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This is something I’ll never understand. If I won the lottery tomorrow I’d disappear in a puff of smoke. You wouldn’t catch me dead making a Tweet about it, much less fighting people over random bullshit
It all comes back to “Drama Kids” from school. And I don’t mean people who love to spread drama, but I mean theater kids. They LOOOOVE the spotlight, hence why they went into theater. They crave the attention, and they’re willing to put themselves out there for it regardless.
Oh yeah, those theater kids and their notorious disdain of LGBT and other marginalized groups.
You’re saying you’ve never met or known a theater person who wasn’t a total piece of shit? Because I’ve known a few myself. They’re the star of the show, regardless of what’s going on around them.
That’s what I’m talking about.
I believe the technical term you’re looking for is narcissist, “theater person” is bit of a broader metric.
If anything, theatre person is a narrow metric. There are people who have never stepped a foot in theatre but they’re narcissists.
Well no, I was just making a joke about the stereotype.
So in your ideal world, there are no actors, artists, musicians, public speakers, or any other people whose work involves being in front of an audience? Can’t wait to live in your beige cubical farm of a metropolis.
Because when you have everything the money can buy, you become greedy for attention.
Reminds me of Notch’s late tirades after selling mohjang, dude was clearly bored so picked fights on twitter every week. I’m glad he’s finding purpose again after deleting his account on a dare with another big game design youtuber.
When you have all the money and power of a god all that’s left is being worshipped like one. These people are very mentally sick.
Because once you have a taste of power you want more. She wants to use her position of influence to propagate her beliefs.
I’d be happy to retire to a small cottage on a private lake, but maybe I just haven’t been sufficiently corrupted by power yet.
Honestly this is what I don’t understand about her, especially when her words and attitude go directly against the themes that the books she wrote outlined. For example, Hermione being called slurs like mudblood and the other characters sticking up for her. Hagrid who has to live with himself as part giant and is considered a threat by most of the wizarding world, but those who are close and know him, know that hes a kind hearted person.
In almost every instance where a character has to deal with something about themselves that’s different than the others, the lesson is that everyone should always accept who they are and that they’re valid in being who or what they are.
Instead in real life she just ignores all of this and just acts like a disgusting piece of shit, and you have to wonder how she even wrote these books when she lives her days talking and acting like this.
I find it hillarious that the only Harry Potter actor who defends JK’s bullshit is the guy who played Voldemort…
I understand actors are not the characters they play, but in a cosmic sense, that’s too damn funny.
That’s not true, there’s also Helena Bonham Carter and the now deceased Robbie Coltrane
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Because terfs think assigned sex is the thing to be accepted and not transness. Part of me sorta sees it when I look from a lens that completely ignores my experiences as a trans person and the experiences of every trans person I’ve spoken to. Misogyny is fucking rough, I get thinking people would do anything to avoid dealing with it. Dysphoria would’ve driven me to suicide though so I suck up the misogyny while I fight against it
That’s the thing though - individuals learn to accept individuals as who they are. JKR establishes that there is systemic oppression in the wizarding world (house elf slavery is the big one, but it’s very explicit in the text that there are issues with goblins, centaurs and other magical races) - but does nothing to show that the systems have resolved/improved by the end of the series. Individuals learn lessons, but the system is inflexible.
The way that oppression is solved in the books is always through individual action. Even when the wizarding government is implementing policies harmful to muggle-norms/magical races, it’s portrayed as a bad person being bad because they are bad. Draco/Umbridge/Voldemort are individuals that we identify with the oppression itself, so the problem of dealing with wizard racism becomes the much simpler problem of dealing with The Bad Wizards.
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Becuase then she’d be irrelevant in her own eyes and that’s not acceptable to her
She has a Necrophilia Kink, and she explores it by murdering her own legacy and making out with the corpse.
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Here’s a Neil Gaiman thing to balance things out
I was going to say that’s actually a G K Chesterton quote, but it turns out it’s more complicated than that. Neil Gaiman himself said it was from Chesterton (when quoting it at the start of Coraline), but he wrote it from memory and didn’t double check, so the original is worded differently. At least, that’s how my quick googling claims the paraphrase happened. The misquote is pithier than the original so… is it now a Gaiman quote, even though it originates as an attempted Chesterton quote?
As far as I can tell, the passage he was thinking of was:
Fairy tales do not give the child his first idea of bogey. What fairy tales give the child is his first clear idea of the possible defeat of bogey. The baby has known the dragon intimately ever since he had an imagination. What the fairy tale provides for him is a St. George to kill the dragon.
