The position as an at-large delegate for the Florida Republican Party will be the highest-profile political role thus far for Barron, former President Donald Trump’s youngest son.

It will soon be Barron Trump’s time to step into the political spotlight.

Trump, former President Donald Trump’s youngest child, who will graduate from high school next week and has largely been kept out of the political spotlight, was picked by the Republican Party of Florida on Wednesday night as one of the state’s at-large delegates to the Republican National Convention, according to a list of delegates obtained by NBC News.

In a family full of politically involved children, Barron Trump, who turned 18 in March, has retained much more of a private life than his older brothers, Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr., both of whom will also be Florida at-large RNC delegates, along with Trump’s daughter Tiffany.

    1782 months ago

    “We have a great delegation of grassroots leaders, elected officials and even Trump family members,” Florida GOP chairman Evan Power said.

    This is absolutely disgusting. What a bunch of cucks.

    Your founding fathers would be sick.

    • Snot Flickerman
      2 months ago

      Your founding fathers would be sick.

      No, actually I’m pretty sure the guys who only wanted white, land-owning men to vote would probably be okay with this.

      I mean, they purposefully designed this system to be broken and easily corruptible to begin with. Many of them owned slaves and had zero issues with slave ownership. Pretty sure Jefferson fucked a bunch of his slaves and had kids with them that grew up as slaves, too.

      Let’s stop pretending they didn’t know what they were doing. They knew exactly what they were doing. This system was set up like this on purpose.

      This land was populated by people who “escaped” Europe because of “religious persecution” which actually meant Europe was getting all progressive and deeply philosophical so you couldn’t just shove your bullshit religion down other people’s throats anymore with impunity.

      Are we really shocked this is the very kind of people who populate the USA today? Let’s stop pretending the founding fathers were any better, or that they didn’t make the constitution easily corruptible on purpose so they could hold on to their positions in society.

      The reverence we give for these mere mortal men, who were as corruptible as any, is fucking absurd. Stop placing these dickweeds on a pedestal.

      • jwiggler
        522 months ago

        Not that I don’t agree with the general sentiment, or want to condone slave-owning in any way, but Thomas Jefferson only had children with one of his slaves, and from the historical record it appears to have been a consensual romantic relationship, insofar as one can have one with such a vast power difference (you cannot, really). He did oppose slavery privately, however he owned slaves, himself. Although, again from the record, it appears that they were more a part of his household, and treated (relatively) well, rather than how we typically imagine slaves in the South. Again, still not right, but compared to his contemporaries, you would call Jefferson a good owner. Still fucked up to say. A further disappointing fact is that, despite the fact that he deemed slavery reprehensible, he also deemed it to be political suicide to try to change the status quo. He brought the issue up a few times during his very long political career, but quickly abandoned the efforts. Additionally troubling is that, like many other in opposition to slavery at the time, he thought the solution was to ship black people to an island in the Caribbean so that they could form their own nation. This was not an uncommon opinion during that era – I believe even Lincoln bought into this “solution,” at one point. Also fucked up, but somehow better than the at-the-time alternative of continuing slavery.

        Anyways, I don’t mean to undermine your point that many of the individuals who established this country did so with the idea that black and brown people, women, and the lower-class, were less-than, and established it in such a way that made it difficult or impossible for them to participate. However, I think your specific examples aren’t super accurate, and since I just read a pretty fair biography of Jefferson recently called Jefferson: Architect of American Liberty by John B Boles, I figured I would chime in. Really interesting and very much puts a great (in terms of historical stature) and flawed (in terms of our modern sense of morals) man in the context of his time and place.

              • norbert
                142 months ago

                When children are talking about world politics do you get down on your knees and listen to their simple, half-understood analysis or do you say “thats nice, now go do your homework.”

          • Snot Flickerman
            2 months ago

            The amount of mental gymnastics people will do to suck off the image of dead dudes from 200 years ago who designed a dogshit system is too god damned high.

            Like, what do you get out of sucking off dead dudes?

              432 months ago

              I thought they did a decent job of providing historical context while refraining from condoning Jefferson’s actions.

                2 months ago

                I personally feel you have him too much leniency. My first thought was to get angry because we constantly defy the founding men of the US (in not calling them fathers) and the idea of treating his slaves well and romantically dating a slave are the same talking points confederate apologists use.

