edit: I have changed my title to match the new NYTimes headline. Sorry about the all caps, I guess they are really excited about this lol

Also shoutout to @SayJess@lemmy.blahaj.zone who shared a gift article link in the comments. I hope you don’t mind but I kinda stole it and updated the post

  • donuts
    1441 month ago

    This is only the tip of the iceberg. Trump is a fucking convicted felon and a serial rapist. Fuck him. Now on to sentencing.

      • @Olhonestjim@lemmy.world
        101 month ago

        Could be the initial breach in the dam. If this knocks Cannon off the bench, that classified docs case should be enough to bury him under the prison.

        • @FrostyTheDoo@lemmy.world
          71 month ago

          How could this knock Cannon off the bench? I haven’t heard anything about that yet but if it’s a realistic possibility that’s a sweet ass cherry on top

        • @Katana314@lemmy.world
          51 month ago

          And here I thought impeachment was the initial breach in the dam. All this guy’s political career, people have been assuring me “This is it, he’s toast.”

          • donuts
            1 month ago

            He could run from prison, so there’s no deus ex machina here.

            When November comes around Americans are either going to be smart enough to reelect Biden or stupid enough to let a convicted felon, serial rapist, election denying, wannabe dictator slob take over the most powerful nation on Earth.

            I know what I’m doing. Let’s see if everyone else can pass the basic intelligence test known as “election 2024”.

            • @Katana314@lemmy.world
              129 days ago

              They don’t still hold sway now?

              In a sane world, between a boring white guy with mild accusations of not doing enough to stop a war, and a snake oil salesman promising to rip down transgender protections and murder his opponents, there should be absolutely no chance of the latter winning a single state. Half of America is still wrapped up in his damn cult.

              • @Olhonestjim@lemmy.world
                129 days ago

                No, they’re flailing wildly. They sowed the wind and reaped the whirlwind. The Dems handed them everything they ever wanted for the border, and they voted against it. Mitch was their most brilliant strategist. He’s on the way out. He’s prepping Johnson to replace him, but anything could happen in a power vacuum. Russian money is faltering. An untouchable billionaire just got his ass handed to him. The GOP is internally divided, and anything BUT in control.

      • donuts
        81 month ago

        I’m not so sure…

        I went into this trial knowing that it was the least of Trump’s crimes and thinking that some brainwashed cultist would turn it into a hung jury. I was wrong, and instead we ended up with 34 consecutive guilty verdicts in less than 12 hours.

        Now Trump is going to be sentenced by a judge who he has repeatedly called disgraceful and corrupt after weeks of sleep shitting through the trial. He has shown zero remorse and zero respect for the law. So other than the mythology of Teflon Don, why should the judge sentence him with anything less than he deserves?

  • @TransplantedSconie@lemm.ee
    1131 month ago

    If he is guilty on even a single count, the former president and the presumptive republican nominee for the White House will not be able to vote for himself

    What a shit show the Republican party has become.

    • @krashmo@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Lock her him up!

      We even have signs that will work for this occasion with a slight modification.

    • FuglyDuck
      1 month ago

      I assume if they have a verdict it’s guilty. Could be wrong.

      Edit: update convicted on all 34 counts. From the article’s update:

      Mr. Trump was convicted on all 34 counts of falsifying business recordsby a jury of 12 New Yorkers, who deliberated over two days to reach a decision in a case rife with descriptions of secret deals, tabloid scandal and an Oval Office pact with echoes of Watergate. The jury found that Mr. Trump had faked records to conceal the purpose of money given to his onetime fixer, Michael D. Cohen. The false records disguised the payments as ordinary legal expenses when in truth, Mr. Trump was reimbursing Mr. Cohen for a $130,000 hush-money deal the fixer struck with the porn star Stormy Daniels to silence her account of a sexual liaison with Mr. Trump.

    • @OldWoodFrame@lemm.ee
      151 month ago

      They passed a constitutional amendment in Florida to let felons vote, a couple years ago. The legislature tried to backpeddle it as much as they could in order to prevent black people from voting, but the main mechanism is forcing the felons to pay a bunch of money, which isn’t a problem for Trump.

      • @brotkel@programming.dev
        101 month ago

        Florida also defers to the voting rights in the state where the judgment happened for convictions outside of Florida. And New York lets felons vote. Therefore, Trump can vote in Florida under Florida election law.

      • Schadrach
        630 days ago

        The legislature tried to backpeddle it as much as they could in order to prevent black people from voting, but the main mechanism is forcing the felons to pay a bunch of money, which isn’t a problem for Trump.

