Just wholesome Christian values!
Timmy got his first whiff of hooker taint that day. Smells like freedom, eh Timmy?
I’m sure the blonde on the left is his mom, and not the first time.
I’m pretty sure the mom is kneeling right next to dad. She’s short, but she has an adult face and blonde hair.
I feel bad for the children in this picture. Personally I think this is child abuse. Forcing politics / religion on children should be fucking illegal.
I feel bad for the children in this picture.
Absolutely. Me too.
Personally I think this is child abuse. Forcing politics / religion on children should be fucking illegal.
That’s hard though. The kids obviously have fun, it’s a game for them.
So what’s the abuse? Them giving the finger? Come on… Them unknowingly giving a (wrong?) political message? Yeah, we all know where that would lead to.
To me the real abuse was putting it on social media without obscuring the children.
The abuse is filling impressionable minds with lies and hate, when they are the most vulnerable. That shit will scar you for life.
Look, if you want to have ostentatious heteronormative sexuality in your own home, that’s fine, just keep it away from my kids.
I’m more of the mind that government intervention without clear child abuse is overreach but that’s just me.
If they made indoctrination illegal religion would disappear in two generations. So I support it.
From my experience growing up going to a Baptist church this is a Christians wet dream. You would think indoctrination or religion is illegal based on some sermons I’ve had to sit through.
Forty-seven states in the U.S. require the Pledge of Allegiance be recited in public schools.
Fflagk Biden?
FUSAK Biden.
At least a UK flag would make somewhat sense.
make sense
But then their target demographic wouldn’t be able to read it!
FUnitedStatesofAmericaK Biden?
FunionjackK Biden
Not that one, the University of Kentucky. Solid wildcat blue field with a prominent capital “UK” centered and overlapping.
Edit: like this guy:
Edit 2: I really hope none of them see this, I don’t want to accidentally help them
Oh! Look how happy those little girls are! Probably because they just learned that Stay-At-Home-Mom isn’t the only acceptable career for a woman.
deleted by creator
The flag stands for United Ctates, or UC for short.
So this is how democracy dies. Not with a bang or a whimper but with a celebration by idiots in ridiculous clothes.
The essence of accelerationism. “Pull the plug already gahyuck!”
For a moment I wasn’t sure if you were talking about the people in the picture or some of the users here.
Why are most of their palms facing outward?
I’ve never seen it done that way. It seems really uncomfortable and a bad way to to transition into a fistfight if shit’s about to go down.
I think they are pointing their fingers at “Biden” on the flag.
If that was the intentent, I get it. But if you’re going to flip the bird you should at least send it INTO the camera to enforce the message. This just feels stupid.
Gestures at people in picture
You are applying logic and intelligence to a situation that has none. No thoughts, just hate and fear. It’s sad.
I guess they are flipping themselves off for being so dumb?
It transitions more easily into the ol’ seig heil which they’re all just waiting until it’s more acceptable to do in public.
That’s a very dumb banner
Boy is flexing and checking out his own bicep.
I think he’s holding a mirror to make sure nothing unexpected happens behind him. Or something like that.
Praise be.
I wonder which one is the mom. Left or right?
Should be the lady right to the dads left with blond hair. How which one of the two he’s going to jerk off to later… yes?
I’m betting it’s both. There’s a lot of kids in this picture.
Sorry, what’s this have to do with Christian values? I don’t see the connection.
Assuming you are asking in good faith. The Christian/Evangelicals are the prominent group of people screaming about values and banning drag and other things they hate (LGBTQ, healthcare/abortion, immigration, voting, etc), while simultaneously being seemingly ok with stuff like this. It is quite blatantly hypocritical. It’s all projection and hypocrisy and bigotry.
It’s not the evangelicals alone, the party itself is using the argument “for the children” as a cudgel to beat the opposition with. They want to say they simply find trans people and anyone who does drag disgusting, but they have to use the children as an example of innocence being ruined by their opposition.
It’s just a political weapon, and as usual for Republicans it’s “rules for thee and none for me.”
Exactly! And if you go look up the statistics, even accounting for populations and all that you will find that it is RELIGIOUS LEADERS and FAMILY (uncles and cousins or parents I think) that commit most of the CSA. Not drag queens or trans people.
If they ACTUALLY cared about protecting kids they would be going after every church with full investigations and lawsuits galore. Instead they cover them up and brush them off with drivel like “Oh well he wasn’t a Christian then” despite the fact they probably were a pastor or youth leader and did it in the church building itself many times.
To dawg, I heard you like flags.
Fun With Flags is not what it used to be.
i really need a hip/leg bag like that. they look so cool and ar so useful!!
i already got one but its not entirely optimal and the part holding the lap strap ripped off :<
My roommate has one with two straps that go around the thigh, instead of one around the waist. She loves it.
i need that! hip is great but i need one thats just on the leg!
could u ask ur roommate which one they got? pws 🥺👉👈
I thought it was just Amazon but all I see there are ones like in the photo. I’ll ask her tomorrow!
Seems like the one in the picture also has 2 straps. I wondering how it holds in place for a moment.
Right, this one has a hip strap, like a belt, and a thigh strap. The one I’ve seen uses two thigh straps, so just two around the leg, instead of one around the waist.
My bad, I read your comment wrong. Lol
It’s all good!
I have a fanny pack/ bum bag that I use for surfing. Having an extra strap to hold it flat on my thigh would be super useful, but it has to be watertight.
Edit: for anyone confused, yes, those two terms refer to the same thing, we just call it a different thing depending on which side of the pond you’re on. As I understand it, fanny refers to something quite different in the UK.
I ❤️ fishnets. The texture is so satisfying.