                I know you pointed this out in your original comment but the only way you can treat a slave well is to free them and you can’t have consensual sex with someone considered your property.

                Considering Jefferson considered slavery morally questionable and deciding it was a necessary evil because of the political consequences (while making money off of slavery) he was either a hypocrite or a coward. Especially since John Adams was an abolitionist.

                Jefferson was a slaver regardless of his thoughts on it at the end of the day. Let’s call a spade a spade

            • jwiggler
              2 months ago

              I’m not really doing any mental gymnastics, nor am I sucking him off. I’m just pointing out that you weren’t historically accurate in your comment, despite the sentiment being correct. I also happen to think that history is interesting (despite most of it being about rich white men – lots of credit to People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn) and that its important not to always paint over it with a wide brush soaked with our own modern sense of ethics and politics.

              Edit: Also, I’m literally a socialist. You could be less reductive.

              • Snot Flickerman
                42 months ago

                Sorry I read it and came to a different conclusion than you. I guess it’s not a shocker this place is also full of conservatives that just want people who disagree with them to “just shut up.”

                • Bipta
                  2 months ago

                  You should just pack up and go home if you’re going to call Fediverse conservative. It’s the furthest thing from it.

                  62 months ago

                  Calling this place full of conservatives is one of the most laughably stupid things I’ve read all week. One of my biggest issues with Lemmy is how I rarely see differing viewpoints, since it’s mostly liberals here. The biggest differences in opinions is how liberal are the viewpoints. Hell, the person you’re arguing with basically agrees with you and is just saying there is nuance and context to looking at history.

            • Bipta
              52 months ago

              You know how we can’t fix the system today because no one agrees?

              Yeah… they had the same problem then. That’s why the system sucks. Learn some history ffs.

            2 months ago

            Are you vegan? Because with the lab grown meat tech we have now, future generations are going to say shit like “HE ONLY MASS MURDERED ONE TYPE OF ANIMAL BECAUSE HE LIKED THE TASTE”

          52 months ago

          Can we stop pretending the world in the past had the same knowledge, ethics, and standards as we do now? Everyone is a product of their time, even us, and if we are successful in making the world a better place, future generations are going to judge the fuck out of us for things we think are normal right now, that are atrocious in the future, the way people now judge past historical figures

        • LustyArgonianMana
          2 months ago

          His slave, Sally, also almost freed herself in France and he convinced her not to (I think she was 16 or 17 by then?). The relationship couldnt have been consensual not only because she (& her whole family) was literally owned by him, but also because she was significantly younger/a minor. He kept his own children with her enslaved during his life. That he did this for political reasons isn’t a good or acceptable look. Being a slave isn’t a chill situation. Back then, we knew people killed themselves rather than be a slave. People knew then how harmful it was. Can’t believe you’re defending that relationship at any level.

          • jwiggler
            2 months ago

            I mean, it’s not defendable on any level, except that the prevailing notion of the time was that black people were inferior to whites. Obviously that doesn’t make it right, and by today’s standards Thomas Jefferson is a monster.

            I’m not trying to defend Jefferson as being a good person, but expound upon the (what I consider) false assertion that Jefferson had no issue with slavery whatsoever (from his private letters, he held views against slavery) and that he fucked a bunch of his slaves. I agree with the point of the individual above that the US was built by white men for white men. But, as I said earlier, if you’re going to invoke history in your argument, it’s best to do it with some level of accuracy.

            Since I recently read that John B Bole’s biography on Jefferson, I figured I’d chime in. The biography tries hard to put Jefferson in his time and place, establishes him as somewhat of a renaissance man (which, again, shouldn’t be praised much due to his privilege and use of slave labor on his projects), and also highlights out his hypocrisy and disappointing refusal to support anti-slavery movement publicly.

            • LustyArgonianMana
              2 months ago

              You should double check usernames. I never stated those things.

              I have been to Monticello. I know quite a bit about Jefferson myself. It would also behoove you to think about whether what you read contained any propaganda or attempts to sanitizes this country’s history by making Jefferson appear better.

              Back in even Columbus’s times, there were people who staunchly disagreed with slavery. Which also existed for natives, including the Taino. Antonio de Montesinos and Bartolomé de las Casas (both wrote extensively about how bad slavery was) were alive 200 years before Jefferson and the latter was extremely well known especially in the academic circles Jefferson was in.

