• @otp@sh.itjust.works
      402 months ago

      I would say there’s a distinction.

      “I want more” is different from “I don’t want to share”.

      • geogle
        252 months ago

        The American heritage dictionary definition 1: ^ An excessive desire to acquire or possess more than what one needs or deserves, especially with respect to material wealth.

        Seems that both fall squarely within the definition of greed.

        • @otp@sh.itjust.works
          72 months ago

          If the other commenter’s point is that “struggling with generosity” is just another way to say “greed”, then I think that’s overly reductionist

          • @ElderWendigo@sh.itjust.works
            22 months ago

            Obviously, but not overly unless you’re being intentionally obtuse. Making abstract statements kinda requires reducing them to an common element, theme, or dimension. That’s what abstraction and syllogism are all about.

          • @Resonosity@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            Friendly reminder that a website like OneLook.com compiles dictionaries and thesauruses from all of the major, reputable sources, including the American Heritage Dictionary and Merriam-Webster.

      • @SLVRDRGN@lemmy.world
        12 months ago

        Well the definition of greed is:

        intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.

        Both “I want more” and “I don’t want to share” are a type of greed. Even if the definition is more like needs more of something, not wanting to share feels like a form of needing more time than you need with an object. At least that’s how I’m looking at it.

        • @Kyrgizion@lemmy.world
          22 months ago

          True. I guess I’m guilty of “I want more” as much as the next guy. But I don’t suffer from the “I don’t want to share” part. If everyone gets more, we all rise up. A good tide lifts all ships.

  • @tsonfeir@lemm.ee
    682 months ago

    Friend making $450k as a software engineer

    I’m a software developer. If I just start calling myself an engineer, can I have 450k?

    • @cbarrick@lemmy.world
      132 months ago

      Are you a senior or staff software engineer for a multinational tech company in the Bay Area or NYC?

      $450k is typical in that case.

      • Fire Witch
        2 months ago

        Seniors are usually pulling around $200k in NYC, plus stock worth around $100k. Still crazy high, but not nearly $450k unless they’ve been there for a very long time, and the high CoL makes it worth about half of that.

        Staff engineers, as in those who write 4 lines of code a year, are closer to $450k

        • @evatronic@lemm.ee
          122 months ago

          Staff engineers get paid the big bucks to spend all day in meetings so the rest of us don’t have to.

          Worth it.

          • I Cast Fist
            12 months ago

            Hello, I’d like to apply to be staff engineer, I will even accept a lower salary if I can call the client/user a dumbass for contradicting themselves during the meeting

          • Fire Witch
            2 months ago

            Yeah, that’s net including ~$100k of stock distributed over 4 years. The base starting is around $130k for a low level SWE. As the years to by, the base salary goes up to a little over $200k for seniors, but the stock refreshes aren’t usually as large as the initial.

            Of course, it also depends on how the company is doing as a whole. Lately Googs has been struggling and laying off people.

    • @wwaxen@lemmy.world
      62 months ago

      Check the law where you live. Engineer is in many places a restricted profession like lawyer or doctor.

      • @cbarrick@lemmy.world
        132 months ago

        It’s not restricted in the US.

        If the person is calling themselves a “software developer” instead of a “software engineer” then they almost certainly live some place where “engineer” is a restricted term.

        • @theneverfox@pawb.social
          62 months ago

          No, software developer isn’t a fallback term for software engineer, they have slightly different implications. They’re all very loosely defined so they’re almost interchangeable

          • @cbarrick@lemmy.world
            52 months ago

            Really? Do you know of a company that has both developers and engineers where the distinction is not location?

            Where I work, we have both, but it’s purely a location thing. In the American offices we’re called “engineers”, yet my coworkers in Canada are called “developers” despite doing the exact same work. We don’t have “developers” in the US.

            • @theneverfox@pawb.social
              32 months ago

              It’s usually one or the other. It just doesn’t matter which one

              At my first job I was on a contract as a software engineer I with the job title junior developer, because that’s just how the titles mapped

      • @tsonfeir@lemm.ee
        22 months ago

        [serious] There is medication that can help regulate your flood of emotions that cause you to lash out at people.

        Also, I’m not sure comparing a joke about the term “engineer” to a Nazi-Defector is really appropriate. If your intention was humor, you might want to reevaluate that joke.