        To be exact, the “backpedaling” was that if the courts assigned you fines and prison time you had to complete both before you had “completed your sentence” and thus could vote.

      • @festus@lemmy.ca
        31 month ago

        There may be a component that felons have to have finished their sentence which could exclude Trump.

  • @ChonkyOwlbear@lemmy.world
    361 month ago

    Now the judge who Trump has been royally pissing off the whole time gets to sentence him. If your justice boner lasts for more than 4 hours, please consult a doctor.

      • @PrincessLeiasCat@sh.itjust.works
        1 month ago

        You can never have too much Riker….(the 14 year old girl who was me, waiting impatiently for TNG to come on…for the sci-fi…and the Riker).

        I met Jonathan Frakes at a con once and told him I had the biggest crush on him when I was a teenager. He said, “Well what changed?”

        Riker gonna Riker lol

          • @PrincessLeiasCat@sh.itjust.works
            1 month ago

            I really didn’t have an answer because I wasn’t expecting the question, lol, but I kind of managed to come up with something like “Well….the show ended and you went away. You just kinda left.”

            It was lame but all I could manage to think of on the fly. He just kind of laughed. It was a good experience, all of the main TNG bridge crew were there except for Jean-Luc and Wesley (who were originally supposed to be, that was a disappointment, but it was still fun).

  • @mokus
    251 month ago

    So TIL my parents will be voting for a convicted felon in November 🤦‍♀️

      • norbert
        101 month ago

        He’ll be able to work some sort of grift off of it for sure but I feel like this definitely gives some Republicans an “out.”

        Now they just have to take it.

        • @mokus
          51 month ago

          They didn’t take Jan 6

    • @Dagwood222@lemm.ee
      181 month ago

      This is going to give a lot of GOP Senators a fig leaf.

      If someone puts a motion in Congress to make it illegal for him to run, a lot of them will vote for it.

      • @Fedizen@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        bad law. I’d much rather a law where the candidate has to describe the nature of their past convictions in a written statement submitted with their filing paperwork to run and explain why each one doesn’t affect their ability to run the country.

        Aka reflecting on one’s crimes.

        • @Smoogs@lemmy.world
          130 days ago

          Except assholes like trump see themselves as victims of a witch-hunt and he would write that out , sorry: he will have a lawyer write that out for every one of them. I doubt he has the attention span for it.

      • andyburke
        11 month ago

        How do you propose such a bill be advanced through the GOP controlled house?

    • @gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world
      101 month ago

      It gives us something new to troll those miserable asshats over. “Interesting argument, but have you considered the fact that your candidate is a convicted felon?”

    • Flying Squid
      91 month ago

      Before all this started, people did make claims that they wouldn’t vote for him if he was convicted.

      But then they also said they wouldn’t vote for him even if Nikki Haley conceded.

      So we’ll see, I guess. But I’m not optimistic.

    • @Dkarma@lemmy.world
      61 month ago

      Some, but they’ll never tell the others.

      Ladies you don’t have to tell your husband you voted for Biden.

    • Tucker Carlson responded to today’s verdict in what can only be described as an apocalyptic tone, stating on X that the jury’s decision marked “the end of the fairest justice system in the world.” The former Fox News host said that Trump would still win the election “if he’s not killed first,” and closed by saying that “anyone who defends this verdict is a danger to you and your family.”

    • Riskable
      61 month ago

      Yes: To them this demonstrates that the justice system is corrupt and they think only Trump can fix it.

      They will believe this even though Trump isn’t running for any office in New York 🤣

    • @snooggums@midwest.social
      41 month ago

      It will most matter for undecided voters who required a guilty verdict to decide, althoigh I’m not sure that is a large number in swing states.

      It won’t matter for his base that already ignore reality.

  • @RunningInRVA@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    The GOP could have gotten off this wild ride at so many points in the last 8 years, yet here we are. A republican presidential nominee who has been convicted of felonies.

    Edit: And with Biden’s poll numbers they could have run literally anybody else and won.

  • @djsoren19@yiffit.net
    191 month ago

    Today is a very good day.

    Now on the downside, convicted felons are still legally allowed to run for office. Not being able to vote for himself is delicious schadenfreude, but this doesn’t suddenly save democracy. However, I would expect Biden’s administration will push this hard, and I don’t think undecided voters want a felon in the White House.

    • @RecallMadness@lemmy.nz
      130 days ago

      As other have said, Banning felons from voting is a tool that can be used by oppressors to block their political rivals from standing against them.

      Which ironically is something the Republicans are probably wanting to do at some point in the future.