              For perspective, 200 years ago would be when Mexico signed their constitution. 200 years is a long time ago in terms of collective consciousness. He knew it was wrong, he just benefitted from it so he was fine with it. Which is like, the entire basis for morals and ethics.

              • jwiggler
                2 months ago

                I didn’t say you stated them. The person above did – the person I originally responded to. When I say “If you’re going to invoke history…” I mean, “If a person is going to invoke history.” Maybe I should have been clearer there.

                I personally don’t believe Boles sanitized Jefferson’s biography. Again, I think he did a good job of outlining his life without letting him off the hook. It’s cool you’ve been to Monticello, and that you know about Jefferson. But if a person is looking for a fair depiction of Jefferson, is that really the place to go? I mean, certainly slaves were the ones who built up that place. I’ve never been, so I can’t say for sure that they (the curators) don’t condemn Jefferson in the way that you’d like, so doesn’t that point kind of undermine your argument? Hey, I’ve never been, so I don’t know. I’d guess Monticello is just as likely or more to have sanitized Jefferson’s life than Boles’ book.

                And sure, there were people that opposed slavery centuries before Jefferson. But I’d wager to guess they were in the minority (ie, not the prevailing notion) considering there was an entire industry revolving around the slave trade during Jefferson’s time, consisting of more than just two individuals.

                Edit: Sorry, this doesnt really cover your entire comment because of your edits, but yeah I think the general jist is that we disagree about the level of Jefferson’s “alrightness” with slavery. I mean, yeah he’s totally a hypocrite, and you could argue it makes him worse that he acknowledge slavery was wrong, but still perpetuated it. I’m hesitant to do that, because of the time and place that he lived.

                I’d very very VERY softly compare it to the fact that today, we know Nike has bad labor practices. Am I going to condemn everyone I know who wears a Nike product? Probably not.

                • LustyArgonianMana
                  2 months ago

                  Where we disagree is the “because of the time and place he lived, it’s okay he had slaves.” Also having separate private/public opinions makes him a coward, not a radical.

                  With your Nike analogy - 1) it’s no where near the level of evil of slavery 2) I do condemn people who own shitty companies, eg blackrock 3) plenty of people during that time wore cotton and other products made with slave labor, and many today still do so. I’m not condemning the consumer. I’m condemning the owner, who had extreme power politically to end slavery. I’m condemning Jefferson, a coward rapist.

        242 months ago

        While I agree, I also see the other guys POV…the Founding Fathers wanting to break from kings and royal lines, while Trump&Fam look like their doing their best to start a royal family of America (I’ll be damned before that ever happens)

        • Snot Flickerman
          2 months ago

          the Founding Fathers wanting to break from kings and royal lines

          They wanted to keep aristocracy, they just wanted it to be rich men, but not to strictly have a “king.”

          They wanted their cake and to eat it, too.

          They’re not good people for wanting to take power from the king so they could have it for themselves and keep it from everyone else.

          Women’s suffrage and civil rights for minorities were hard fought for in a system that didn’t and still doesn’t want them to have those rights. These things were literally fought for not at the ballot box, but in the fucking streets (black liberation literally took a fucking civil war). Tell me how that jives with “no kings.”

          I’m sick as living fuck of these power hungry dickweeds being presented as “good” because “they wanted no kings,” no they just wanted an equally convoluted system that amounts to the same fucking thing, but just for the chosen in-group, because the chosen in-group wrote the fucking founding documents. One king or two hundred kings makes no difference, if the system treats power differently, (and it always has) the system is broken to begin with and treats those with power as though power alone deserves deference. Sounds like the same shit to me, just distributed over a slightly larger group of people.

          In other words “That’s just having a King with extra steps.”

            172 months ago

            That’s why they called it a “more perfect” union. They knew it was flawed which is why they gave us the ability to improve the system.

            The fact that we haven’t isn’t on them it’s on us.

            • Snot Flickerman
              2 months ago

              Yeah I don’t think being unable to fight against a system designed to be anti-democratic (like the Senate and the Electoral College, both anti-democratic institutions) is on us, buddy. But you do you and keep making excuses for violent, misogynistic, aristocracy-preserving, rapist dead men.

