• Diplomjodler
    34225 days ago

    It’s not AI that is the problem, it’s half baked insecure data harvesting products pushed by big corporations that are the problem.

    • DarkThoughts
      14825 days ago

      The biggest joke is that the LLM in Windows is running locally, it uses your hardware and not some big external server farm. But you can bet your ass that they still use it to data harvest the shit out of you.

      • Saik0
        13525 days ago

        To me this is even worse though. They’re using your electricity and CPU cycles to grab the data they want which lowers their bandwidth bills.

        It happening “locally” while still sending all the metadata home is just a slap in the face.

        • NutWrench
          5825 days ago

          Also, CoPilot is going to be bundled with Office 365, a subscription service. You’re literally paying them to spy on you.

        • DarkThoughts
          1625 days ago

          Exactly. And if I use or even pay for an external LLM service then that’s also my decision. But they force this scheme onto every user, whether they want it or not. It’s like the worst out of all possible scenarios.

      • 👍Maximum Derek👍
        3825 days ago

        That’s a pretty big joke, but I think the bigger joke is calling LLMs AI. We taught linear algebra to talk real pretty and now corps want to use it to completely subsume our lives.

        • @grue@lemmy.world
          1425 days ago

          I think the bigger joke is calling LLMs AI

          I have to disagree.

          Frankly, LLMs (which are based on neural networks) seem a Hell of a lot closer to how actual brains work than “classical AI” (which basically boils down to a gigantic pile of if statements) does.

          I guess I could agree that LLMs are undeserving of the term “AI”, but only in the sense that nothing we’ve made so far is deserving of it.

          • @Brickardo@feddit.nl
            115 days ago

            Let’s agree to disagree then. An LLM has no notion of semantics, it’s just outputting the most likely word to follow up to what it’s already written and the user’s input.

            On the contrary, expert systems from back in the 90s for, say, predicting the atomic structure of an element, work like a human brain on steroids. It features an arbitrary large search tree that the software knows how to iterarively prune according to a well known set of chemical rules. We do the same when analyzing a set of options.

            Debugging “current” AI models, on the other hand, is impossible because all we’re doing is prescripting a composition of functions and forcing it to minimize a loss function. That’s all we’re doing. How can you currently tell that a certain model is going to work? Unless the mathematical theory ever catches up with the technology, we’ll never know until we execute the code.

        • DarkThoughts
          925 days ago

          Oh I agree. I typically put “AI” in quotation marks when using that term regarding LLMs, because to me they simply are not intelligent in anyway. In my mind an AI would need an actual level of consciousness of sorts, the ability to form actual thoughts and learn things freely based on whatever senses it has. But AI is a term that’s good for marketing as well as fear mongering, which we see a lot of in current news cycles and on social media. The problem is that most people do not even understand the basic principles of how LLMs work, which lead to a lot of misconceptions about its uses & misuses and what we should do about it. Weirdly enough this makes LLMs both completely overhyped as a product and completely stigmatized as some nefarious tool as well. But I guess it fits into our today’s societies that kinda seem to have lost all nuance and reason.

      • andrew
        1225 days ago

        Right, but AI is not the only way they’re doing the data collection.

    • Pennomi
      2125 days ago

      Locally run AI could be great. But sending all your data to an external server for processing is really, really bad.

  • Andromxda 🇺🇦🇵🇸🇹🇼
    26825 days ago

    It’s not the “AI nightmare”, it’s a nightmare of capitalism, proprietary software and user-hostile behavior by a greedy, profit-extracting Big Tech corporation.

    • @RememberTheApollo_@lemmy.world
      1425 days ago

      You’re not wrong. AI is just another tool to scrape cash to the top while eliminating jobs. Could it realize benefits like doing specialized research and testing? Sure…but again, the results of that work are lost human jobs and scraping money to the top. We can argue about advancing technology in a horse cart driver vs automobile thing (won’t anyone think about the poor farriers out of work?) but we’ve already done everything we can to eliminate blue collar jobs with as much automation as possible. Now AI is set to attack middle class jobs. Economically I don’t think that’s going to work out well.

      • nfh
        925 days ago

        I mean, the problem isn’t the existence/obviation of jobs, but what we do next when it happens. If the people whose jobs are automated away are left out with no money or employment, that’s a serious problem. If we as a society support them in learning something new that puts their skills to good use, and maybe even reduce the expected working hours of a full-time job to 35 or 32 hours a week, that’s an absolute win in my book.