- G K Chesterton, Tremendous Trifles (1909)
Interestingly, on Gaiman and attribution, he came out with a graphic novel, The Books of Magic, with a main character very similar to Harry Potter. This was 7 years prior to Rowlings publishing the first book. His response to that similarity was equally charitable, chalking it to creators tapping into the same unconscious material. Dude seems to have integrity. I could see another person grousing at the parallels between the two.
Neil Gaiman was close friends with the legendary Terry Pratchett. There’s no doubt he’s a better human being than Joanne.
Wait, if Terry Pratchett is just a legend, who wrote all those Discworld novels??
They probably just manifested in the library one day. That, or they are taken from L-space.
A frisbee
Wizard did it.
Interestingly, on Gaiman and attribution, he came out with a graphic novel, The Books of Magic, with a main character very similar to Harry Potter. This was 7 years prior to Rowlings publishing the first book. His response to that similarity was equally charitable, chalking it to creators tapping into the same unconscious material.
Before either you had Luke Kirby in 2000AD. While it’s debatable whether Rowling would have been reading Vertigo comic books, Gaiman wrote for 2000AD.
Interesting. When I was around 4 years old I suffered from debilitating nightmares to the point of refusing to go to sleep. Coincidentally, this was also when I came into contact with my first games (Amiga 500 at the time, I’m ancient) and somehow that “taught” my mind that you can fight back against the baddies and win. Never suffered from nightmares ever after that point.
This quote always goes hand in hand with that one for me.
Since it is so likely that (children) will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage. Otherwise you are making their destiny not brighter but darker.
C.S. Lewis
JK Rowling can be beaten.
And defeated as well if you want to do that.
She can write pulp
but she can also be pulp
How can I use Lemmy in such a way that I see more Neil Gaiman than JK Rowling? Any tips?
First link didn’t work for me but second link did. Spelling mistake or something?
I think they’re saying “You could start that community, which doesn’t currently exist.”
Oh duh lol 😂
At first I thought a simple find replace would work but then G man would be spouting all sorts of trash. We’d have to inject actual stories from a webscrape. or just ban the word Jk Rowling in the settings idk
My ghetto-rasied white sister-in-law that loves Motown & has worn cornrows, would quite literally beat her into a pulp for saying something this stupid within her reach.
And yes mouthy bigots deserve their ass beat, but go ahead & show the rest of us how you are so “progressive” that you stand up for the absolute worse of humanity.
Seems like a perfectly rational response.
Eye for an eye
I was being sarcastic; its fucking mental to brag about how easily your sister resorts to violence.
You dont think there might be some hyperbole in that claim?
Would that really make it less mental?
Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech.
Yes, It would be less mental because I am suggesting that the person doesn’t necessarily mean it literally. You see sometime people say things that isn’t true for dramatic effect.
Happily we no longer need to wonder as op confirmed this was not hyperbole.
You see sometime people say things that isn’t true for dramatic effect.
An interesting thing to post to someone who declared they were being sarcastic. You know, when I said aomething that wasn’t true for dramatic effect?
Maybe she needs therapy (and no I’m not defending Rowling, she is trash)
Edit: downvoting therapy, upvoting violence. You people would make your parents proud.
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congrats on how high your horse is
Quite ironic way to end a “I’m more woke than thou” comment
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By woke you mean “has basic empathy”
That totally that
Or is it politics when one has empathy for trans people?
You have no idea what I meant or what I believe and I have zero desire to explain anything to you since you assumed a bunch bullshit. Bye, jerk.
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Yes, because she has. Maybe not with the haryy Potter books, but with her posts certainly.
Just because she failed doesn’t mean she wasn’t doing it.
You come off as a troll, but in case others are wondering:
She has, she’s the loudest voice of the anti-trans movement. Here in the UK it led to the murder of a trans teenager (Brianna Ghey) and an attack on a literal toddler by teenagers over the fact the victim had a trans parent. But it’s not just direct violence either but political violence also.
Thanks to JKR, not only is anti-trans bigotry now getting similar protections to religion in court (Forstater case) which rendered workplace protections against bigotry and harassment for trans people moot, but we are seeing mass rollbacks of trans rights gained in the past 20+ years such as (but not limited to): ban on puberty blockers for minors, bans of trans women from women’s hospital wards, bans on discussing the existence of trans people in schools to children under 13, guidance to schools by the government suggesting trans children in unsafe home environments should be outed to their parents and a crackdown on DIY hormone suppliers etc.
In addition proposals include scrapping the 2010 Equality Act’s protections on gender identity and/or the 2004 Gender Recognition Act (or making the latter meaningless), as well as bans or restrictions on medical transition for adults under 25 and suggestions in not only keeping legal but encouraging conversion therapy for trans people amongst many others.