              There is a direct line from them to Trump, if you can’t see it you’re naive or don’t want to see it.

              • Bipta
                92 months ago

                We’d literally still be under a king without them. You should see a doctor about that myopia.

                • Snot Flickerman
                  2 months ago

                  I’ve voted Democrat straight ticket for 25 fucking years. What has it gotten me, chucklefuck?

                  Those anti-democratic institutions still exist and we literally have conservative states just choosing to ignore Federal law now. But what do I know, I guess I’m not voting hard enough.

                32 months ago

                The electoral college system was actually designed to PREVENT people like Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump from getting elected. But it failed spectacularly and instead was the cause of this neofascist getting elected.

      • themeatbridge
        102 months ago

        I think another important consideration is that the founding fathers were no more unified than today’s political leaders. We talk about how divisive the tone of discourse has become, but those old guys knew how to sling mud. They had intense disagreements about how to build the country, and no single design or designer had enough influence to get exactly what he wanted. When people start a sentence like “The founding fathers never wanted…” some probably did. They imagined all kinds of scenarios and eventualities. Some of them were fascists, some of them were abolitionists, some of them were hedonists, some of them were religious zealots. There weren’t many issues where all of the founders were of one mind, if any existed.

    742 months ago

    He had the chance to be left alone and most everyone out there was honoring that because he was a kid and wasn’t involved in politics…. Hope he realizes what he’s about to open himself up to.

      252 months ago

      Yeah, he’s fair game now. He could have been like that one Trump daughter whose name I forget because she’s entirely out of the spotlight, but no, he wants to join the family grift.

      • LustyArgonianMana
        32 months ago

        Tiffany is politically involved too, she just has less hideous beliefs so no one criticizes her

      2 months ago

      Hope he realizes what he’s about to open himself up to.

      He has set himself up for ridicule for the rest of his life now. Historians have ranked Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump as the worst president in US history. And they will still rank him as worst president 50 years from now when Barron is 68, and the first thing any student learns about Trump is that he tried to overthrow democracy.

      [Historians rank Trump worst president in history]

    • Snot Flickerman
      2 months ago

      Conservatism literally began as an attempt to “conserve” aristocracy in the face of democracy.

      So you stop conservatism, you stop aristocracy.

    372 months ago

    I wonder how often they think “Man, I could’ve just been a normal rich snobby person doing whatever I want, and instead I get this…”

      142 months ago

      They probably see the actual value of assets, and realize that unless they start in the grift they won’t have anything when the head inevitably kicks the bucket.

  • edric
    132 months ago

    Damn, he resembles his father more than any of his siblings.

      142 months ago

      That’s just because of all the surgery Ivanka has had. She looked like him like 30 years ago. Barron looks like if you uploaded pictures of Melania and Donald to one of those programs that would tell you what your child together would look like. I have hope yet that Barron is capable of not being a piece of shit. He’ll get no hate from me until he deserves it, and honestly with parents like his I feel like I can give him a few passes while he’s maybe too young to know better than to just do what he’s been taught. I want so badly for him to be decent against all odds.

      • neoman4426
        232 months ago

        Like zero percent chance of this happening, but imagine the hilarity if he used this platform to just absolutely wreck the proven pieces of shit that make up the rest of his family

        • prole
          82 months ago

          His dad would throw him under the bus without a second thought.

        52 months ago

        If he runs as a republican I doubt he’ll be any better. Anyone with half a brain and no eyes can see what they actually stand for. Also, now that he’s of age and willingly stepping into the spotlight he’s fair game to shit on.

          42 months ago

          100% fair. I’m just saying that I don’t think it’s fair to punish a son for the sins of his father.

        12 months ago

        Yeah, you called a trust-fund kid “poor”.

        He gets more in weekly allowance doing nothing than I make in a year.

    102 months ago

    It’s so worrying to see that our kids and their kids will have to deal with that little piece of shit. My only hope is the belief that every man is different as I was from my father. So as much as he looks like a concerned asshole in this photo, it could be just a facial expression fixed there for us. I’ve got photos of my family looking dumb, with one eye open or both closed, fixing the kids clothing, etc. And then finally the actual photo with a fake smile that is only there when I photo is coming. If you chase emotional facial expressions with a photo, you can get asshole looking expressions I’m sure.