  • @RememberTheApollo_@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    There was a program many years back that discussed this issue. It showed two kids, young girls, one was fairly well off and had all the things you’d expect a young girl to have and some to spare. The other was a young girl living in an impoverished nation and had a very poor family. Think tin roof on adobe walls kind of poor. She had a single stuffed animal that was in dubious shape handed down from child to child. The well-off girl had a small army of stuffed animals.

    Point of the segment in the program was how difficult it was for the well off girl to share anything and how possessive she was for her material things, whereas the little girl that had very few things was willing to share her one stuffed animal quite willingly.

    Wish I could remember the show. But it demonstrated quite handily that even at a young age people who had more, wanted more, and were unwilling to part with even small things vs the people who had very little.

    • I Cast Fist
      62 months ago

      Seems like a vicious cycle with the wealthier people. Since they can buy anything their kids need, there’s no need to learn to share. It’s all “yours” or “mine”, nothing ever “ours”.

  • @some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
    342 months ago

    “If someone does the small-dollar Venmo, it means they don’t feel good,” Bradley says.

    So many thoughts after reading this article.

    The first is a former partner. We both grew up in families with more than most. She always wanted to make sure we shared all costs (shared Ubers, dinners, etc). I was of the mindset that we each cover things case by case. I’ll get this one, you get the next one; it’ll more or less balance out. If it feels like I’m disproportionately covering more than my share, I’ll let you know. She couldn’t think that way.

    Further: she’d never had a job and was about to earn her doctorate in psychology. She would later counsel people who would inevitably bring money concerns to her with no experience in any job other than being a fucking doctor. What the eff, I thought. I’ve worked in a factory, in a restaurant, in retail… Sure, I also later worked at one of the FAANG companies as an engineer and currently work supporting a VIP at a huge agency. But I’ve been broke and desperate at times even if I could call upon family if things were so bad that I couldn’t manage. Most aren’t so lucky. How would she ever have any perspective?

    Finally, I don’t let anyone know my monetary status. Sure, you can figure out that I’m doing ok by the new but modest car that I drive, the apartment I rent, or my home theatre system. But I continue to think of myself as a commoner because I don’t have the sort of wealth that lets me purchase favors like the truly wealthy can and do. I live comfortably, not in luxury. I can’t imagine being so well off that I couldn’t spare a few bucks for a friend without keeping track.

    I think the statement that I quoted above probably rings true, but there’s likely a lot more to it. I think it represents a sense of guilt over having more than others and internally recognizing that it’s unfair but not having the ability to square it.

  • @Grass@sh.itjust.works
    332 months ago

    I had to read a bit to understand what this meant because I didn’t know what venmo was, but I have seen people change from being weirdly generous to making more money and fairly quickly becoming irritatingly stingy to the point of nitpicking the rounding when pennies were discontinued.

    • @SupraMario@lemmy.world
      202 months ago

      You sure they’re making more money and not just trying to look like they are while balancing a fuck ton of debt? I know people like this. Appearances are everything to them.

    • Flying Squid
      72 months ago

      I didn’t know what it was either. If someone wanted me to send them money remotely, I’d probably use Google Pay or PayPal or something. Hooray for being out of touch with the world today!

      • @whoreticulture
        42 months ago

        I’ve been using Venmo for like, 10 years? I would laugh out loud if someone asked me to PayPal them back for dinner.

          • @whoreticulture
            12 months ago

            It’s not about that, it’s more that nobody uses PayPal in a casual social setting. It’s like writing a check at the bar.

      • @ZeroTwo@lemmy.world
        32 months ago

        A huge reason I don’t use venmo is because it just feels like Facebook Banking. I don’t need status updates on money my friends are receiving or sending to other people nor do I want other people to know what I do with my money. That shit was so weird to me.

        • @Alexstarfire@lemmy.world
          52 months ago

          IDK why people make their transactions public. I changed my default to private for that very reason. I don’t give a shot what other people are doing and no one needs to know what I’m doing either.

  • @Got_Bent@lemmy.world
    312 months ago

    One of the many reasons that I don’t have venmo or any other form of transfer app is so people can’t send me some nominal sum of money.

    I’m not rich, but definitely one of the higher earners at my job. I don’t want some person making less than half what I do worrying about a slice of pizza or a cup of coffee.

    To note: This is also not something I gloat over or continuously remind people of or any such thing. I’m just happy to have the resources to be able to bring the smallest smidgen of “make your day a little less shitty”

      • @Soggy@lemmy.world
        22 months ago

        “I’ll get cash to you later”

        If they need the money immediately and/or digitally they shouldn’t have put it all on their card without discussion.

    • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
      282 months ago

      One time I was sitting in coffee shop doing some work. There was a group of college girls who sat down right next to me and started talking loudly. Not a big deal, I’m used to the coffee shop being loud and working with other people talking.

      But, of course, I can’t help but overhear their whole conversation.

      They start off on racism. It’s amazing to all of them that people would pass judgment on people because of their race. How foolish! Why would you generalize a whole group of people like that? Just pure ignorance.

      And then, in a perfectly smooth transition, they started talking about zodiac signs and how, well, one time I dated a Sagittarius, but never again! They are the worst. And they all started agreeing that you could really judge people based on their sign, although there was some disagreement as to how you could generalize certain signs. Because, well, I dated an Aries one time and he was actually fantastic and not impulsive or quick-tempered at all, so I’m not sure it’s a core part of the sign.

      I’m often reminded of absurdity of this conversation here on lemmy when people start generalizing rich people. Thanks. It’s a fond memory for me.

      • @whoreticulture
        52 months ago

        What, you can’t figure out the difference between someone hoarding money, and someone being born under a particular stat sign?

        • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
          62 months ago

          No, I can. I also know a lot of rich people and a lot of poor people and understand that they are all individual people and it’s stupid to generalize them. Maybe not quite as dumb as generalizing people based on their sign, but pretty damn close.

          • @dutchkimble@lemy.lol
            42 months ago

            That story is a great analogy of what happens in such Lemmy comments. Similarly with comments about landlords and CEOs.

            • @atx_aquarian@lemmy.world
              32 months ago

              And generations. Born in a certain year? You obviously have a certain attitude. We already know how you vote, how informed or ignorant you are on various topics, and how you spend your money. Just from the year you were born! Amazing, right?!

      • @CancerMancer@sh.itjust.works
        22 months ago

        Class is fundamentally different from race, culture, or some bullshit star signs, because it gives you outsized power and influence over the world around you. Combine that with the fact that people will generally act in ways that help them and the people important to them, and you can see how wealth can both corrupt people and warp the society they live in.

        It’s not hard to see how rich people are generally worse people: every time they pay someone less even when they could reasonably afford more, or raise rent beyond a modest profit, they are actively contributing to the problem.

      • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        The problem with all the rich people is the power they have compared to poorer people: it means the assholes amongst them can do way more harm than the assholes amongst poorer people.

        The problem with rich people who acquired most of their wealth (rather than inherit it) is that, given how modern society operates, they’re a group of people self-selected on personal characteristics like lack of empathy, manipulation, deceit and abnormally high greed (also some qualities such as drive, but those are self-rewarding and don’t really help others who come in contact with them).

        So having a negative posture when it comes to rich people by default is like avoiding a “bad neighbourhood” - it doesn’t mean you think everybody who lives there or goes there are bad people, it just means you think bad people are more commonly found there and can do whatever they want there with impunity.

        If (maybe even when) our societies were fairer, the default opinion and posture about rich people would be different.

        • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
          12 months ago

          Being biased against individual rich people is not like avoiding a bad neighborhood, it’s like crossing the street when you see a black person because black people are overrepresented in crime statistics, regardless of whether the latter is true.

          • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            The difference between our examples is the difference between refraining from action and activelly taking action, and you need to have closed your eyes in the 60s and have kept them closed really hard since then to trully believe that there is any kind of active action against the rich in present day society.

            In fact it doesn’t take much to find countless cases where the rich get priviledged treatment that others don’t get (lower taxes, priviledged outcomes in the Justice System, better outcomes for their children, the entire panoplia of life improving products and services which cost lots of money to mention just some of they ways in which they get better treatment), which curiously is the exact opposite of the spirit of the example you gave.

            If people were actually using Monsieur Guillot’s invention on people just because they’re rich, then you would’ve been entirelly right, but that’s almost exactly the opposite of what’s happenning in present day Western society were the rich even have average higher life expectation that all the rest.

            • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
              12 months ago

              I’m not saying the rich have it hard, only that generalizing every individual in a group of people because of how you perceive the group in general is backwards thinking; saying it’s okay to be wary of a rich person because you have a poor opinion of rich people, is equivalent to being wary of a black individual because you have a poor opinion of black people. This doesn’t mean they are equally disadvantaged groups.

