Mexico has such cool religious art that this is just offensively ugly. Even if you don’t like religion the art is pretty cool. This is ugly on the Touchdown Jesus level of ugly.
Oh boy do I have news. God agreed with you and in 2010 “Touchdown Jesus” was struck by lightning and burned down. They replaced it with a more traditional version. Personally I liked the orgional more.
Mexico has such cool religious art that this is just offensively ugly. Even if you don’t like religion the art is pretty cool. This is ugly on the Touchdown Jesus level of ugly.
Oh boy do I have news. God agreed with you and in 2010 “Touchdown Jesus” was struck by lightning and burned down. They replaced it with a more traditional version. Personally I liked the orgional more.
Sadly the original Jesus was destroyed by an act of God.
Offsides/Five Dollar Footlong Jesus just isn’t the same.
Oh well shit I didn’t know. My husband just told me about it years ago.
I thought he was drowning.
That’s a Titan trying to hatch from the Earth.