I don’t necessarily mean adult as in NSFW.

I’d probably bring in my RG280V. It was my first handheld emulator. I had emulated games on my phone in the past and even used a Bluetooth controller but playing on it felt different. More real in a way.

I grew up with the Game Boy so the idea of having thousands of games on the go is pretty neat to me.

I’ve since moved on to the RG405M.

What about you? Do you have anything neat or special to you that you could talk about for a couple minutes?

Would love to see photos as well

  • @tias@discuss.tchncs.de
    1053 months ago

    My nVidia-branded plastic “sculpture” with a laser-etched 3D Eiffel tower and an actual pre-production GeForce 3 GPU embedded.

    In the early 2000s I worked for a small game studio and got the attention from Nvidia for how we used their graphics cards. They wanted us to adapt our game to their new secret GeForce 3 project which was the first programmable GPU (as in shaders).

    It was a crazy time with a lot of stories to tell. We got invited to the press conference for the new card, which was held in the Eiffel tower. Yeah, they actually rented the Eiffel tower.

    As a thank-you for the work we’d done their developer relations representative had these made for all of the external game developers involved.

  • CelloMike
    3 months ago

    Maybe my little DIY walnut cased ESP32 universal remote

    • Snot Flickerman
      3 months ago

      I can’t tell you how much joy I get at the crossroads between technology and woodworking. This is an excellent choice.

      • CelloMike
        83 months ago

        Thanks! Fraid not, it came together pretty ad hoc as I was building it.

        Essentially the process was breadboarding the major components to get them talking and sort out the software, then built the main board to hold everything in position, then built the box to fit around it all

    • @Dave@lemmy.nz
      103 months ago

      Better charge that thing!

      Is this universal remote in terms of IR to your TV, or more like connecting to Plex/Kodi/etc?

      • CelloMike
        113 months ago

        Yeah the battery management board is a bit flaky so keeping it charged is a pain! Yeah it’s just doing IR for the various living room devices, sound system, TV etc so I didn’t have to keep tabs on 4 different remotes

        • @Dave@lemmy.nz
          73 months ago

          Ah that’s really cool!

          Is it nice to use? For a bit I used a Kodi app on my phone but it gets annoying having to unlock your phone, open the app, then hit pause or whatever you’re wanting to do. I presume this is much nicer.

          • CelloMike
            3 months ago

            Its great to hold! Very chunky in the hand. Functionality wise I only gave it the on/off, volume and input selection from the media devices, and then it talks to another esp32 base unit that controls some lighting over WiFi, but as far as actually driving the media controls I shamefully just use the Google Chromecast controls, I’m not savvy enough to set up a FOSS alternative yet

    • @BertramDitore@lemmy.world
      33 months ago

      I LOVE this. I’m pretty sure I’ve tried every single media/pc remote available, and they all suck for one reason or another. Been thinking about building my own, and this is totally the direction I would go. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  • Platypus
    593 months ago

    This little bronze orc:

    It was a gift from my father, who in turn received it from its sculptor, Sterling Lanier. Lanier was a family friend and an editor at Chilton Books, where he insisted that a book he had read in Analog Magazine be published despite it having been turned down by a score of other publishing companies. The book was initially such a commercial failure that Lanier was ousted from Chilton–a grievous injustice, as the book in question is Frank Herbert’s Dune.

  • @FiniteBanjo@lemmy.today
    463 months ago

    I used to paint back in college but I haven’t touched the brush ever since. I just don’t have the drive for it I guess.

  • @inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world
    433 months ago

    So I’m trans. And what I would bring is the Christmas ortament I got from a friend after coming out that says “Name’s first Christmas”.

    • Snot Flickerman
      123 months ago

      That’s super sweet and special, love it as a show-and-tell.

      • @inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        You absolutely should! It’s funny because she was kinda nervous about the idea because she was worried that it might be insulting since I’m not like, a baby. But I laughed so hard when I opened the box, and it’s slayed everyone I’ve shown it too. 10/10, best gift ever.

        Specially because that was otherwise a pretty bleak Christmas, had no blood family or girlfriend anymore. But my best friend from high school became my new family, so it all worked out I think!

    • Jojo
      33 months ago

      My friends came and threw me an “It’s a girl!” party. Friends are great.

  • Salamander
    343 months ago

    If the timing is right, I would bring a mushroom grow bag with mushrooms sprouting.

    If not… probably my radiacode gamma spectrometer and some of my radioactive items. Maybe a clock with radium painted dials and a piece of trinitite. I think that there are many different points of discussion that can be of interest to a broad audience (radioactivity, spectroscopy, electronics, US labor law story of the radium girls, nuclear explosions, background radiation… etc). As a bonus I can bring a UV flash light and show the radium fluorescence. Adults love UV flash lights.

    • @sramder@lemmy.world
      143 months ago

      Reminds me of a prank that a physics professor pulled on us. He put the trinitie sample in a large/elaborate Giger counter and then slyly kicked it into test mode while recounting what Trinitite was. “Oh… wait, that’s not supposed to be radioactive…”

  • Dharma Curious
    333 months ago

    An amethyst crystal I found in my (gravel) driveway a full 4 years after moving in. It’s a good 8 inches/20cm long, and shaped like a tear drop. It’s amazing and I love it.

    • @Trail@lemmy.world
      113 months ago

      Nice, I love amethyst, I can’t imagine how great it would feel to have found one myself. Anywhere.

  • Soullioness
    323 months ago

    Probably my wheelchair. It’s a pretty nifty little chair that has quite a few unique features. Also I would need it to get there anyway. Otherwise maybe one of my drawings.

  • BoscoBear
    263 months ago

    Somethings ESP32 related. Meshtastic radios, a controller I am building to add some features to my car.

  • Truffle
    203 months ago

    I can think of three options:

    My crossbow. I am not a hunter but I thought it would be super cool to learn how to use one. SO got it as an anniversary gift for me.

    My horse hair embroidery sculpture things… I am not sure what to call them yet, but I like unusual art and these fit the bill.

    My succulent collection . I have many different kinds and love propagating them.

    Ps. I don’t know how to upload pics to lemmy. Everytime I try an error pops up.

    • @residentmarchant@lemmy.world
      103 months ago

      Any propagation tips? I’ve tried a few times and they just go so slowly!

      I mainly just pluck a petal off a healthy one and put it on top of moist dirt

      • Truffle
        133 months ago

        I am gladly going to share my most guarded secret regarding succulents, obligatory “I-am-not-in-the-usa” disclaimer. I live in a place near the tropics but with very cold winters.no snow though.

        Neglect is your friend. I forget to water mine all the time, if I find gnats or whatever on one just spray it lightly with rubbing alcohol or pinesol, etc.

        Specifically for propagating: Cut your petals/leaves clean off of the mother plant. I use my hands but you can use a pair of very clean scissors, then put them in an empty terracota pod no moisture and leave them be until they can “heal” the “wound”, sort of like scarring (spelling?) Then when you start seeing tiny little roots THEN place them on moist soil and proceed to ignore so they start doing their thing. My soil mix is 70 or 80% mineral material and the rest regular dirt. Hope this helps