              Unless you’re arguing that the only reason it’s bad to be racist against black people is because they are a traditionally disadvantaged group. Is that the case?

              • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                That’s why I made a very clear distinction in my original post about people who inherited their wealth and people who made themselves rich or richer, whilst you seem to be throwing those who make active choices to make or expand their wealth into the same pot as those who had such choices imposed on them.

                • Treating differently a person because of the color of their skin is racist discrimination because it’s treating them differently due to something they were born with and which is not a choice of theirs.
                • Treating a person who has made choices to become more wealthy differently is not discrimination because it’s treating them differently due to something they most definitelly did choose for themselves, so on their choices and actions not on things outside their control.

                (It’s strange that I’m having to fill-in the gaps of that over simplistic example of yours by actually pointing out the actual principles. “Black people examples” are not principles, they’re just ultra-simplified illustrations of much broader principles which are sadly overabused in neoliberal political discourse)

                As for people who were born in wealth, I agree that it would be unfair to treat them badly upfront just for what they were born with: one should treat them like everybody else and only judge them after seeing their choices and actions.

                Personally I try and not have biases against people who were simply born into wealth (and I have met a couple, so I’ve actually practiced it), but most definitelly will pass judgements on rich people’s choices.

                • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
                  2 months ago

                  So, is it okay to cross the street when you see a black person coming based on what they are wearing?

                  Although I have to laugh at my post being met with “over simplistic” when you’re whole point is “if you’ve made a lot of money, you have to be a bad person.”

    • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
      42 months ago

      There’s this joke about how dutch people will spend €5 in gas to drive to a place where they can get gratis (free) something that’s worth €2.

      It really is a generic cultural thing and expecting all to pay their share even if supidly small is not at all personal.

  • @Treczoks@lemmy.world
    172 months ago

    It is amazing how rich people deal with non-rich people. I managed to climb from poor to reasonable well off, but I cannot understand people who earn many times the money I get to be assholes over small money.

    Last week, I took a student that I want to “groom” to work in our development department to an electronics fair. Train, hotel, and ticket were paid for by the company, but the deal was that he has to pay for anything else by himself. Eating out and other expenses are still quite some money for a student, so I paid for his meals out of my own pocket and told him that one time in the future, when he will be the one guiding a student through the same situation, he should do as I did.

  • Flying Squid
    152 months ago

    I’m glad that’s never happened to me. They wouldn’t be my friend anymore.

    • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
      142 months ago

      The article talks about how this is not them being assholes, but because if they have more money then their peers, it tends to make them feel isolated and self-conscious and fears about being taken advantage of. They even quote the expert at the end who says “They don’t care about the $4.”

      You would ditch a friend for struggling with someone? I find that hard to believe.

      • Flying Squid
        82 months ago

        If they don’t care about my money, they shouldn’t ask for it. It’s just shitty behavior.

        • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
          122 months ago

          True, but people do things they shouldn’t do all the time because they are struggling. Like if your depressed friend flakes on hanging out, that’s “shitty behavior” too. Are they are bad person who you should ditch? Or a friend suffering that needs your support? In both cases, it seems to be the latter.

          • Flying Squid
            82 months ago

            If they need my support, they can ask for my support. They’re asking for money.

            If you can’t open up to me enough to say “I need your help,” I don’t think we were very good friends in the first place.

            • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
              42 months ago

              So, a depressed person who flakes on hanging out is a bad person you should ditch.

              You and I are very different with our friends.

              • Flying Squid
                82 months ago

                When did I say anything about hanging out? What are you talking about?

                • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
                  52 months ago

                  You answered the question indirectly. Or intentionally avoided it because you don’t want to admit some inconsistency. I figured the former, but maybe I was wrong. So which is it?

        • @whoreticulture
          42 months ago

          Poor people will just cover other people’s meals and stuff out of friendship and building community. You seem like a total ass

          • Flying Squid
            72 months ago

            You’re right. I do cover other people’s meals when I can afford to do so. But I don’t send someone $4 for no reason. You keep bringing up irrelevancies.

            And insults are not called for. I did not insult you once.

            • @whoreticulture
              22 months ago

              This is the first time I’ve engaged with you on this topic, idk what you’re talking about. “seems like an ass” is not an insult, please learn how to read or get thicker skin

              • Flying Squid
                72 months ago

                So you’re telling me that if you told a complete stranger “you seem like a total ass” when you could look them in the eye, they wouldn’t feel insulted? Really? Because I think it sounds like a good way to provoke a physical altercation.