        • @RememberTheApollo_@lemmy.world
          1125 days ago

          Well that’s the point. We don’t support them as a society. From education to health care once you lose your job, you’re SOL, and in this hyper-capitalist dystopia we keep tipping towards I don’t see that changing.

        • @barsquid@lemmy.world
          525 days ago

          Online shopping has removed a lot of retail jobs. Instead of seeing a transition to different jobs or fewer hours, today we see people working multiple jobs to get by.

          The reason these things are making money is specifically because they increase efficiency (how much money a capitalist can make from existing capital) by removing human labor. Giving any portion of that to laborers is completely antithetical to its entire purpose.

          • @Petter1@lemm.ee
            425 days ago

            Yea, this is because society system is lagging behind and we have not done the right changes fast enough to prevent suffering due to technological advancements, in my opinion

      • @werefreeatlast@lemmy.world
        625 days ago

        But as someone pointed out elsewhere…AI can already take over the job of company CEOs… decision making tools could make a group of technical people be more effective than a CEO as we know today.

        • @RememberTheApollo_@lemmy.world
          425 days ago

          Let’s see how many CEOs get replaced.

          Don’t forget the BoD are still human. They still want to profit by putting the AI in place of the CEO.

  • @just_another_person@lemmy.world
    15725 days ago

    “The Year Of Linux on Desktops”. Been hearing this for decades, but it might actually be happening. What I’m feeling now is the same thing I felt when Mozilla originally split Firefox out, and made the first real competition to corporate browsers as a free product. People don’t want all this bullshit, and want to retain control over the machines they are working on. Seems a lot more people are interested in FOSS environments now just to avoid all the other BS they hate getting shoveled at them.

    • @rImITywR@lemmy.world
      10725 days ago

      “The Year Of Linux on Desktops”. Been hearing this for decades, but it might actually be happening.

      Been hearing this for decades.

      • @randomname01@feddit.nl
        4725 days ago

        And it won’t ever be true until you can pick up a PC running Linux in a big box store. I could see the Steam Deck (and Valve’s rumoured upcoming console) to make a dent in the PC gaming space, but it won’t make a difference to the purchasing decisions of your your aunt who uses her pc to check her emails.

        Should corporate buyers ever get tired of MS’ shenanigans they might switch over to Ubuntu, but I’m not holding my breath for that.

        • @henfredemars@infosec.pub
          25 days ago

          At work, we have a strict ban on purchasing any laboratory equipment that requires Windows. After about a year, several of our suppliers have been pressured to offer Linux support, precisely because we don’t have time for windows shenanigans on a $100k piece of advanced benchtop hardware. We just got our first oscilloscope with Red Hat preinstalled.

          Also, regular people aren’t buying PCs as much as they used to. The PC is now a workplace and enthusiast device. Everyone else uses mobile.

          • @plactagonic@sopuli.xyz
            2125 days ago

            The oldest version of Win I used was 95 about 2 years ago on chromatography machine (I think hplc or gas).

            It is to my knowledge still in use in the school because the software don’t run on newer machines. The teacher told me that he don’t know what will he do when it dies. It isn’t really an issue on Linux.

            • @henfredemars@infosec.pub
              1325 days ago

              It might be worth trying it in Wine. It has great support for older software especially.

              Within the past year I have compiled new software for Windows 98.

              In a lab environment, it’s important to strictly control software versions and understand thoroughly what gets updated. We also want the ability to use the same version of software indefinitely if it meets our needs.

              • @plactagonic@sopuli.xyz
                1125 days ago

                I think that there are more issues like archaic connectors and stuff like that. You can’t find new hardware with 30yo standard io.

            • @TexasDrunk@lemmy.world
              425 days ago

              O&G still uses a lot of old versions as well. I remember back in the Win 7 days when I had to set up a 95 virtual machine and register a bunch of DLLs by hand plus set up a fake A: drive because even the 95 version of the software was garbage. A friend of mine did something similar but he got it working on the Win 7 machine somehow. I never understood how, but he left a script behind at the company he worked for because it needed to be reinstalled every time someone did something stupid and he didn’t want to do it by hand.

          • @ch00f@lemmy.world
            725 days ago

            We ship a $50k instrument product running Windows, and everyone hates it.

            As the only EE on staff, I got to spend a portion of covid soldering TPM chips to motherboards. Fun times.

            • @henfredemars@infosec.pub
              425 days ago

              Wow, that sounds painful. Not so much because it’s technically difficult, but ridiculous that you have to do that.

