in this regard yes they are far left. Thing is you absolutely can go way too far with any philosophy. I do agree that what they did with the political compass is good though because it reflects the actual nature of being an extremist socially while also representing the economic value, though in these situations they are still very far to the left of countries with economies that aren’t exclusively controlled by state (North Korea is a great example).

          • @melpomenesclevage@lemm.ee
            3 months ago

            “why do you want communism?”

            “because I want to tell people I disagree with to shut up, at gunpoint. also I love uniforms and the general aesthetics of the USSR. also some economist from 200 years ago said it’s what’s next, so we gotta”

            so not to do with any actual communism, egalitarianism, etc, or any actual left stuff, or people not dying on the streets anymore, or liberation of thd human spirit; just red star brand reactionary bullshit. I prefer their yeast.

    • @darcy
      751 year ago

      Why are they even allowed to federate here

        • @lasandra
          631 year ago

          Reminds me exactly on the wise words of Sir Karl Popper about the ‘paradox of tolerance’:

          “Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.—In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force;”


        • IriYan
          161 year ago

          Being against humans can’t possibly be a human ideology, so fascists don’'t count under this protectionist umbrella, I hope.

      • IriYan
        61 year ago

        why does this comment dance between ultra-naive to ultra-troll in my mind?

    • MossOPM
      421 year ago


  • @Rekticulum
    1121 year ago

    TFW the other leftists wont let you try to subvert the movement into “the people’s fascism”

    they are ruining leftist unity

    • MossOPM
      581 year ago

      Welcome to the mod team!

      • @Hazel
        281 year ago

        wow it’s that easy?

        Based rules :3

        • MossOPM
          191 year ago

          Lol no I know kiwi personally. In order to appoint someone to be a mod, they need to have commented somewhere in the community.

          • @Hazel
            151 year ago

            hehe I know that, I am just being silly <33

            Have a nice day! UwU positivityyyyy

            • MossOPM
              411 months ago

              I was, but under a different name

          • First Majestic Comet
            19 months ago

            It’s possible to do it using API requests, just a bit more difficult, Browser Dev Tools can do it though (at least I’ve heard).

  • @MisterFrog@lemmy.world
    681 year ago

    Because of the Reddit migration, 196 is coming up in my Lemmy feed a lot, I have no idea what it is (because you haven’t made a description).

    This could be your chance to gain more community members if you update your description

    • @Silverstrings
      701 year ago

      Well sort of the point of 196 is that you can post almost anything, the only rule is that you have to post each time before leaving. This rule isn’t enforced for obvious reasons, unlike the ban against tankies.

      • @Quetzacoatl@feddit.de
        1 year ago

        before leaving as in before switching to another community while browsing? or as in when you unsubscribe? and what if I never leave

        • @Silverstrings
          201 year ago

          I have no idea, I think it means whatever you want it to mean. Usually folks interpret it as visiting the sub and then going to a different one but you could also interpret it as leaving permanently, like I said it isn’t actually enforced. It’s just meant to encourage lots of irreverent posting.

  • @100beep@lemmygrad.ml
    321 year ago

    I was wondering when someone would start discriminating based on what instance you made your account on…

    • MossOPM
      721 year ago

      You can use 196 on a lemmygrad account, but because it’s by definition a tankie Lemmy site, you’re basically on probation.

      • @Shinhoshi
        8 months ago

        deleted by creator

            • SSFC KDT (MOVED)
              161 year ago

              @bloubz https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tankie basically the origins of the term is from those who supported Stalinist military incursions into Czechoslovakia and Hungary to oppose anti-Soviet-government agitation.

              So basically tankie == authoritarian marxist-leninist. The red-brown alliance kind of folks.

