I’d think if it was related to initialization then the else statement wouldn’t result in the display staying off as you mentioned in the post though. Either way, glad you figured it out and it’s doing what you want it to now.
I’d think if it was related to initialization then the else statement wouldn’t result in the display staying off as you mentioned in the post though. Either way, glad you figured it out and it’s doing what you want it to now.
It’s been a while since I’ve done Python so I might be hazy on my syntax but that code reads to me like the if statement is only applying to the print immediately below. Especially with what you’re saying of it working properly adding that basically empty else case.
So like if I were to add some imaginary grouping, instead of
if power != None: {
print(power) # this is just to test
You’re getting
if power != None: {
print(power) # this is just to test
And the mylcd.backlight(power) statement is running regardless of the state of the power variable? Again it’s been a few years since I’ve done Python so I might be misremembering the syntax rules. But that’s how it’s reading to me.
I might be wrong in this. My understanding is that it is flammable, but not when it’s “solid” if that makes sense. That a fire would have to be on it and burning hot enough for long enough to start melting the tar then that could burn. But the asphalt itself isn’t likely to just catch fire from a lighting strike or something and just continue to burn.
Nah I’ve definitely done a quick heel-toe walk across an area to get a ballpark of distance. Along with basically any other body part I could reasonably use to measure something when I don’t have a tape measure on me at that moment.
I’ve also previously measured and I know that for example my bare foot is about 11 inches long heel to toe and that my shoe makes it about 12. I could do exactly the same thing with metric.
Obligatory The Only Moral Abortion is my Abortion
Most of the prominent right wing personalities are failed Hollywood types. Ben Shapiro wanted to be a screenwriter, Michael Knowles had a failed acting career, Crowder tried to do stand up in addition to the voice work in Arthur being discussed here. Seriously, SO MANY OF THEM have some kind of failed entertainment career prior to their ascent to right wing talking heads.
The wildest thing to me is realizing that while many of these people are entirely just in the pocket of the donor class. A lot of them genuinely believe that they can just tinker around the edges and things will just magically get better over time. And that this fact makes it okay for them to enrich themselves because all they need to be is a faithful steward of the institutions because inevitably the moral arc of history bends toward Justice.
That’s what I do. I’ve got absolutely nothing against probably most of the people I’ve blocked. Just at a certain point if I see the same account over and over posting stuff I don’t really vibe with I’ll block them and just let the ones that do enjoy that stuff have at it.
Side note: I especially love the ones that will like rage comment in places like YT/TikTok on “woke” stuff for example then cry that the algorithm keeps showing them more like it. Like… My Brother in Christ, you made the sandwich.
Your “resources” were one opinion piece in an Australian tabloid and two complete non sequitur links about the opioid crisis. Are there pill mills giving stimulants to anyone with a pulse? Sure. Doesn’t take away from the efficacy of the medications. And it certainly doesn’t mean that the advances in actually diagnosing a disorder is secretly an evil pharmaceutical cabal out to get kids hooked on speed. Gtfo
Cool story bro. Just say you don’t believe that ADHD is real and we’re all just addicts. You’ve clearly already made up your mind and you’re cherry picking your sources to match your priors. There’s not a damn thing I or anyone else is gonna say that is going to make you see that medication is an effective treatment option though it doesn’t work for everyone.
You can get good grades and still constantly get called lazy, be berated for not applying yourself more. Constantly wondering why no matter how hard you try to still somehow don’t do any better than if you make no effort at all but whatever you still get good grades. Who cares if you leave all your assignments for the last minute and then finish them all in a panic the night before they’re due. Or if you just crutch on way too many energy drinks because they’re effectively the same thing as medication only way worse for you health wise because you have no concept of the fact that the reason you like them so much is they make your symptoms more manageable.
Also, you know that stimulants aren’t the only treatment someone with ADHD gets right? When you know there’s a problem that isn’t just “you’re lazy” you can learn coping strategies that are worthless to people without ADHD and therefore nothing you’ll get yelled at to do by the adults in your life.
That statement isn’t about the unpasteurized milk, it’s about being anti-establishment. If I had to guess, I’d say the idea is to say “both these groups are anti-establishment, now let me show you how crazy the raw milk thing on this side is so you’ll implicitly think the other group is a bunch of weirdos too.”
Another fantastic bit was insurance made us apply for SSI for our oldest son again recently. He qualified medically before but we made too much money with my wife’s disability benefit. I guess they changed those resource calculations a bit because he got approved this time.
Anyway the payments started and the change in income triggered our income based rent to go up and our SNAP benefit to go down which together amounted to all but like 32 dollars of what they’re giving him in SSI. At least NY isn’t as restrictive about assets for people on SSI than some other states are.
I’m medically disabled enough to get benefits but because of when my disability occurred I hadn’t worked enough time to actually get benefits. I also can’t get SSI because we make too much money from my wife’s benefits.
I had to Google it myself. It’s apparently a psych term to refer to trauma one might carry relating to the loss or otherwise lack of care, nurturing, or affection from a mother.
I guess it’s psych speak for “Mommy issues” from what I’m reading?
I feel like that’s probably the most likely scenario yeah. She might not have even known she was trans when she joined it. Getting closer to the other girls might have been the thing that helped her realize she didn’t want to just be part of the cheer squad she actually wanted to be one of the girls.
They would love and I mean LOVE legal precedent saying undocumented immigrants weren’t subject to US jurisdiction. Having them be literal Outlaws that can just be killed on sight because they are not protected by law anymore.
According to the Wikipedia page the phonetics would be [ˈblôːhaj]
Or as one of my twins says it “Hello hi”