              • @ch00f@lemmy.world
                425 days ago

                Yeah, they were tssop, so not hard. It was only necessary because the parts shortage crunch had the vendor shipping them without the chips installed.

          • @barsquid@lemmy.world
            625 days ago

            I find it unbelievable that anyone ever accepted lab equipment with a Windows requirement. I mean, I know it is true, but what the fuck? Glad your work is doing this.

            • @henfredemars@infosec.pub
              1025 days ago

              I was not around at that time. Some of the systems I support are very long lived. At the time, having windows running on some of your equipment wasn’t seen as a liability. I guess you have to get bitten a few times before you understand that you need control of that system including the software.

          • Andromxda 🇺🇦🇵🇸🇹🇼
            25 days ago

            several of our suppliers have been pressured to offer Linux support

            We just got our first oscilloscope with Red Hat preinstalled.

            This is so cool. Really great to hear. I wish more companies and other institutions would do this. They have to realize that using Microsoft software won’t benefit them in the long term, and actually start pressuring hardware vendors into pre-installing Linux.

            • @henfredemars@infosec.pub
              25 days ago

              Part of that job is supporting fielded hardware and ground systems, think like automated test or verification systems. I think we’ve learned our lesson that we can’t afford to have unserviceable software.

              At least with Linux and generally with an open source baseline, there is the option of throwing engineers at your problem because you have access to the code, and you can strip down the system to the bare minimum of what you need, and in doing so, really understand it. We don’t want to get into a situation where our hands are tied and we can’t fix it because the problem lies in the proprietary software while the vendor has long since abandoned any hope of support… grumble…

              • Andromxda 🇺🇦🇵🇸🇹🇼
                25 days ago

                That kinda reminds me of my job, except that we build the unserviceable hardware and install Windows, as well as our proprietary software. Then we charge our customers shitloads of money for technical support. We’re a government contractor btw

                It’s actually a pretty nice company (from an employee standpoint), we use a lot of Linux internally, as well as other FOSS software. But porting our products to Linux is hopeless, we have decades of C++ code that either relies on Windows APIs directly, or on our custom libraries that rely on Windows-specific stuff.

          • @bobs_monkey@lemm.ee
            425 days ago

            Shit, the iPad pro is pretty damn close to a laptop these days with the keyboard and track pad (just lacking the OS). I had a conversation the other day where someone mentioned how OSX and Windows are locking down their OS’s to the point where it wouldn’t be farfetched to guess that many consumer devices will eventually use essentially a mobile device OS.

            • @tromars@feddit.de
              524 days ago

              I had a conversation with a friend about iPads lately related to the „just lacking the OS“. The newer iPads with M-chips have all the computing power an average user could need but it’s crippled by the mobile-ish OS, so all the computing power is for nothing basically. An iPad running MacOS (with some adjustments for the Touchscreen) would be awesome. But we concluded it won’t happen anytime soon, because then basically no one would buy MacBooks anymore

          • @Moorshou@lemmy.zip
            225 days ago

            The only regular people I can think of are gamers and my mom but I would like the idea of PC’s returning to techie and specialized use cases

        • @potatopotato@sh.itjust.works
          2525 days ago

          I’d argue the year of the Linux desktop passed years ago and now it’s just a saturation game. Most serious SW development is now on Linux laptops/desktops, Android owns the mobile space and versions are starting to make huge inroads in the laptop space. You can buy gaming systems running it trivially now.

          Conversely, casual users of windows are dying off, fewer non technical people are using desktops for anything at all. Only institutional users are buying Windows keys and they’re some of the easiest to get on Linux because of the cost savings, particularly if you run Linux server infrastructure, a fight we already won over a decade ago.

          • @EnderMB@lemmy.world
            1525 days ago

            Most serious SW development is now on Linux laptops/desktops,

            I’d love a source for this. To my knowledge, most people that build to Linux hosts still use OSX.

        • TipRing
          25 days ago

          Thanks to the Steamdeck Linux users on Steam now outnumber Mac users. Still a tiny percentage of total Steam users but if developers increase support we will hopefully see that number take off.

        • @just_another_person@lemmy.world
          1125 days ago

          All the larger PC manufacturers do offer Ubuntu at least. There was a time when Best Buy was selling them from Dell and Lenovo, but I’m sure the staff couldn’t sufficiently explain the “why”, and it was also at a time when more technology illiterate folks were the purchasers. That’s not the case anymore, but I guess we will see how/if it shifts at all.