              • IriYan
                1 year ago

                Now this is a wider issue, the Red Army did liberate the largest part of Europe from Nazi rule, the US basically tried to liberate France but the Red Army was in Germany before the US crossed the border. In Yalta the three, US/UK/USSR divided the pie, Spain and Greece went on the other half and remained fascist till the 70s (meaning anticapitalists were executed, prisoned, exiled, etc). Yugoslavia went its own way. The US UK handed Hung/CZ over to them, but unlike other places the USSR had to use force to take over what was given to them in the pe cutting.

                This is not defense of tankie-ism it is pretty much what happened. Now between 90 and 2024 the 90/1 agreement was no Nato expansion beyond its current borders, and that was severely violated by NATO, to the last ring around the chain being Ukr and Belarus. So the not so red not so hot army anymore had to either react or accept total defeat and submission to NATO. There was no alternative for Russia other than to turn history back which in 30y proved impossible.

                I am not passing judgement on which dictator is better, I hate Biden as much as the next guy, but the narrative of recent history appears to have left out all petitions to the UN filed by Russia for the violation of the agreement. The UN’s excuse, NATO is not a UN member, and you can’t blame any particular state member of NATO for what NATO does. Unfortunately a state (Russia) which wasn’t part of the Yalta agreement the SU was, signed an agreement with NATO, not with any particular country. They should have had a better lawyer and not a drunk for a president.

                So Russia will evolve to yet another oil-rich country that is blockaded and cut-off from world markets like Iran and Venezuela. Unlike Iranians and Venzuelans Russians get really nasty when they get pissed, hungry, or out of vodka. So this is not going to go well too far too long. We shall see. Oil production and distribution, held by a handful of US based multinationals, will increase their profits in a further restricted oil market. So Iran, Russia, and Venezuela’s isolation does serve a profitable industry’s interests.

                • SSFC KDT (MOVED)
                  61 year ago

                  And nothing else you said about this supposed memory hole of UN claims makes sense.

                  “The UN’s excuse, NATO is not a UN member”

                  Wouldn’t Russia, a permanent member of the UNSC since its inception, know how the UN works and that NATO is not a UN member?

                  “a state (Russia) which wasn’t part of the Yalta agreement the SU”

                  Didn’t Russia inherit all treaty agreements of the USSR? I’m pretty sure they did.

                  The problem isn’t the UN covering up petitions, the problem is the agreement never existed.

                • SSFC KDT (MOVED)
                  41 year ago

                  Regarding the “90/1 agreement”… maybe not.

                  Was there a signed treaty to that effect?


                  Even if we accept that such a deal existed, in what way would invading legally neutral countries (uh, again) be an appropriate response to its violation? State aren’t forced to join NATO, in fact, it’s pretty difficult unless NATO wants you in.

                  So Russia should have instead invited countries to join CSTO to offset NATO.

                  Unfortunately Russia can’t compete, so it has to use force.

  • Gormadt
    301 year ago

    Ah yes, some good news today as well

    Happy to see this community is starting off on the right foot

  • Gormadt
    281 year ago

    I’ve got a slight suggested edit

    Basically the first item to get banned adding Hexbear to the list with Lemmygrad

    I’ve been seeing a huge influx of tankie takes from hexbear accounts all over (and here) since they federated

    • MossOPM
      191 year ago

      My team is on it, and I will personally pitch in in dealing with it once auditions are over for the thing I’m working on

      • Gormadt
        131 year ago

        Thank you and I’m happy to hear it

    • @SuddenDownpour@lemmy.world
      331 year ago

      You have a link near the bottom of the channel’s description at the right, which in English it’s likely called ‘Moderation history’ or ‘Moderation log’. It isn’t only a ban list, but general information on mod activity.

      • FlowerTree
        31 year ago

        Also, on every instance, there is a link called ‘instance’. It contains information about which lemmy instance is federated and banned by your instance.

      • FlowerTree
        11 year ago

        Does the mod log only log activities from a specific instance visited, your instance, or all federated instances.

        Cause I’ve seen way more activities in the modlist than possible on my small instance, not to mention almost all the removes are from communities outside of my instance.