XMPP: yessikg@conversations.im
You could try with only one class and see how it goes, or online classes if that’s easier
Waterfox if you are ok with getting it from the play store
The new Jumanji movies are great
I’m just so happy it’s a sedan
Easiest thing is to look at lists of banned books
I was with you until that last statement, I haven’t met a single centrist that supported (voted for) Hillary or Kamala
Almost done with Twin Peaks: The Return – So good that I don’t want it to end
Especially if you have simmetrical speeds for upload and download
From what I’ve heard, the american version is more lighthearted and has less drama
There are plenty of used EVs but if you don’t have a way to charge at home or roatrip a lot make sure to stay away from cars that charge slowly. Check the recall history and make sure all the fixes have been applied
Yeah there are too many ICE cars on the road
Lol, I just… If you really believe that there’s facts and logic in the bible please seek some help
I’m sorry that I don’t like propaganda attached to a beloved franchise?
I agree, people understimate the amount of assholes in the world
No, religious fanatics do not get to do this to Dragonball. Somebody take one for the team and get this taken down
Apartment. I really hate the suburbs