          • @ch00f@lemmy.world
            325 days ago

            I loathe to be the BestBuy employee who sells a Linux box to a customer who only cares about the price difference.

        • @Imgonnatrythis@sh.itjust.works
          225 days ago

          For me the hang up is still hardware compatibility and fuss factor. I still haven’t seen a windows app that will check all hardware and software and give a pain scale rating on what switching would involve. I have an Asus wifi 6 card, a stream deck, a Logitech trackball with Logitech customization software, a Logitech Webcam, a dygma keyboard running bazecor software. I’m sure there are some hidden headaches awaiting the transition. Once I finally get all that worked out, I will probably want to upgrade my surface and my ThinkPad as well and imagine even more headaches with these.

      • @Empricorn@feddit.nl
        25 days ago

        Been hearing this for decades.

        I’ve been hearing this about people hearing about people hearing that about Linux for decades.

    • @EngineerGaming@feddit.nl
      2025 days ago

      I don’t see a “year of the Linux desktop” happening, but rather its share growing slowly over the years. Windows would probably not have one big event that ends its dominance, but it can be a death of a thousand cuts.

      • @Plopp@lemmy.world
        825 days ago

        Guess which OS won’t be recognized as a “trusted environment” to visit websites with down the line in Google’s upcoming Web DRM. For your own protection of course…

        • Joe Cool
          525 days ago

          This I would actually want to see.
          I would so laugh when their most of their profits go to EU Antitrust Fines.
          Or they pull an Apple and only EU device owners get to choose their own browser.

          • @Plopp@lemmy.world
            325 days ago

            I really wouldn’t, because I wouldn’t want to risk them succeeding. It could be like Meta with WhatsApp, they just say “sure anyone can interoperate with us, they just have to use the Signal protocol because it’s the safest and what we use”. Google et al could say “any system could be considered trusted, as long as these security criteria are met” and the criteria are such that they go completely against the form of user control of the OS and software that Linux is all about. Technically a Linux distro could be made to meet the requirements, but pretty much no current day Linux user would ever want to use it because they’d be giving up the thing that made them switch to Linux in the first place - their control.

    • @JovialSodium@lemmy.sdf.org
      1525 days ago

      I can easily believe these types of continued enshittification will help drive more users to Linux desktop usage. But that will still be a small percent.

      People have to know and care about the problem and then be willing to put in the effort to understand what to do. That combination is pretty limiting.

      I’d love to be proven wrong, though.

      • @henfredemars@infosec.pub
        1025 days ago

        I think it might. Demographics are changing to make PC users more technical overall. The casual user isn’t looking to purchase a desktop PC. Casual is now synonymous with mobile.

        It used to be that you needed a desktop to do your taxes or make an insurance claim over the Internet. That’s just not true anymore.

        • Pixel
          325 days ago

          The demographics are stratifying, more than anything. I work in child education and kids do not understand computers nowadays. They understand how to interface with their phones, but kids see any electronic that behaves outside the “app” paradigm – landlines, desktop computers, what have you, and immediately don’t understand. I do think that linux usership is going to go up, but there also needs to be an investment in increasing literacy in kids to make sure usership of linux stays up, otherwise the pendulum will swing back hard

      • DarkThoughts
        1525 days ago

        Technically you could have such data gathered and stored locally, without sending them to big corpo. Privacy friendly “AI” is very much possible, it’s just not favorable to those companies because they see those models as a tool and the data as what ends up making them money.

    • @tyrant@lemmy.world
      825 days ago

      People may not want it but most don’t know, care enough to adjust, or are just generally complacent. I mean, I DO care and find it hard to move to Linux due to lack of support for some of my work tasks.

      • @just_another_person@lemmy.world
        225 days ago

        Most things MOST people work on these days aren’t heavily tied to Windows as an OS in a way that would prevent it running via emulation. Worst-case, in a VM. Lots of the everyday things people use is in the browser now.

        You have an example?

    • @gerryflap@feddit.nl
      525 days ago

      I’m not so sure that the laypeople will, but I do expect a shift. Personally I’m still running Windows 10 next to Linux currently. Most of my time is still spent on Windows, because it’s generally a bit more stable and hassle free due to the Windows monopoly. Software is written for Windows, so sadly it’s usually just a better experience.