              • @ickplant@lemmy.world
                42 months ago

                Insult (noun): an offensive remark or action.

                Are you saying calling someone an ass is not offensive? Have you fallen out of the dumb tree and hit every branch on the way down (that’s an insult, btw)?

    • @ReluctantMuskrat@lemmy.world
      22 months ago

      I was once very poor and now pretty well-off. I’m generally happy to try and pick up the bill when I go out with friends and family because I’m thankfully in a place in my life I can do that and I remember how thankful I was for the generosity of others early in my life. Unfortunately I’ve found some people get offended… that my picking up the bill is some power move to show I’m rich so I’ve become reluctant to do that unless I’ve explicitly invited them to dinner or whatever. I don’t want people to think I’m showing off and trying to make them feel inferior so if they’ve invited me or it’s an otherwise group event, I assume they’re paying their own way and didn’t come with the idea that someone else was paying for them. If somehow I’m the one whose credit card it ends up on because the place won’t split the bill, I’ll let people know how to Venmo me or whatever. It’s not because I’m worried about the money though.

    • @Pretzilla@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      This thread got literally too deep for me to follow so I hope it was worked out.

      Last I got out of it - it’s a cry for help in the form of a conversation starter. Very interesting take, thank you both for that.

      Also, money can be hard to talk about between friends.

  • @Kyrgizion@lemmy.world
    132 months ago

    I’m working poor and always have been. I never mind buying other people drinks or paying for their fares or whatnot, even if they make more money than I do. My philosophy is that I don’t make nearly enough money to ever become rich or even well off, so what would it matter that I turn every cent around fifteen times or not? If at the end of the day I’m happy, and at the end of the month I’m not starving, then I’m living.

    I’m suffering from enough shit already (chronic depression, adhd, etc) that complicating my life extra by tracking every red cent in order to deny myself and my family the last few pleasures making life worth living is not an option.

    Of course, with this kind of attitude it’s unlikely I’ll ever become rich, even if I find a high-income job, since I care little about “making it grow”. For all I know WW3 could break out tomorrow rendering EUR & USD near worthless. Then what does it matter how much you saved up?

  • @TheObviousSolution@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    As someone whose situation in life has flipped (not ever really that rich, just had family that was worse off) and has suffered it, I can confirm that:

    “They don’t want to be taken advantage of or to feel like, ‘I have money and that’s why people hang out with me,’” Bradley says. “It feels very invalidating.”

    Because it is true. The more money you have in a situation attracts the sort of people who just want the benefits of it, and if you are generous like my parents were, those sort of people will be the ones who will have no problem becoming stingy and refuse to help them out afterwards without a dollar sign. They’ve been trained to live off of you and they will still continue to expect to do so even as so far as to believe you are lying while they become the stingiest.

    What this article gets wrong is that it isn’t because they value money transactions more, it’s that they attract the sort of people who only value them for it. Plus, it also skews your own development as a person because if they come the norm in your surrounding, it fosters an environment of making you a mark.

    They do not have the same life experience as you, and you may very well be part of the problem is paying your fair share when you are with someone you consider wealthy (even when they tell you they are no longer doing that good or simply seems more bothered by it) offends you.

  • @IamSparticles@lemmy.zip
    102 months ago

    This isn’t any sort of real explanation of anything. It’s just someone’s opinion. They call her an “expert”. She’s a certified financial planner with no formal schooling or training. She passed a test and runs a company where she advises people who have suddenly come into a lot of money. That’s her only expertise. She has no background in psychology or any information beyond “it rings true” to back up her statements.

    • lobotomo
      122 months ago

      Grew up in a resort town known for its plethora of rich people.

      Rich people are near universally the cheapest group of people I’ve ever encountered.

  • @johannesvanderwhales@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I think the answer is simply “people who have more money pay more attention to their finances in general”. I mean, people who don’t pay attention to how they’re spending money tend to not stay rich, even when they have a high paying job. But then again, is there any actual evidence that the premise is true? Or is it just a bias that people take more notice when a rich friend asks to pay them back?

  • Dojan
    72 months ago

    It kind of makes sense, though. I grew up a povvo bitch, so if someone wanted to borrow money there were basically two outcomes

    A) We simply didn’t have the money to lend them
    B) We had the money and might as well help them out because we like the person and they’d do the same in turn; at the end of the day we’d still struggle, so a bit less doesn’t make a massive difference