Your favorite movie, series, or anything else really that you can’t find a community here (or maybe it just doesn’t exist)

    1 month ago

    I’ll just be honest, from my perspective on lemmy everything outside of porn, linux and shitposts is lacking. Interaction outside the top of hot is a wasteland of non-existence, questions go undiscovered, comments are never read. We could all be more generous with upvotes to improve visibility.

    For me sfw art communities, sports, and life protips would all be nice to see grow. I miss the old photoshopbattles too, but I think that’s just fallen out of style in general.

    • DominusOfMegadeus
      151 month ago

      The porn is definitely lacking. Or so I am told. By a random person who knows a friend of mine.

    • @lorty@lemmy.mlOP
      61 month ago

      It’s one of the disadvantages of not having algorithms to push content up or down.

      • Mr Fish
        221 month ago

        No, it’s a question of volume. Before reddit turned to shit, it used to work the same way, but niche communities could still thrive because there were enough people. Lemmy will be able to hold more communities as more people join

  • bruhbeans
    331 month ago

    I’m not seeing enough Linux content, are there any Linux communities on Lemmy?

    • Fuck spez
      251 month ago

      Nope, sorry about your luck. Nothing on anime or Star Trek, either.

    291 month ago

    Basically all the media.

    There is (or at least was) a special kind of joy in discovering a new piece of media (movie, TV, book, video game, comic, etc), getting to the end, and hopping over to the relevant subreddit to sort by “top of all time.” Bonus points if you loved the series and would get to essentially relive it all over again through the sub, but even media that you hated or were neutral about could be fun subs to peruse; maybe you would get to revel in seeing something you hated turned into a meme highlighting how stupid it was, or get to feel justified in your negative assessment upon reading an epic rant from another user; maybe instead you’d find hidden details or explanations pointed out by other users that made you reassess the work (“huh, I though that was a stupid plothole but it actually was perfectly explained by that one scene that apparently went over my head”). The ATLA subs especially were treasure troves of tiny details and “holy shit I just noticed on my fifth rewatch” posts that really elevated my opinion (and thereby enjoyment) of a series I was initially kind of “meh” on.

    When I think about what it would take to feel like Lemmy had sufficiently replaced Reddit for me, the number one practical answer is for comprehensive news (political, world, cultural, meme, etc… Reddit really did at one point feel like “the front page of the Internet” if there ever was one), and the second is to have the critical mass to be able to ask a question and get a good recommendation for any specific product or service, via regional subs, hobby subs, etc (although thanks to LLMs and corporate astroturfing that may simply be a bygone part of the Internet). But the “fun” answer is to have the critical mass for a wide range of specific fandoms.

    • Elle
      61 month ago

      Given the absence of specific communities (or active ones so far), if people would like they could start these conversations over in !

      I recognize it’s not the same, particularly for getting to those deep dive points you mention with ATLA, but gotta start somewhere, right?

      Also I can easily give this go-ahead being one of the mods there. Up to now I’ve hesitated popping into threads like this and pointing people there because I’m not a fan of consolidation, but it’s become apparent some simple meeting area may help to get more niche communities spun off and going.

  • Richard
    241 month ago

    A lab work group, like that one on Reddit. I cannot remember the name and I sure as hell will not go to that damned site, but it was basically full of graduate students and technicians that shared stories from their labs.

      131 month ago

      The labrats subreddit was kinda fun. I’m a chemist, but the chemistry subreddit was overwhelmed by people asking for homework advice, showing off bad caffeine tattoos, and getting upset when they couldn’t talk about drugs or explosives.

  • The Bard in Green
    1 month ago

    I miss weird niche creative silly roleplay reddits like


    r/enlightenedbirdmen / r/madmudmen


    r/nsfwworldbuilding - mostly bees with boobs

    • @lorty@lemmy.mlOP
      111 month ago

      These random communities is something I wish picks up when the lemmyverse grows.

      • @Zorsith
        1 month ago


        TL;DR shitpost sub created alongside r/BirthofaSub

        Oh, and r/BlackMagicFuckery and r/BlackSmithFuckery

    161 month ago

    I miss the nonsexual nudes groups from Reddit, Normalnudes and NakedProgress.

    Also wish the curly hair group here was active.

    It’s ok though, trading off for the smaller community here, it’s still better.

  • Remy Rose
    141 month ago

    I’ve got one! Obscure textile crafts.

    There are knitting/crochet communities of course, but all the super niche ones like ply-split braiding or smocking are too rare to warrant a whole community to themselves. On reddit there was a defunct sub called bistitchual, both for all obscure fibercrafts and for combinations of unrelated fibercrafts in one work. I wish we had it here.

    111 month ago

    Pinball machines and Arcade games. I can’t say I would be the backbone of such a group, but I would enjoy reading the posts from one.

    More Star Trek and Linux communities. “I’ve got a fever, and the only prescription is more [Star Trek and Linux communities]!”

  • @Zorsith
    101 month ago


    91 month ago

    Old School Runescape.

    Also, I’m really confused as to why chess doesn’t have an active community on Lemmy. Online chess has seen a big boom in recent years, and the demographics of chess players and Lemmy users should have a lot of overlap (i.e. the nerdy IT people), but for some reason the chess community here is more or less dead. Only anarchychess is active, which is great, but I’d love to have an active replacement for r/chess.

    81 month ago

    Terrariums. I love miniature things, including tiny ecosystems. There’s a few communities on Lemmy, but they’re mostly inactive, and have a tiny amount of subscribers.

    • jecxjo
      31 month ago

      Oh we need a Jarrarium community too. As well as one to talk about isopods and springtails.