      But so many things I read about Win 11 (and beyond) piss me off. It’s my computer, I don’t want them to decide things for me or farm my data. I’m mentally preparing for the transition to Linux-only. 90% of the software I use will work out of the box, and I think with some effort I can get like 8% of the rest to work. It’ll be a lot of effort, but Micro$oft has pushed so far that I’m really starting to consider.

      Multiple friends and colleagues (all programmers) I spoke are feeling the same way. I think Linux may double in full-time desktop users in a few years of this goes on.

    • @UnityDevice@startrek.website
      125 days ago

      For me the year of the Linux desktop was 2014 - it’s when I changed my desktop to Linux after using it on my laptop for a year. All the hardware on that machine has been replaced, but it’s still running the same install from back then.

  • @3volver@lemmy.world
    10725 days ago

    People keep pointing the finger at AI, but miss the fact that the problem is corporate greed. AI has the possibility to help us solve problems, corporate greed will gate keep the solutions and cause us suffering.

    • Sabata
      1324 days ago

      I want all the cool Ai shit, but I want to be in charge of it 100%. I don’t want a data mining company with an OS side project spying on me for profit.

    • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
      24 days ago

      Enshittification is the result of the user not being in control: markets have a natural tendency to become dominated by a few companies (or even just a single one) if they have any significant barriers to entry (and said barriers to entry include things like networking effects), and once they consolidate control over a large enough share of the market those companies become less and less friendly and more and more extractive towards customers, simply because said customers don’t actually have any other options, which is what we now call enshittification.

      At the same time Linux (and most Open Source software) is mainly about the owner being in control of their own stuff, not some corporate provider of software for your hardware or of a hardware + software “solution” (i.e. most modern electronics) provider.

      So we’re getting to see more and more Linux-based full solutions to take control of one’s devices back from the corporations, not just Linux on the Desktop to wrestle control back from an increasingly anti-customer Microsoftw, but also, for example, stuff like OpenELEC (for TV boxes) and OPNSense (for firewalls/router).

    • @masquenox@lemmy.world
      424 days ago

      People keep pointing the finger at AI, but miss the fact that the problem is corporate greed capitalism. AI has the possibility to help us solve problems, corporate greed capitalism will gate keep the solutions and cause us suffering.

      No need to thank me.

      • @3volver@lemmy.world
        124 days ago

        We don’t have capitalism in the US, we have late-stage crony capitalism. Regulated capitalism is fine, but we are in a crony capitalist system which feeds corporate greed. Our government is controlled by a handful of mega corps which have their hands pulling the strings due to the lobbying system. It wasn’t always this way, which is why I don’t blame capitalism, I blame human greed.

        • @masquenox@lemmy.world
          324 days ago

          late-stage crony capitalism.

          So… capitalism.

          crony capitalist system which feeds corporate greed.

          Sooo… capitalism?

          Our government is controlled by a handful of mega corps which have their hands pulling the strings due to the lobbying system.

          So just bog-standard capitalism, then?

          Regulated capitalism is fine

          The Soviets tried that and failed. The Chinese tried it too, and it turned into… bog-standard capitalism.

              • nadram
                323 days ago

                it’s greed. whether under a socialist regime, capitalist, communist or other, all it takes to destroy the system is for greedy people in power to force it open by buying judges and politicians. capitalism is in no way a prerequisite.

                • @masquenox@lemmy.world
                  323 days ago

                  whether under a socialist regime,

                  There is no such thing as a “socialist” regime… not in the way we generally use the term regime, anyway. And the regimes that (falsely) attributed to themselves the characteristics of socialism never claimed to make a virtue out of human greed like our neoliberal ones do.

                  all it takes to destroy the system is for greedy people

                  Are you trying to say that a disjointed and incoherent jumble of pretexts, justifications and outright lies masquerading as an ideology that specifically exists to justify said human greed will (somehow) be destroyed by human greed?

                  Looks to me like it’s working as designed… and not “destroyed” at all.

    • @the_doktor@lemmy.zip
      124 days ago

      AI can’t solve problems. This should be abundantly clear by now from the number of laughable and even dangerous “solutions” it gives while stealing content, destroying privacy, and sucking up tons of power to do so. Just ban AI.

      • @3volver@lemmy.world
        224 days ago

        Just take some time to look up the benefits of AI and what it is being used to solve. It’s easy to focus on how corporations are abusing the technology for profit, but it’s a bland weak perspective to think that AI can’t solve problems.

