5% worldwide? It absolutely matters where you live. Look at progressive countries and you will see that it is not that low a percentage when people actually make an effort: https://www.scb.se/en/finding-statistics/statistics-by-subject-area/environment/waste/waste-packaging/pong/tables-and-graphs/recycling-targets/
None of this knowledge is a reason to not use recycling when it is available. When you have a waste bin and a recycling bin and just put plastics in the waste, that’s a douche move.
Or, you know, someone in need nearby. There are homeless people eating out of garbage and families using food banks everywhere. But then you’d also look like an asshole for just giving them a bunch of crusts instead of a whole slice.
How about just not buying more food than you can eat? Or save a couple of slices for the next day? Or give someone else a slice before you fill up on the inner circle of your plate of food?