This all against a backdrop of what already was a very hostile environment for trans people 8 years ago when all this started with the right-wing shift, which has now only gotten worse as systemic neglect led to institutional traps of inaccessibility in the UK trans healthcare system that has resulted in several high-profile deaths just in the past two years, all because trans voices have been institutionally silenced in the UK both in the media and government, neither major party or any major media outlet support trans rights etc.
From her direct harassment of trans people (e.g. India Willoughby) to her rhetoric projected to millions comparing trans women to rapists or more recently house burglars, her denial of the fact trans people were targets of the Nazi war crimes, her spreading of misinformation regarding trans healthcare (more recently - who invented it) normalising anti-trans hate to her significant capital backing of the TERF movement which has successfully captured the media and all major political parties in the UK and would be nowhere near as successful without her support - she may not be alone responsible, but she is very much complicit.
There was a moment when my generation of trans people may have been the last to be severely marginalized, in comparison now thanks to her and her pals influence people transitioning today have it much, much worse than those of us who did it 10 years ago.
So when trans people froth at the mouth about punching TERFs, you know why now.
As someone who knows many who are personally affected by this, I believe that If we lived in a world with anything resembling justice, JKR would be paying reparations for the rest of her life for the lives and youths she’s complicit in ruining forever.
Maybe, but I doubt it would really do anything for her. She’s actually not a bad person, but her upbringing means she’s not the least bit concerned about going to jail after whipping a bad person’s ass.
Yeah I am not saying anger issues make someone “bad” I’m just suggesting they can be dealt with better ways than brutalizing another humam
Rights have never been gained through peaceful protest. There has always had to be enough blood spilled to scare the ever living shit out of those in power for us to gain anything at all.
which us is your current us ?
If it’s a fucking bigot, who cares?
There is a reason that millennia of philosophers have been against violence. Same reason people oppose the death penalty. Boils mostly down to: “what if you’re wrong?”
You dont respect my existence, you can expect my resistance.
See also: Talk shit, get hit.
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Seriously why do people describe themselves as awful people then think it’ll convince me they’re rational people with an opinion worth listening to?
I hate how this woman still gets attention. Sigh.
Ragebait and the internet, together forever.
Including here on Lemmy.
It’s why we’re here in this case specifically.
look inside
She bigoted so hard she got the blue sparks
Chait’s response to Rowling’s racist reply to him is exceptional.
A completely normal way to respond to being asked to use folks pronouns…
“You say you use she/her pronouns, but what if I said some dumb racist shit? Check mate un-TERFs!”
It makes me wonder if she says things like, “hello, black person. Is this the line for the post office?”
Wasn’t that a bit in a movie? Maybe the one where the family got locked in a nuclear bunker and thought the apocalypse happened? The dad comes out and says something like “look son! A <Spanish word for the color “black”>”?
Or maybe it was the other way. Yeah…I think it was the adult-child, who lived his whole life in the bunker, that said that.
Sounds like blast from the past, but I haven’t seen it in so long I don’t remember that…
Indeed it was A Blast from the Past
It’s weird that she says
what if I claim to be…
Really missing the point that people ain’t claiming to be anything. It’s what they are.
You can have black ancestry and appear not-black, so this really doesn’t support her argument at all.
She wouldn’t understand a complexity like that.
She seems like the type that would accuse such people of faking it to get special treatment, because they don’t look “black” enough. The right-wing media in Australia were pushing that line for a while (and probably still are).
In such a case, is such a person black?
Now that is a complicated question. There is a “one drop” narrative that extreme supremacists have… but someone who doesn’t look black claiming blackness would definitely get a side eye from a chunk of the black community where even lighter skinned black folks are made aware of the privileges of shade and tone…
So probably both yes and no or the principle of Mu depending on circumstance?
Does it matter?
The real answer is it depends on what box they check when they fill out forms. Presuming they don’t check the “choose not to answer” box. Then there’s simply no way of knowing.
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I agree! She could be big-boned and 17 for all I know. I certainly don’t care. Also, no way she’s the first, the others just couldn’t talk about it because of people like you.
How she went from one of the most beloved authors of all time to this will never cease to amaze me.
She wasn’t so vocal previously; maybe she was the same kind of person back then too, but it wasn’t evident since people were judging her solely based on her work.
It’s long but worth the watch. When you look at the books knowing what we know now, it’s very obvious she’s always been this way
Oh I’ve no doubt that she’s always harbored these views. More that if she’d just kept her mouth shut, she’d still be mostly adored. Like there’d still be some people looking at her with a critical lens, but most wouldn’t care.
Basically, she’s a bigot, and an idiot.
she’s a bigot, and an idiot.
name a more iconic duo.
People will probably study this phenomenon for a long time to come, but people become wildly fanatical when a person in power shares their bigoted views and people in power can’t seem to resist turning it up to 11 because those types of fans make you feel like an absolute god.