        • @the_doktor@lemmy.zip
          124 days ago

          It can’t even solve simple queries correctly half the time. Exactly what “benefits” can come from such a flawed system that steals its information, destroys privacy, and uses tons of resources?

          Grow up and admit you’re fascinated by some sci-fi bullshit poorly implemented by garbage corporations.

          • @3volver@lemmy.world
            324 days ago

            It can’t even solve simple queries correctly half the time.

            implemented by garbage corporations

            Lie and lie again, neither do you realize there are open source LLMs. You keep yelling to ban it when nothing you write even matters.

            • @the_doktor@lemmy.zip
              123 days ago

              Have you seen how many garbage query returns people get? It’s completely ineffectual unless you just treat it like a simple non “AI” search engine query, in which case, why bother wasting time with AI?

              And do you realize how much power and time is needed to create a local LLM? The reason AI is generally implemented online is because it’s so incredibly complex and computationally heavy to do it locally for any decent amount of data. So unless you’re a fucking pervert with 20 overpowered PCs paying thousands a month on electricity generating AI porn art, what’s the point?

      • @SkyeStarfall
        224 days ago

        You really need to specify what you mean by “AI”. AI has been used in tons of applications for decades. Do you mean LLMs? Because not all AI is LLMs.

        • @the_doktor@lemmy.zip
          123 days ago

          At this point there’s barely a difference in practical use. And both are the same amount of stupid, sucking up tons of power, destroying privacy, and stealing information. It’s all bullshit and should be banned.

          How is this not something that is a common sense, widely accepted worldview? Are people this dense?

          • @SkyeStarfall
            123 days ago

            Because you clearly do not have any technical understanding of the field, or what machine learning even is, or how it can be useful, and the dozen of different things also called AI.

            • @the_doktor@lemmy.zip
              122 days ago

              Says the person with zero understanding of the terrible problems with AI. It’s just rampant, ignorant fanboyism at this point. Ban it.

  • @archchan@lemmy.ml
    10425 days ago

    I choose to privately self-host open source AI models and stuff on Linux. It’s almost like technology is a tool and corps are the ones fucking things up. Hmmm, imagine that.

    • @nexussapphire@lemm.ee
      25 days ago

      It’s so fun to play with offline AI. It doesn’t have the creepy underpinnings of knowing art and journalism as well as musings from social media was blatantly stolen from the internet and sold as a service for profit.

      Edit: I hate theft and if you think theft is ok for training llms go ahead and dislike this comment. I don’t feel bad about what I said, local offline AI is just better because it doesn’t work on the premise of backroom deals and blatant theft. I will never use an AI like DALL.E when there is a talented artist trying to put food on the table with a skill they honed for years. If you condone stealing you are a cheap, heartless, coward.

      • @Teanut@lemmy.world
        1825 days ago

        I hate to break it to you, but if you’re running an LLM based on (for example) Llama the training data (corpus) that went into it was still large parts of the Internet.

        The fact that you’re running the prompts locally doesn’t change the fact that it was still trained on data that could be considered protected under copyright law.

        It’s going to be interesting to see how the law shakes out on this one, because an artist going to an art museum and doing studies of those works (and let’s say it’s a contemporary art museum where the works wouldn’t be in the public domain) for educational purposes is likely fair use - and possibly encouraged to help artists develop their talents. Musicians practicing (or even performing) other artists’ songs is expected during their development. Consider some high school band practicing in a garage, playing some song to improve their skills.

        I know the big difference is that it’s people training vs a machine/LLM training, but that seems to come down to not so much a copyright issue (which it is in an immediate sense) as a “should an algorithm be entitled to the same protections as a person? If not, what if real AI (not just an LLM) is developed? Should those entities be entitled to personhood?”

        • @nexussapphire@lemm.ee
          325 days ago

          I hate to break it to you but not all machine learning is llms based. I’ve been messing with neural based tts from a small project called piper. I’m looking into an image recognition neural network to write software for and train myself. I might try writing it myself for fun 🤔

          I’m not interested in anything that uses stolen data like that so my options are limited and relegated to incredibly focused single purpose tools or things I make myself with the tools available.

          I’d love to play with image generation and large language models but until all the legal stuff is worked out and individuals get paid for their work I’m not touching it.

          To me it’s as cut and dry as this. If it’s the difference between an individual becoming their own boss/making a better living and a corporation growing their market cap I’ll always choose the individual. I know there’s a possibility of that growth resulting in more jobs but I’d rather have an environment where small businesses open breed competition and overall improve everyone’s life. Let’s not give the keys over to companies like Microsoft and close more doors.

          I don’t care about the discussion of true AI having rights. It’s only going to be used to make the wealthy wealthier.

          • @hellofriend@lemmy.world
            925 days ago

            All LLMs are based on neural networks. Furthermore, all neural networks need training, regardless of whether they’re an LLM or some other form of machine learning. If you want to ensure there’s no stolen material used in the neural net then you have to train it yourself with material that you have the copyright to.

                • @nexussapphire@lemm.ee
                  24 days ago

                  Sorry I thought you were being a smartass and just skimmed through it. Truly my bad.

                  Edit: it’s hard to tell intention sometimes and I really do appreciate you summarizing what I said. It’s true and a more approachable answer than what I gave.

          • @nexussapphire@lemm.ee
            525 days ago

            Sorry I feel strongly about this. Play with it all you want it’s really cool shit! But please don’t pay for access to it and if you need some art or a professional write-up please just pay someone to do it.

            It’ll mean so much to your fellow man in these uncertain times and the quality will be so much better.

      • @nexussapphire@lemm.ee
        525 days ago

        I’m on his side, I don’t get the dislike. Maybe he likes massive corporations stealing people’s data putting artist and journalist out of work.

  • @grue@lemmy.world
    9825 days ago

    I think it’s important to note that Linux can be a way to avoid AI, but doesn’t have to be. If you flip the headline around it almost implies that people who do want AI would be missing out by using Linux, but that’s not true at all: instead, the reality is that Linux is still better for them, too, because you could install all the same kind of functionality if you wanted, but it would be wholly under your control, not Microsoft’s.

    • @Lem453@lemmy.ca
      25 days ago

      Self hosted AI seems like an intriguing option for those capable of running it. Naturally this will always be more complex than paying someone else to host it for you but it seems like that’s that only way if you care about privacy


      • @Churbleyimyam@lemm.ee
        325 days ago

        Check out Jan AI. It’s open source and extremely easy to install and run. I run it locally on a 2017 laptop without a dedicated GPU and it works, just takes longer to generate responses compared to something like ChatGPT.

    • @SOB_Van_Owen@lemm.ee
      325 days ago

      That sounds very cool. I’m totally ignorant of the hardware requirements. What sort of minimum setup would such an install take?

      • @Avatar_of_Self@lemmy.world
        525 days ago

        It really depends on what model you want to run and how much training is bundled with it. You can pretty much run any model if you have enough disk space but of course GPU + VRAM is preferred for a ChatGPT like fast response. Otherwise, running on an older CPU and RAM is going to be noticeably slower, especially with complex models with a lot of training data to trawl through.

        There are some pretty lite models out there but the responses will be more barebones and probably seem ‘less informed’.

        Give GPT4All a try for your first time. It makes install, configuration and usage point-and-click while being fairly straight forward. For the presented/featured models, it presents a small summary and VRAM recommended, though there are many, many other models available from inside the UI.

  • @seaQueue@lemmy.world
    25 days ago

    Linux may be the best way to avoid the <insert dystopian corporate feature> nightmare

    Always has been

    • @xia@lemmy.sdf.org
      25 days ago

      I’m convinced that Linux’ mere presence has already stymied the development of the worst possible technocractic nightmare. I shudder to think of the thick tech-chains that would bind us if there was not an anchor/reference point… or if there was not even the small contingent that knows what it is like to use a liberating platform.

      • @Baggie@lemmy.zip
        725 days ago

        I agree with this. We already have a situation where we don’t have feasible alternatives to the primary method, Google search comes to mind. With Linux, even if every company in the world goes down, nerds will still want to play with the technology.

  • Jackiechan
    6625 days ago

    All the AI garbage from M$ is what made me finally make the swap a couple weeks ago to Linux Mint on my personal desktop. I only use my PC for gaming/entertainment, so the switch was super easy. Can’t recommend it enough if you’re wanting to get away from Windows!

    • @herrcaptain@lemmy.ca
      3025 days ago

      One of us! One of us! One of us!

      For real though, good on ya. It takes a little getting used to, but is so worth it in the long run to not have to fight against the profit-driven whims of a megacorp. It’s also so much more customizable if you want to put together a really specific workflow for yourself.

    • Pennomi
      925 days ago

      It’s advertising more than AI for me. Everything you do in Windows is monetized by selling your preferences to advertisers. Shameful.