Maybe from her POV being famous for writing the books became mundane, but all these people suddenly treating her like she’s a sociopolitical genius probably hits that reward button so well she just can’t stop taking another hit.
Yet another example of Joanne specifically, and reactionaries as a whole having only The One Joke™
It would almost be funny if it wasn’t so damn frustrating.
JK Rowling being deplorable aside, every time I see someone getting “s l a m m e d” in a headline I feel myself age a week.
It makes me think of the awful time when Australian news became obsessed with “shirtfronted”. Shit like this makes a little piece of my brain die every time I remember it.
Never heard this one but I love it. I’m sure it gets old after the 100th time or so.
it’s just such a pathetically juvenile way to describe politics. “mr big punches women in face man going to tackle mr hires assassins brutal dictator of maybe the third most powerful country in the world man”. Uh huh, I bet he is. As we all know politics is about how much testosterone you can smear from your glands on each other while wrestling and not a largely redundant performing into being of relationships between people orchestrated by thousands.
Just as a reminder: Bigoted trolling is a one-way ticket to Bansville.
That is all.
what about trolling bigots?
Oh, trolling the bigots is always allowed.
so troll Rowling? ok.
“jk, trolling”
🎵 Keep trolling trolling Rowling 🎵
She’s so close to getting it, that gender is as much of a bullshit category as race is.
Frustrating to see someone understanding partially but not making the final leap to connect it.People like that understand exactly as much as they want to understand in order to further their ideological goal.
…implying that she believes in Blood Quantum as well. Yikes.
Trans people, PoC… she was having a go at disabled people in her last book as well. I think maybe trolling has an addictive component and they have to reach further and further to get the same adrenaline hit.
What’s Blood Quantum? Also, that would’ve been a sick name for 007 movie.
Blood quantum laws were originally laws made by colonizers in the US deciding who got to be Indigenous based on the percentage of “Indian blood” they have - colonial era Australia did the same thing to Aboriginal people. Slavery-era classifications like “octaroon” are another example.
I was using it more broadly here to mean the essentialist belief that ethnicity is dna-based.
Blood Quantum is also a horror movie :-)
Honestly race is a social construct formed initially out of ethnicity in a very similar way to gender being a social construct formed initially out of sex. I don’t think most people would be offended by someone whose cultural behavior matched that of a race not normally associated with their ethnicity, as long as it was genuine and not done simply to appropriate another culture.
Like, if a white kid is raised around a lot of Jamaican immigrants, falls in love with reggae, and becomes a Canadian reggae sensation, we aren’t gonna say that he’s black (because he isn’t), but we also aren’t gonna say that Snow is appropriating Jamaican culture.
I guess it could be an interesting question for a more open future society, whether “trans-racial” identity could eventually be something we could identify and accept.
But of course TERFy bitch J.K. Rowling isn’t asking this question in good faith, she’s trying to be edgy and punch down, like she’s constantly doing these days. So, no J.K. Rowling. Fuck off.
I’m white but grew up in Latin America. Nobody cares if I act Latino in Latin American contexts but if I do with a bunch of white people who don’t know me it can be weird. Also there’s the whole “racially self deprecating latino humor” area that I just kinda try to steer out of generally because nope…
I get that. White people carry so much guilt that we sort of knee-jerk about racial stuff.
I remember in high school I was talking about one of my co-workers, whom I described as “Mexican.” I was told by some of my well-meaning but extremely white classmates, “Don’t call him that, that’s offensive. You should say Hispanic. You don’t know where he’s from.”
I said, “Yes I do. His name is Juan, he’s from Mexico, and he’s Mexican. I know that because I talk to him. He was a police officer there, and decided to get out when he was shot three times. He came to the US and he works in a kitchen here.”
There is an episode of 30 Rock where Tina Fey’s character asks Selma Hayek’s character (the character is Puerto Rican) what she should call her. She says, “A Puerto Rican.”
Tina Fey’s character says, “I know you can say that, but what do I say?”
“That does not sound right…”
It’s my understanding that black Latinos feel the same way that you do. People look at you like you’re crazy when you call Sammy Davis, Jr. Latino despite that he always made sure everyone knew he was Puerto Rican. He used to regularly call himself “the only black, Puerto Rican, one-eyed, Jewish entertainer in the world.”
Edit: Apparently, Sammy was actually Afro-Cuban, but he called himself Puerto Rican because he was worried about anti-Cuban sentiment. TIL.
Or to make it more modern for the kids today- telling a lot of people that Zoe Saldana is Latina doesn’t click with them because she’s black. Even if you tell them her parents were from Cuba. Even though her last name is fucking Saldana.
There’s certainly an argument there I think. My glow in the dark ass is not the one to make it though 🤣