    • @CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      425 days ago

      I’ve been running Ubuntu desktop for years. YEARS and recently switched to Linux Mint. It’s very polished.

      My laptop is the last holdout.

    • @yessikg
      225 days ago

      I went with Q4OS since I wanted no bloat and a debian based distro that was linux newbie friendly

  • @TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world
    6425 days ago

    I finally switched to Linux and I couldn’t be happier. I can’t believe I put up with microsofts garbage for so damn long.

    • @scifun@lemmy.world
      625 days ago

      Me too. Years ago I dabbled with Debian and Gentoo. Ubuntu was just up and coming then.

      Now I went from Mint to Fedora KDE to Fedora Silverblue (nuked my disk and removed windows)

      Gnome took a day to get used to but loving the workflow once I warmed up to it. Can’t believe how polished and rock solid the whole system is.

    • @Ynrielle@sh.itjust.works
      324 days ago

      I did as well for my daily driver school laptop and I’ve been loving it so much. I’m considering switching my desktop to Linux as well over the summer, or dual booting at the very least

  • @jabjoe@feddit.uk
    4924 days ago

    And forced the hardware obsolescence nightmare.

    And the big tech surveillance nightmare.

    And the nightmare of the war on general purpose computers. (OK, that is more GNU and GPLv3)

    And a few other nightmares!

      • Echo Dot
        324 days ago

        I’m sure I can install a local AI on a Windows PC as well. Linux is not the solution to every possible problem in the universe. Oh indeed many of them

        • @Diurnambule@jlai.lu
          124 days ago

          Hum did you try to solve this with Linux ? Kidding. Yeah but this included with the previous privacy claims make it a good solution.

    • Kaityy
      225 days ago

      At least with the more advanced LLM’s (and I’d assume as well for stuff like image processing and generation), it requires a pretty considerable amount of GPU just to get the thing to run at all, and then even more to spit something out. Some people have enough to run the basics, but most laptops would simply be incapable. And very few people would have resources to get the kind of outputs that the more advanced AI’s produce.

      Now, that’s not to say it shouldn’t be an option, or that they force you to have some remote AI baked into your proprietary OS that you can’t remove without breaking user license agreements, just saying that it’s unfortunately harder to implement locally than we both probably wish it was.

      • Echo Dot
        24 days ago

        That’s true but if you don’t mind the fact that the AI can’t learn anything new you can actually go hardware optimization routes and get pretty good performance. We’re starting to see AI chips being made. They will do for AI what GPUs did for graphics.

        However these hardware optimized chips are only for running the AI you still need GPUs for training it. I could see a situation where new models are trained by big companies and then the results are sold to individuals who then buy the packages and install them on local chips.

        • Kaityy
          123 days ago

          interesting. are these ai chips actually being released on open markets yet, or are thongs still in development phases?

          • Echo Dot
            223 days ago

            They’re available on the open market but you have to buy them as integrated systems since no especially available motherboard has a socket for them, don’t even think there’s a standard for a socket. They come soldered to the board which isn’t the best because when a better version comes out you basically have to throw everything away and start again.

            But in a few years I suspect we’ll have proper socketed versions.

  • @Suavevillain@lemmy.world
    3324 days ago

    Linux has been great for me. I switched during Windows 10 forced updates and never been unhappy since. I hope more people at least give a try. If you have a computer that can’t meet Windows 11 requirements, it is worth a shot.

    • @vinyl@lemmy.world
      525 days ago

      Its going to start fixing shit if the market share of anything popular starts dropping.

    • @nexussapphire@lemm.ee
      525 days ago

      If something like Fossil fuel companies are influencing environmental legislation and poisoning our planet while blaming us for the state of global warming. Isn’t it worth fighting for a better future. It might feel futile now but as congregation we have more power than many of us realize. They tell you stop it, it’s too late but what they’re really saying is stop it your scaring us.

  • @Brkdncr@lemmy.world
    3125 days ago

    “The year of Linux on the Desktop” is in the article. This again? Been reading this for decades and it’s still not true.

    Linux is close, but has some core flaws that will forever keep it out of mainstream acceptance by your average user.

    • Hucklebee
      1724 days ago

      Maybe we should have like a yearly event for this. Like a holiday. International Linux Year Day.

      • Echo Dot
        124 days ago

        I think there is some sort of conference. The key would be to convince all the Linux users to stop telling us about it the rest of the time.

        Linux uses and vegans have the same “I’m better than you” energy.